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March 1, 2010

Full text of Super Bowl XLV economic impact report

12:00 PM Mon, Mar 01, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Here's the Marketing Information Masters report estimating how much economic impact next year's Super Bowl will have on North Texas.

These estimates will help the state decide how much sales tax revenue will be placed in a fund to help pay for the costs of staging the Super Bowl. The Major Events Trust Fund can be used for huge events, such as the Super Bowl and the recent NBA All-Star game at Cowboys Stadium.

Super Bowl XLV Economic Impact

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February 27, 2010

Cowtown keeps looking Super with its western heritage

7:51 PM Sat, Feb 27, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

In his State of the City address Thursday, Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief prominently mentioned Super Bowl XLV. Fort Worth has already been named the official AFC host city, and the Taste of the NFL will be held at the Fort Worth Convention Center.

Jeff Mosier attended the speech, and noted that Moncrief said that one down-home element is likely to be particularly effective in boosting Cowtown's profile. The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is scheduled for the same time.

"Where do you think those visitors will go looking for that true Texas experience?" he asked the crowd.

And Fort Worth certainly knows how to play up its cowboy heritage. Remember, this is the place that took longhorn cattle to Times Square in New York City in 2005 to promote the city.

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Tom Hicks and Super Bowl sponsorship

7:42 PM Sat, Feb 27, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Jeff Mosier also reports that the Texas Rangers baseball team has been on the books as a $1 million founding sponsor of the Super Bowl XLV host committee since last year. Now, it's just listed as a commitment from Tom Hicks.

Although Hicks announced the pending sale of the baseball team last month, Super Bowl host committee officials said they're still counting on the donation to help them reach their goal of 15 $1 million contributions. Bill Lively, host committee president and CEO, said the money could be donated by Hicks personally or through some of his other business interests.

"We have not burdened him with meetings until this whole thing is finished," Lively said.

Hicks Sports Group, which also owns the Dallas Stars, defaulted on $525 million in loans last year. Hicks has said that was a strategic default to force lenders to renegotiate the terms of the loans.

Lively said he's had no indication that Hicks has changed his mind about the $1 million sponsorship.

The decision to make it through the Rangers was symbolic though, Lively said. That would have meant that one of the $1 million sponsors would be based in Arlington, where the 2011 Super Bowl will be played.

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SLANT 45 heading toward ambitious Super Bowl Goal

7:23 PM Sat, Feb 27, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Jeff Mosier had several interesting notes in his column this week, including one about the Super Bowl host committee's goal of enrolling 20,000 children in a Super Bowl-related community service project.

A week after teams could start signing up, the SLANT 45 effort has 104 teams with more than 1,000 children. Tony Fay, a spokesman for the North Texas host committee, said members didn't know what to expect from the first week of enrollment. The program is unique to this Super Bowl.

"Twenty thousand kids in a year is an aggressive number, but we're off to a good start," he said.

SLANT 45, which stands for Service Learning Adventures in North Texas, is an effort to combine community service, education and art. Host committee officials hope to have children in grades three through five complete 45,000 hours of community service along with art projects. The best art will be displayed publicly.

Teams can also apply for funding of up to $50.

Fay said online enrollment at started only days ago, but host committee officials - including former Dallas Cowboys star Daryl Johnston - have been giving speeches, appearing on TV and promoting this effort for months.

There is no deadline for SLANT 45 enrollment. Fay said that teams will be able to sign up at least through Thanksgiving.

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Skeptics question economic impact of Super Bowl XLV

6:53 PM Sat, Feb 27, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Next year's Super Bowl in Arlington is projected to have a record economic impact of $611.7 million, according to a report commissioned by local organizers. But there will be questions raised as the Texas Comptroller's office finalizes its report about the game in the next couple of weeks.

The study was created by California-based Marketing Information Masters, which has done similar work on previous Super Bowls, nearly two dozen college bowl games and this month's NBA All-Star game at Cowboys Stadium. Spending attributed to that basketball game was estimated at $152 million.

Philip Porter, an economics professor at the University of South Florida in Tampa, said he was stunned by the more than $600 million estimate. He said extensive research of sale tax collections in Super Bowl host cities and regions has never shown that kind of boost.

"I'm blown away by this," he said. "The numbers get bigger and bigger and more absurd. They don't at all reflect anything that ever occurs."

Porter said little of the additional spending during a Super Bowl stays in the area. Most of it "leaks" out to corporate shareholders and executives elsewhere, he said.

This new report, made public this week, also breaks down where spending is expected to occur and shows Dallas as the biggest winner. The study estimates that more than $5 million in city tax would be generated here. That's more than the estimates for 12 other local cities combined, including Arlington and Fort Worth.

