Wherein I Give My iPhone a Bath

So I’m messing with the Polaris yesterday after soccer practice when the thing pulls me into the pool. Naturally I had my wallet, iPhone and some important business cards in my pockets. The screen goes all crazy and I think I’m boned. I checked on some sites on how to save a wet iPhone, and they suggested putting it in a sealed container with rice for 24 to 48 hours. OK, I can do that.

Wife gets home half an hour later and she sees me with the phone, a container, and a cup of Uncle Ben’s in the pot, boiling away. Asks why. Light goes off. Points out I’m lucky most of my shoes are the slip on kind.


One Response to “Wherein I Give My iPhone a Bath”

  1. Mark on September 24th, 2008 3:06 pm

    I’ve heard that you should stick wet cell phones, etc. in a container full of rubbing alcohol. I understand the alcohol displaces the water in the device and evaporates quickly.

    Never tried it, though.

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