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Cowboys running back Tashard Choice is a second-year player out of Georgia Tech. He will provide regular blog updates throughout the 2009 season.

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October 20, 2009

What do we have here...

8:29 PM Tue, Oct 20, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

Another week... a big week where I had a chance to relax and get away from football for a weekend.

We had a hard week of practice going into our bye week and Coach Phillips really emphasized that we had a lot of work to do as a football unit. I think that was really good because a lot of our players stayed really focused thru the bye week and we prepared really hard and I think that is something we needed as a football team.

Coming out of the bye week we now have the Atlanta Falcons, my home town, so I know I will have a lot of people watching at the house and a lot of my family and friends coming out to the football game as well so it's going to be really important that we play well as a football team.

We are going to face a really good 4-1 Atlanta Falcons team and it's going to be a big task for us so it is time for us to make our push and show who we are as a unit and I really think we have a good football team.

It is good to have players back like Felix and a lot of guys that are healthier so we can make our push to get where we want to be at the end of the season.

Most importantly I am happy because I had two really good weeks and a good game against the Chiefs so I want to make sure I come back out and continue to do well for the football team and myself so I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I gave everything I got.

My main thing now as a leader or as a person that is outspoken is to make sure I keep our team focused and let them know we have a big task on our hands this week and a there is a lot of work to do to finish out the season strongly and I feel we will do that.

If you get a chance please come out to the House of Blues on Monday nights where I and Jay Ratliff do the Inside the Huddle show. There are a lot of people that show up and we have a lot of fun as we talk about football as well as things that don't necessarily deal with football so you will get to know us as people outside the uniform.

I really want to say thank you to everybody who is my fans and thanks for all of the comments I really appreciate that and as for me all I am going to do is continue to do what I do and that would be to ball till I fall.


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October 16, 2009

Tashard Choice Sounds of the Game

11:47 PM Fri, Oct 16, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

I was mic'd up this past sunday and wanted to shared with my fans

Much Love,

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October 12, 2009


4:40 PM Mon, Oct 12, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

First of all I want to commend all of my teammates for finding a way to win the football game especially since we have lost 2 football games in the last minute of the game and finally we pulled one off.. It was ugly but a win is a win and that is something we can build on and learn how to win in certain situations and that we can make plays in certain downs.

On a personal level I'm happy that I had a chance this week. I didn't fell like I played well in the last game against Denver so I blame myself for that loss because I take it as my responsibility to see how I played before I talk about anyone else or say anything else.

I came out this week and wanted to capitalize on the opportunities given me to run the football. I wanted to capitalize on them man...

The offensive line, Deon, my receivers, and everybody did a great job at getting me lanes. My coaches are giving me a chance to run the ball so whatever opportunities I get I make the most of them and I had a chance to affect the football game and be a part of that victory... that was lovely...

To speak on Miles Austin for a moment, the type of football game he has was amazing.. For somebody to come in and have the opportunity to be the starter like that. Miles did what he had to do to get the W and to help the team and my hat goes off to my man Miles Austin and our whole football team.

The Defense did a real good job of keeping us in the game especially when we had a lot of turnovers in the beginning.

We are going back to square 1 and make sure this week that we correct all of the mistakes we made because we will not win to many games if we keep performing like that offensively. We will get it back and get it on track and keep this thing going after the bye week.

We are going to relax during this bye week and get everybody healthy so we can come back really enthusiastically and excited about what we have in front of us the rest of the season

All you Cowboys fans, the ones who BLEED BLUE and all my fans personally I just want to tell you that I really appreciate all of your support more than anything, it goes a without saying, it goes long way... thank you for everything


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September 23, 2009

Comment area limited temporarily

2:51 PM Wed, Sep 23, 2009 |
Todd Davis/Editor   E-mail   News tips

For the moment, a technical glitch forces us to approve comments as they come in rather than accept comments automatically. We apologize for the disruption and hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

Update: All comment glitches have been resolved.

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September 19, 2009

Home Opening Weekend

6:29 PM Sat, Sep 19, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

It is a HUGE weekend here in Dallas and we are all very excited and ready to play the Giants in front of a huge home crowd in our brand new stadium.

I am also excited to host my first episode of INSIDE THE HUDDLE on Monday night at House of Blues in downtown.

I am going to be bringing Marion Barber as my guest and everyone is invited so just come down to the House of Blues at 6:30 and the show will tape from 7-8 and there will be a Monday night football watching party after the show.

Come out and see me on Monday night and tune in here early next week for my next update


September 16, 2009

Feeding of of the fan support at home

9:09 PM Wed, Sep 16, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

Hey people this is Tashard Choice bringing you my blog for week #2

We had a good week number #1 where we came out as a team on all sides of the ball. We struggled a little bit at the beginning both offensively and on the defensive side of the ball but we picked it up and had a hard fought victory.

