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Bright Lights: Residents thanked for volunteer service

01:11 AM CST on Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bob and Patsy Hagemann of Argyle contacted us recently to thank Leon and Irene Tribble of Denton for the time and effort that they give to others in this community and all over the state.

Leon Tribble is retired from the military, Patsy Hagemann said, and the couple spends hours greeting the troops. They often take those who would not otherwise be able to participate along on the trips. Leon Tribble is also a member of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, an all-volunteer group, Patsy Hagemann said.

During the spring and summer, the Tribbles spend many hours at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth, and they volunteer to aid and instruct military family members before deployments and when troops are returning, Patsy Hagemann said.

The Tribbles also work in a special program to help prepare children for a parent’s deployment, she said.

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