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February 26, 2010

Record number attends Super Bowl minority contracting workshop

2:24 PM Fri, Feb 26, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

More than 2,000 business people were at Cowboys Stadium Thursday trying to find out how to make money from scores of events leading up to next year's Super Bowl. It was the largest crowd ever for one of the NFL's Emerging Business workshops.

The league doesn't set goals for minority- and women-owned businesses, but encourages them to seek contracts. My business news colleague Sheryl Jean was in Arlington yesterday to cover the workshop. Here's her story about the event.

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February 20, 2010

Poll: How would you rate Cowboys Stadium as a bull riding arena?

11:50 PM Sat, Feb 20, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

February 18, 2010

Cowboys Stadium world's largest dirt arena on Saturday

1:40 PM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The world's top 24 bull riders are competing at Cowboys Stadium on Saturday night in the PBR's "Dickies Iron Cowboy Invitational." It's he first ever tournament-style bracket format in the sport's history.

On Thursday, Cowboys Stadium was dedicated as the largest dirt arena in the world -- it's just another Guinness World's Record for the stadium.

Tickets are priced from $20 to $150 for the event, which includes fireworks and a concert by country music star Gary Allen.

The format was created exclusively for Cowboys Stadium, and organizers say the 2010 Dickies Iron Cowboy Invitational will be the first true, head-to-head competition in the history of the PBR.

The event is also specifically designed for Cowboys Stadium which will make the physical appearance different from a typical PBR event. At the other regular season tour stops, there's only one set of bucking chutes at one end of the arena. At Cowboys Stadium, the field will be split into two arenas with four chutes in each corner.

Check back on the blog on Monday to give us your thoughts about Cowboys Stadium as a rodeo arena.

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February 17, 2010

New Super Bowl iPhone app

3:16 PM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

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The North Texas Super Bowl XLV Host Committee has been tech crazy with its embrace of social media, podcasts and streaming video. Now, they're tapping into the iPhone (as well as iPad and iPod touch) market.

The committee just released its official iPhone app this month. The freebie includes a countdown clock to the Arlington Super Bowl (354 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes, 9 seconds, just before I posted this). It also features a link to the Cowboys Stadium parking map, driving directions to the stadium, trivia, news releases, etc.

Give me your thoughts about the app if you've downloaded it. I just checked it out, and it seems to be hit and miss. Some features are only links to the host committee Web site rather than content customized for the iPhone.

I asked the DMN's tech writer and blogger Victor Godinez, and he agreed that one of the main purposes of apps is to provide people with information or entertainment that's designed to fit the iPhone screen. You can go to most Web sites on the iPhone browser, but you'll generally have to make the text larger and scroll side to side to see everything. A good app will keep you from needing to do that.

Some content on the host committee app (countdown clock and trivia) is designed specifically for the iPhone. Others (news, stadium, get involved) are only links to the host committee Web site and aren't usable without manipulating the screen.

So far, the app has a three (out of five) star rating after 44 people have weighed in. It was released Feb. 4. There was also an official app for the South Florida Super Bowl played earlier this month, but that one was $4.99 and also had a lot more features (essay from CSI: Miami star David Caruso, Super Bowl history, digital version of the game program and others).

The North Texas app was developed by Austin-based Bearded Pony, which has a quirky collection of software for the iPhone. Their other apps include a supermodel database, iDrunkDialer, countdown clock for the Texas-Oklahoma football game and iBug stealth recorder.

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Could Mavericks play some games in Cowboys Stadium?

11:41 AM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Eddie Sefko has the news today about Dallas Mavericks owner Make Cuban wondering if the Mavericks should play some games at Cowboys Stadium.

The idea is just in early stages, but it's obvious that the success of the NBA All-Star game got Cuban to thinking.

"If we can make the economics work, we'd look at having a regular-season or a playoff game over there," Cuban said. "We'd basically have to buy out the AAC date, as if it were an active date, and make sure all our partners [are on board].

"But there are a lot of strategic reasons, as well as economic reasons, to play a game over there. You can bring in twice as many fans, so economically it would probably work out. And it would be a unique attraction for people who wanted to come play for the Mavs."

Cuban told Sefko this idea is merely in the formative stage and he has not run it by Cowboys owner Jerry Jones or NBA commissioner David Stern.

Cuban said there would be no way he would play all games at Cowboys Stadium. But doing so occasionally intrigues him.

"You could do it as a fun game, for the spectacle," he said. "Instead of bobbleheads, have a Cowboys Stadium day."

