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Denton Record-Chronicle:
Anniversary announcement

Anniversaries are paid announcements that appear each Sunday in the Denton Record-Chronicle. Charges are determined on the length of your announcement. Please complete the form below and an advertising representative will be in touch with you by phone or e-mail regarding your payment. The announcement will be published after payment (cash, check or credit card) is received. Your announcement will be posted on the web at www.dentonrc.com/couples at no extra charge. Deadline for publication is Wednesday noon, 10 days prior to Sunday publication.

Please click here for an example article.

*Your name:
*Your phone number:
*Your evening/cell number:
*Your e-mail:
Preferred publication date: (MM/DD/YYYY)
REMINDER: All photos must be in JPEG format of at least 200 dpi.
Wedding Date (with year), place:
Name of Couple:
City of residence:
Years married:
Anniversary observance (state party, reception, open house, vacation, etc.):
Hosted by (friends, family, children, etc.):
Date of party:
Time of party:
Is it an invitation-only party? Yes  No
Occupations (please give current or retired) of husband, wife:
Affiliations (church, lodges, civic, hobbies):
Name and residence of children:
Number of grandchildren:
Other Notes:
I agree to the terms and conditions.

*required field
