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Cal Thomas: GOP needs to revive America’s principles
When Republicans regain a majority in the House and Senate — either this fall, as seems increasingly likely, or in the election following — they must learn from their previous mistakes when they last held power.


Donna Fielder: Picking out the wrongs
“Reinventing the vacuum cleaner has been an obsession of mine for the past 17 years,” said the pleasant-faced man on TV. I roused from my chocolate-induced stupor and sat up straighter in my easy chair. “Now that’s just wrong,” I told Kiefer, who growled at me for interrupting his nap.


Ann Coulter: Health summit a trick
Inasmuch as Obamacare has a snowball’s chance in hell of passing (but did you see how much snow they got in hell last week?), everyone wonders what President Obama was up to by calling Republicans to a televised Reykjavik summit this week to discuss socializing health care. At least they served beer at the last White House summit this stupid and pointless.

Susan Estrich: Family dog shows that true love never dies
When I was growing up, we never had a dog. My mother told us we would be too sad when it died. She was not one for that “better to have loved and lost” business. Loss, to be spared at all cost, could at least be avoided on the pet front by not having one.

Kathleen Parker: RINO hunt trophy now Scott Brown
WASHINGTON — The RINO hunt is back on and the coveted trophy is Scott Brown. Inevitably and predictably, the new senator from Massachusetts has disappointed his base by, alas, representing his constituents.


Cal Thomas: Choice of Hussain unsettling
President Obama’s appointment of Rashad Hussain, his deputy associate counsel, as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations, charged with safeguarding and protecting “the interests of the Muslim world,” should be of serious concern to Congress and the American public.


Donna Fielder: Critter goes for spin on gentle cycle
He looked at me. I looked at him. I screamed and he looked like he wanted to. Instantly, I knew and he knew this encounter could have no good end. And it didn’t.


Ann Coulter: Liberals wrong again
The only man causing President Obama more headaches than Joe Biden these days is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who, coincidentally, was right after Biden on Obama’s short-list for V.P.). Despite Obama’s personal magnetism, the Iranian president persists in moving like gangbusters to build nuclear weapons, leading to Ahmadinejad’s announcement last week that Iran is now a “nuclear state.”

Susan Estrich: What went wrong for Democrats?
Something has gone very wrong. Was it just a year ago that Democrats assumed more control in Washington than the party has had in my lifetime? It was. Was it just a year ago that President Obama promised a new era of change, bipartisanship and transparency? It was.

Kathleen Parker: U.S. moral colonialism grows ugly
WASHINGTON — In a time of constant calamity and crisis fatigue, proposed legislation in Uganda to execute gays passes through the American consciousness with the impact of a weather report.


Walter Williams: Teachers aid destruction of blacks’ opportunity
“Do you mean he is taller than me am?” sarcastically barked Dr. Martin Rosenberg, my high school English teacher, to one of the students in our class. The student actually said, “He is taller than me,” but Rosenberg was ridiculing the student’s grammar.


Susan Estrich: May health care plague fall on both their houses
My friend Ethel is mad as hell, but she has no choice but to keep taking it. She’s mad at her health insurance company, and she’s mad at the administration and Congress. She’s equally mad at Democrats and Republicans. It’s not partisan; it’s personal.


Leonard Pitts: Do country a big favor, Palin: Seek presidency
Dear Sarah Palin: I hear you’re pondering a run for the White House in 2012. Last week, you told Fox News it would be “absurd” to rule it out.


Cal Thomas: Stage being prepared for GOP to take charge
At first it seemed like a great idea. President Obama, fresh from good reviews for his appearance at the House Republican retreat two weeks ago, invited Republican leaders to Blair House in Washington for negotiations on a health insurance reform bill.


Donna Fielder: White stuff activates crazy gene in Texans
Breaking news: It snowed a lot on Thursday. Apparently there is an element in snow that makes Texans, especially weathermanics, crazy. The cold white stuff messes with our heads, causing irresistible urges in grownups to create snowmen, engage in snowball fights and cut doughnuts in parking lots.


Ann Coulter: Just punish the guilty
The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are bristling with the news that Republicans have decided now is the time to suck up to Wall Street. As the saying goes, there is no truer friend than a Wall Street arbitrageur — they are the salt-of-the-earth, the most loyal men who ever drew a breath!

Susan Estrich: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy cruel, outmoded
I don’t get it. Since 1993, more than 13,000 soldiers have been discharged from the military under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Countless others are effectively denied access to mental health and other services because they can’t tell.