We played a good Tampa Bay and I was a little upset at myself on the first run I got of the game. I should have made that guy miss and had a big run but i was more excited and please at how coach got me in there and had me be involved in the game early on.

More importantly i was excited about how we played as a unit on the offensive side of the ball and on special teams. It is great to see Marion run and have a good game and Felix run and have some big plays. Man its just great because we all feed off each other especially in the backfield.

The guys up front, Colombo to Flo to Dre to Kosier to you know all those guys man them guys, work their tail off its just amazing to see how we all love and work together and its just a testament to those guys.. big Leonard man..its just great man.

The tight ends and receivers made big plays Roy, Patrick and Miles had big plays to help us on the offensive side of the ball.. Tony looked real good but more importantly he secured the football and did well with the football.. he had good ball security.. he led us to a big victory in week 1 so now we know what to expect this week..

It is a big game for week #2 and our first game at home being in the big stadium and it is going to be really important that we come out and feed off the crowd and have the fans support us.

We will all be high off emotion but make sure we get back to the basics of execution and doing the little things that put ourselves in a good opportunity to win at the end. We just want to make sure we do that as a team this week because this Giants team is really good especially on the defensive side of the ball.

They have Osi and now they got Chris Canty and their front seven is probably going to be one of the best we face all year so we gotta be ready and prepared and be ready for the tasks and challenge at hand.

We will be ready to go man we got a few wrinkles in our offense.. I know you saw me at quarterback so its going to be hilarious and more importantly it is going to be fun to get in there and get big plays to help our team win because we gotta do anything possible to get a W.

Thanks for checking out my blog and thanks to all my fans out there I got nothing but love for you


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September 12, 2009

Big Weekend In Tampa

9:45 PM Sat, Sep 12, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

It is a big weekend in Tampa and all focus is on game preparation but wanted to be sure you all new I am doing a television show called "Inside the Huddle" this season that will be on TXA-21 on Sunday mornings at 11:30.

Me and Jay Ratliff will take turns hosting the show each week that is filmed live at House of Blues on Monday nights at 7pm.

If you want you can come out to the House of Blues and watch us film the show. We will have another Cowboys teammate on with us each week and after the filming of the show the House of Blues is having a big Monday night football watching party.

The first show is this Monday and both me and Jay will be on the show this week to kick it off right.

I will probably post again here on Monday after the Tampa game so keep coming back..

Holla at your boy...


September 7, 2009

I'm ready for year two and to prove it all over again

6:49 PM Mon, Sep 07, 2009 |
Tashard Choice   E-mail   News tips

Well looks like another year... It has been a long, long off season, especially I guess the way we ended last year made it even longer so now we have a little chip on our shoulder so we are back at it.

We have been back in Dallas after a good long training camp in San Antonio and everybody is really focused. Its always a tough, its really tough man, when you see a lot of people that have been through training camp with you not with you anymore after they cut the roster down but in spite of all that you got to come to work and be ready to perform day in and day out and that is the biggest thing we are dealing with right now just making sure we prepare.

Everybody is excited man and we are excited about this week, were excited about this season and we just got to have a will and a want to get to where we want to be in the end... It's gonna be fun... It's a lot of excitement man, a lot of the guys are ready to go and I think that's what the main thing we are preparing for.

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August 19, 2009

Tashard Choice coming soon

10:55 AM Wed, Aug 19, 2009 |
Barry Vigoda   E-mail   News tips

Dallas Cowboys running back Tashard Choice is the new Cowboys Insider for dallasnews.com. His posts will begin soon.

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June 30, 2009

What Marty B might be going through

11:15 AM Tue, Jun 30, 2009 |
Todd Davis/Editor   E-mail   News tips

Since we haven't had an update in a while, here' s what Martellus Bennett's horoscope says might be going on in his world on June 30, thanks to horoscope.com

"Travel may be in your stars; tie up loose ends so you are ready to go if the chance for travel comes your way. Both romance and finance are lukewarm on the home front so there is nothing to hold you here except your own fears and attachments. It may be time to go."

Maybe "travel" is referring to heading to training camp, which opens on July 28 in San Antonio.

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June 17, 2009

The Marty B TV tour of JerryWorld

9:27 AM Wed, Jun 17, 2009 |
Scott Noll   E-mail   News tips

The Cowboys toured their new billion-plus-dollar palace yesterday. Here's the tour through the eyes on a certain crazy tight end.

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May 7, 2009

Hops ...

11:46 PM Thu, May 07, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

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I found them....

