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February 17, 2010

Felipe Calderon's bet on Juarez's schools

12:05 AM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |  | 
William McKenzie/Editorial Columnist    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

By agreeing last week to put more money in Juarez's schools, Mexican President Felipe Calderon placed a bet on his country's future. He may not have many good wagers to make given the violence along the border, but this was a smart one. The money won't turn Juarez around tomorrow, but it could later if students have an alternative to the lucrative but deadly life of a drug cartel member.

Mexico's schools have notoriously been behind others internationally, despite some recent reforms to increase standards. The unions remain strong. But the fact Calderon diverted some money from the immediate need of reining in the drug violence shows that he gets the long-term picture. Mexico can't move beyond Third World status without a better education system.

The U.S. could help with the situation, too. Thomas Friedman wrote recently in the New York Times that for every buck we spend on drones in Yemen we should spend an equal amount on building schools there. Well, the same principle applies to Mexico. For every buck we apply to fighting the narcos through military or policing means, we should give Mexico an equivalent amount in educational aid. As in Yemen, we will benefit in the long-run if Mexican students opt for a life in the global economy.

By the way, our aid doesn't have to be entirely in dollars. We could get folks involved in turning around our urban schools to share during summer trips or through video-conferences the best ways to reach students. (Numerous Americans already provide scholarship aid to young Mexican students through churches and civic organizations.)

An idea like this may sound naive, but look at it this way: Our security along the border depends upon fewer young Mexicans drifting into gang violence. Calderon's placing a strategic bet on schools being part of the answer. Why don't we do the same?

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