So what do you think? Would a few games a year (and playoff games) at Cowboys Stadium be a good idea for the Mavericks?

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February 16, 2010

How college basketball helped the NBA All-Star game

5:36 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

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AX079_7C66_9.JPGThe NBA dished out plenty of praise for local officials who helped organize Sunday's All-Star game and the events leading up to it.

Surprising kudos go to the University of Texas and University of North Carolina basketball teams. The two colleges played in Cowboys Stadium in December and gave the NBA a good overview of the stadium as a basketball venue.

Ski Austin, a league executive vice president, said that game allowed them to open up more seating areas they thought initially would have obscured sight lines. The seating on the floor is a radically different configuration than for other sports.

The Cowboys used the NBA's proposed All-Star configuration - minus the entertainment stage - at the college game to give the league a better look.

Even with that, it was apparently tough for the NBA. They are accustomed to playing at venues that are built specifically for the sport and have hosted hundreds of games. Without that test, the NBA would have had to find a hole in the Cowboys' schedule and have a dry run before All-Star week arrived.

"As an event producer, that's not a lot to work with in terms of preparation," Austin said. "That was the biggest challenge, not having the multiple trips to come down and work out every detail, place every camera locations."

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February 15, 2010

Counterfeit item seizure also a 'trial run' for Super Bowl

4:35 PM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dianne Solis attended a news conference this afternoon by federal officials, who said almost $200,000 worth of counterfeit sports merchandise was seized over the weekend during the events surrounding the National Basketball Association's All-Star 2010 game in Dallas.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, working with four law enforcement departments, seized more than 4,000 jerseys, t-shirts, caps and other products peddled at the Dallas Convention Center, Cowboys Stadium, American Airlines Center and flea markets, said Nancy Kratzer, deputy Special Agent-in-Charge for ICE's Dallas regional office.

And much more could have been seized among the impromptu vendors, said Kratzer, standing before boxes marked "evidence."

Consider it law enforcement's dress rehearsal for the Super Bowl next year, she said.

"This was probably a dry run to see the trends, to see what we will see at the Super Bowl...We wanted to see what sort of manpower we need and what type of merchandise we'll see. We will be very prepared for the Super Bowl."

Many of the items were substandard with smudged lettering, or tags that featured what appeared to be holograms but lacked serial numbers that prove the items were genuine. Dirk Nowitzki's name was barely legible on one royal blue tee-shirt. And Chris Bosh's name looked smeared.

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All-Star game might come back to Dallas and Cowboys Stadium

2:46 PM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Jeff Mosier has a breaking scoop from the NBA following the huge All-Star weekend.

Ski Austin, an NBA executive vice president, told Jeff that the record crowd of 108,713 last night for the NBA All-Star game isn't necessarily a one-time feat.

The NBA has no interest in moving its All-Star game regularly to football stadiums, Austin said, but Arlington might be the exception. He described the game and week as a great success and the stadium as a unique venue.

"When you talk specifically about Cowboys Stadium, it's an intriguing idea," Austin said about holding future All-Star games there. "Things went so well for us, I think it has to be on the short list of cities and markets that we would put into a rotation."

The crowd at Sunday's game -- the largest crowd to ever see a basketball game -- was more than attendance at the six previous NBA All-Star games combined. Each of those were held in traditional basketball arenas.

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More from Cuban and Jones on All-Star weekend

1:11 PM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and Jerry Jones spent a lot of time talking last night about playing basketball at Cowboys Stadium and the world-record crowd it attracted. Here are some nuggets from the lovefest, compiled by reporters Brad Townsend and Brandon George.


Regarding what he and Jones said and thought when the idea of hosting the game came up three years ago: "Can we pull it off? We know what we can do, but can we really pull it off?"

"I think we did."

And what happened when they came together at halftime and were given the attendance figure? "We gave each other a big hug. Especially with the weather, we worried that maybe it would keep people from coming and [out of towners] from getting here. But everybody found a way and I think had a great time.

It was mentioned to Cuban that the NBA All-Star game will probably never be this big again. "Don't put it past us," Cuban said with a laugh.

"Could any other city and stadium break the record? "I don't think so. I don't know where else you could do this.

"It would have to be an indoors stadium that holds this many. Jerry deserves so much credit because it's one thing to put that many seats in an indoor stadium. But it's another thing to do it so that, with the Jumbotron and amenities, people can come and really enjoy themselves.

"It was a big occasion for North Texas and we came through with flying colors."

Any moment that was a highlight for you? When you walked out for the first time, you could just feel the energy. It was incredible. An All-Star Game with that much energy, I've never experienced it like that. It felt like the Finals, and that was incredible. Everybody in the crowd, their eyes were wide and they were having fun. We did it.