Other voices: Time to repopulate someone’s vocabulary

Kathleen Parker: Men at best when called into action
WASHINGTON — Much time and many volumes have been devoted to Freud’s famous question — What do women want? — with little commensurate attention to the male counterpart. What do men want?


Walter Williams: U.S. racial diversity difficult to put in box
It’s not at all uncommon to watch a college basketball game and see that 90 percent to 100 percent of the players are black.

Other Voices


Richard Reeves: Fading white majority voices fears, frustration
LOS ANGELES — My favorite “tea party” guy is Merle Firestone from Rainbow, Miss., who left home at 4 a.m. last Saturday morning to drive to Nashville. He left a note on the coffeepot for his wife saying he wanted to hear Sarah Palin at the “National Convention” of the “Tea Party.”


Leonard Pitts: Blacks fight for ideals that exclude them in U.S.
It is the enduring paradox of our centuries here. It is the paradox that stood its ground at Bunker Hill, paradox that made a doomed charge on Fort Wagner, paradox that stormed San Juan Hill, advanced through the Meuse-Argonne, landed on Iwo Jima, liberated Seoul and was taken prisoner in Hanoi.

Other Voices


Cal Thomas: Super Bowl spot bears a priceless message
In the midst of the usual glut of Super Bowl commercials with messages about beer, cars and women with impossible bosoms, on Sunday there was one 30-second message that has some people upset, even angry.


Donna Fielder: Reflection calls forth ghosts of diets past
OK, you knew it was coming, and you were right. I have been in diet denial since New Year’s Day, ignoring the pain of tight zipper distress syndrome and soaping over all the mirrors in the house. But I happened to spot my reflection in the front window of Denton County Hamburger Co. the other day on my way out with my friends Lanette and Hickory Burger (OK, my little French fry buddies were in there too) and after I finished screaming, I came to the realization that it was diet time again. Time to get to reacquainted with the gym. Time to force my mouth to form the words “chopped salad” instead of “green tomato double bacon burger” at Rooster’s. It’s cryin’ time again.


Ann Coulter: Matthews, Olbermann now openly fighting over Obama
In a “Special Report” on the president’s question-and-answer session with Republicans last Friday, MSNBC’s jock-sniffers Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow produced a museum-quality show:

Susan Estrich: George Burns was right about diversity
Diversity is not just a nice thing. It isn’t just about fairness or equal opportunity. Diversity is good business, essential business, especially for companies that market to women — or are covered by them. If you have any doubt, consider the iPad.

Other voices: Time to burst Beijing’s bubble
In its first year, the Obama administration went out of its way to cater to China’s communist leadership. It publicly put human rights concerns on a back burner, delayed a presidential meeting with the Dalai Lama and did not press Beijing hard about its currency manipulation. Now it appears that effort produced the opposite of the intended effect. Rather than respond with its own gestures of cooperation, Beijing is pressing hard for more American concessions. Bursting with hubris about its emergence as a global power, it is testing to see how far a new and inexperienced U.S. president can be pushed.

Kathleen Parker: Mourning a dearth of enigma
WASHINGTON — My favorite thing about J.D. Salinger wasn’t his seminal work — or his most famous character, Holden Caulfield — but how little I knew of him, thanks to his relentless pursuit of privacy.

Other Voices


Walter Williams: Global warming hoax is no joke
John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, in an hour-long television documentary titled “Global Warming: The Other Side,” presents evidence that our National Climatic Data Center has been manipulating weather data just as the now disgraced and under investigation British University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit.

Other Voices


Richard Reeves: Obama needs to do what’s necessary
LOS ANGELES — First the news: Barack Obama is a hell of a speaker. His first State of the Union message will not change history, but it was a skillful balancing act between the winds of change he wants to ride and the sour and contradictory winds of discontent blowing across the United States.


Leonard Pitts: Breeding contempt for the poor
If he’d said it of Jews, he would still be apologizing. If he’d said it of blacks, he’d be on BET, begging absolution. he’d said it of women, the National Organization for Women would have his carcass turning slowly on a spit over an open flame.

Other Voices


Cal Thomas: High Court should grant ‘personhood’ to fetuses
Among the interesting arguments in the recent 5-4 Supreme Court decision granting corporations First Amendment protections when making campaign contributions was the majority’s decision to effectively treat corporations as persons.

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