10:34 PM Thu, May 07, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Sooooooo everyone has been asking me where i've been... I've been
enjoying chicken and practicing really hard working on my craft, and
doing everything it takes to be grrrrreeeeaaaaattttt. (Tony The Tiger
Voice). Lmao. I also went on a vacation! Where you ask? You wouldn't
believe me if I told you but I am going to tell you anyways. So I was
just chilling at the crib and i was thinking mann i need to get away,
so i logged onto travelocity.com which is a awesome website by the way
although i think its cheaper to go straight thru the airline website
or orbitz.com. However back to my story, whenever I get in these modes
i just pick a random place I don't care what airline or destination.
So I'm searching and searching and I stumbled upon a airline I never
heard of called TakeUThere Airlines. All flights were only 80 dollars
and 80 cents random but cheap so I wasn't tripping. I began to pack my
bag the items i included were my monkeys feet, the responses yall
leave on my blog so that i can have a good laugh during the flight, a
freebirds burrito, a kangaroo pouch to keep everything in, twitter
because i love it, a lighter, butter knife, a spork (saved a lot of
room i didn't have to pack a spoon and fork), a Harry Potter invisible
cloak, a calling card, bag of twizzlers, a lavender pillow case, a #2
pencil and a bunch of clothes gotta be fresh. Oh and some charmin
tissue and crest toothpaste. I googled the airline address and headed
that way. When I arrived at the runway there was a guy with jordan
jumpsuit and captains hat on. He was the pilot it appeared that I was
the only passenger which means more leg space, the worse thing on the
plane is to be stuck between two fat people in a regular row. So i
boarded the plane set back as we took off I started reading the
comments on my past blog and fell asleep laughing and mainly
MoneyShots lmao he was tripping. I woke up landing on water which was
pretty cool. We were in front of a beautiful island full with
greenary. We took a raft to the shore, i immediately saw huge foot
prints on the beach kinda freaked me out. And thats when I saw it the
T-Rex running wild, I screamed like a person getting called down on
the price is right, I began to run like i was running a vertical route
for he game winner in the super bowl. I hid in the shrubs and pulled
out my Harry Potter invisible cloak, i was safe. I got up and tiptoed
outta the shrubs and into the woods and thats when i saw them. The
Dinosaurs!! I discovered em all by myself, since i was invisible i
decided to walk closer. I used my #2 pencil to carve my initials into
the back of a Saurornithoides it slapped me with his tail so i slapped
it back Ike Turner style and it took off running. Made me giggle lol
even dinosaurs are scared of me and here i am thinking its only DEs
LBs and Safetys I have that affect on. lmao jk.... Feeling Powerful I
decided to chase a Rebbachisaurus it was fun because it couldn't see
me until a Kentrosaurus stepped on the end of my cloak and pulled it
off me. Then i thought to myself I'm the only black person on the
island this couldn't be good. I started running like MB in the fourth
quarter stiff arming a Brachiosaurus and running over a
Therizinosaurus then sprinted to the plane yelling at the pilot to
start it. He did I made it in time t me with memories and my life I
saw i conquered i discovered the dinosaurs. Again! They are still
alive on this planet... Next up is the Lochness Monster and Lepruchans
( someone please check spelling) shoot check spelling and grammar of
the whole thing lmao.. If you wanna see the dinosaurs holla at me...

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April 22, 2009

Just got 3 more answers.

1:45 PM Wed, Apr 22, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Just got 3 more answers.

LOL because it's in the encyclopedia

Because it's the cheapest meat to buy

Answer of the day because it tastes good!

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

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Why do black people love chicken?

1:36 PM Wed, Apr 22, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Why do black people love chicken?

Why do black people love chicken is a question my white friends ask me
constantly. Honestly I don't know the answer to the question besides
the fact that fried chicken is delicious. To find out more of what may
be the reason black people love chicken I did a survey. And in return
to my friends my question to them is why don't black people come in
the picture frames? You know what I mean the stock photos are always
happy white families but I never see black families. Maybe that will
change now that Obama is in office that's a great looking black
family, they are always happy and they jus recently added to the
family with a cute dog. That would would be a great stock photo. But
here are some of the answers to my survey! I asked numerous people.

1) everybody likes chicken not just black people.

2) because it's greasey and black people use grease (LOL)

3) because back in the day that was all they were able to eat.
Everyone else would eat beef and not chicken

4) I don't know fool. Haha.

5) because it's in our DNA (really)

6) because it's let's fattening then red meat

7) because you can cook it with anything

8) it makes us run faster and jump higher

9) during slave times chicken was considered dirty so they fed it to
the slaves.

10) the media makes people believe chicken is all black people eat.
I'm black and I don't like chicken. (hahaha yea right)

11) my answer: everybody loves chicken despite race sex gender chicken
is scrumptious and everyone enjoys it. If you haven't had chicken go
get some.