Was this a one-shot deal? "I don't want to be presumptuous. I really am out of my league here. But if this could be a great experience for the fans and good for television, if all those things could come to bear and are positive, then maybe we could look to the future."

Part of learning process for the Super Bowl? "I think there's similarities and obviously the handling of these numbers of people will really give us some perspective. We're close [in crowd size] to what we'll have for a Super Bowl."

"This says everything about why the scope of this building is important, where the size came from, just to handle what I refer to as the back of the house. Our ground level concourse, two trucks can pass each other underneath the stadium. That's unheard of as far as logistics."

"The facility was built for this kind of fan participation, these numbers."

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Record number of basketball fans were a well-behaved group

12:53 AM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  | 
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We just got the after-game report from Arlington police spokeswoman Tiara Ellis Richard, and it's pretty tame.

Here's her e-mail:

"There were no major incidents tonight. At Cowboys Stadium, traffic flowed pretty well inbound and outbound. The parking lots were cleared and the roads free of any major back-ups about 90 minutes after the game ended. There were four arrests at the stadium: 4 - public intoxication and 1 - misdemeanor warrant."

No word if there were any arrests or seizures of suspected counterfeit merchandise. I did see what looked like rogue t-shirt sellers north of Rangers ballpark on my way out, but there were only a couple who braved the 32-degree weather.

Here's the morning update from Dallas police, and it was pretty tame in Big D too:

Overnight, there were five people arrested for public intoxication who were in town for the NBA All-Star festivities. Four of these arrests were at various night clubs after the game and one was at Dallas Love Field Airport. One also was arrested for criminal trespass when he returned to a club that had asked him to leave.

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February 14, 2010

Players weigh in on Cowboys Stadium as a venue for basketball

11:18 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas native Chris Bosh of the Toronto Raptors said the were impressed with Cowboys Stadium as a basketball "gym."

"You know, I've never been in a gym this big," Nowitzki said. "It was amazing how many people came out to support us and see this game and be a part of history."

Bosh said, " I think it's great for the city of Dallas, to be able to showcase this big, great, grand arean -- well, stadium that they have. And to be able to have the biggest crowd ever, I think that speaks a lot to where the game has come."

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The official attendance is a Guinness World record -- 108,713

9:45 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  | 
Mede Nix/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Cowboys and Mavericks officials wanted to break 100,000 attendance tonight, and they did. Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Mavs owner Mark Cuban just took to center court at the end of the third quarter to make the announcement of 108,713. It's definitely a record for any basketball game every played and beats the largest crowd at any Cowboys game too.

The Cowboys' home opener against the Giants drew 105,121 -- the largest crowd in National Football League history.

"When this was on the drawing board, I didn't figure in Mark Cuban," Jerry Jones said. " What an honor for the Cowboys and what an honor for this stadium."

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Stephen Jones on more All-Star games and other events

9:04 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  | 
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Todd Archer on the Cowboys blog talked with Cowboys vice presidnet Stephen Jones, who says he hopes this year's All-Star game leads to another one -- and other big events.

NBA Commissioner David Stern said this week he doesn't foresee the game coming back to Dallas or a mega-stadium anytime soon, but maybe the lure of 100,000 people might be too strong.

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After the game is over

8:24 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  | 
Jeff Mosier/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

I'm sure there will be plenty of after-parties tonight, but much of the Cowboys Stadium staff won't get a chance to celebrate.

They'll immediately start breaking down the stage and temporary seating to make way for tons of dirt. The Cowboys need to have all remnants of the All-Star game gone by Wednesday so they can start preping for a bull-riding event.

I could image Gretchen Wilson, who sang the national anthem tonight, appearing again at that event. Usher? I'm not as sure.

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Cowboys Stadium crowded, but not like last time

7:56 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  | 
Theodore Kim/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

For what it's worth, I just took a spin around Cowboys Stadium -- from the lower level seats to the nosebleeds. Certainly, it's crowded at the concessions and in the stand-room only areas.

But it is not nearly as crowded as during that first Cowboys-Giants game in September, when 105,000 people crammed into the facility. (Some 30,000 standing room seats were sold for the Cowboys-Giants game, versus some 15,000 this time, according to the latest estimates.)

Still, a few standing-room only fans are grousing about the limited views. For these folks, catching a glimpse of play is harder given that the court is much smaller than the football field. As such, a number of folks have resigned themselves to watching the game and festivities on the big screen. (Granted, most standing room only fans paid but a fraction for their tickets than fans with seats.)

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