With all that being said I am about to go get me a spicy ten piece
with fo (four) biscuits and a large red beans from popeyes. I don't
need a drink because I have purple koolaid at home.

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

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April 12, 2009

Scary Movie.......

6:11 PM Sun, Apr 12, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Who knows the rules for a scary movie type incident? Just incase you
don’t here are some rules for you so that you can be prepared for the

1) If the killer is in the house do not run upstairs! Why not you ask.
Lol. Well there’s numerous reason not to but the main reason is
because there is no way out. Meaning you would have to jump from a
window of the upper level risking a chance of injury, which would
prevent you from getting away. If you stay on the first level there
are plenty of doors you can get out of and make a break for it.
2) Get a car with an automatic door opener on your keychain maybe even
an automatic car starter. Why? Tell me how many times have you been
watching a scary movie and the victim gets to their car and drops the
keys? If they just press the unlock button it will be open already and
you can just hop in and go.
3) Women do not wear heels! Obviously you can’t run in heels therefore
would get caught by the bad guy, which would suck for you.
4) Unless you are a janitor you should not have 50 keys on your
keychain. Try to limit the amount of keys you put on your keychain.
That way if you want to get in a door you don’t have to fumble threw a
ton of keys while the killer is closing in on you.
5) Pick your knees up when running from the killer! You have to do
this so that you don’t trip and fall while being chased.
6) Pace yourself! I’ve never seen a killer run after anyone they only
power walk which is what my grandma does so they should never catch
7) Don’t ever go back to help a friend that’s getting killed because
its already to late for them. Unless you have a plan and a gun.
8) Never participate in anything intimate when there is a killer on the hunt..
9) Don’t be the only black person in the neighborhood. Everybody knows
the black person gets killed first.

These are my survival rules for you if you ever end up in a scary
movie situation in real life.

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April 9, 2009

Do I have any crushes?

3:52 PM Thu, Apr 09, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

2008 MTV Video Music Awards Arrivals.JPGSomeone asked me if I ever had a crush on someone before. In return I
told em yes here's my list in no particular order. They are all hot.

Keri Hilson (photo)
Zoe Saldana
Eva Mendes
Keyshia Cole
Laura London
Vanessa Simmons
Taraji P. Henson
Kelly Rowland
Solange (I like her swag)

I guess that's it for now LOL. If I think of anyone else I will put it
up haha.

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

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April 7, 2009


11:47 AM Tue, Apr 07, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips


Workouts have been going great thus far. The team is looking awesome
everyone is working hard running fast and jumping high. Speaking of
jumping high check Roy out on YouTube getting dunked on. Hahahaha. It
happened this weekend in Michael Huffs charity basketball game in
Austin. Search Roy gets posterized! Huff put together a great weekend
even if it was in longhorn nation. I was MVP LOL I had like 30 points.
I still got it. Anyways Witten and I are working on becoming the best
TE tandem possible and that is going well. Be on the look out for
Beans and Rice lmao. I'm beans and he's rice. Has nothing to do with
us personally but it does sound good hahaha.

Stay Tuned

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

Wow Really!!

9:19 AM Tue, Apr 07, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Man what do you do if your chic farts?It doesn't seem as if women
should fart. I was walking in the grocery store in the chips and dips
aisle. This lady was walking in front of me pushing her cart she
stopped to pick up some pringles and let one rip. Sounded like a growl
and and a motor but smelt like a dead carcus. OMG! Now I knew it
wasn't me LOL and we were the only two people on the aisle. She just
smiled and kept walking like nothing happened the smell followed her.
I swear I could see it like smoke out of a train just nasty.
My boy told me he was kissing a girl and she gave him a silent killer.
This is definitely a mood killer. Do you continue to kiss her? This is
a WWMBD moment (What Would Marty B Do). I would of definitely stop
kissing her LOL and asked her if she was ok. But this is what he did
he started sniffing the air and asked her if she smelled what he
smelled. She said naw I don't smell anything, and kept it moving. He
asked her again you sure you don't smell anything and she said yes
hunny I'm sure. Then she asked what it was he smelled he started
laughing and said oh nothing.
I guess women have to let go at times too but it just doesn't seem
right, but if they do then it shouldn't smell or make a sound. I mean
come on if you were on a date with Angelina Jolie a lunch date eating
spaghetti and pancakes or whatever it is people eat in Hollywood and
as she's feeding you she farts. Do you let her slide because of her
beauty or call her out?

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

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April 3, 2009

Check out my song!!

3:30 PM Fri, Apr 03, 2009 |
Martellus Bennett   E-mail   News tips

Hey Everybody!! Hope all is well check out this song me and my homie
Dessie did
and tell me what y'all think. Oh it's not the one I got
fined for although I do have that audio. Here ya go!

Never stop chasing your dreams.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Marty B

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