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Grapevine Sun



November 1895 to April 30, 2009

Today is the final issue of The Grapevine Sun, a community newspaper with a mission to support its community by delivering pertinent local years for 114 years.

View current Grapevine Sun edition

Contribute your news items to the Grapevine Sun

The Grapevine Sun wants your news! We welcome your submissions of news articles, press releases, event notices, pictures and more from your community.

All contributions will be reviewed by our staff for publication in our print edition and on our Web site at DentonRC.com. We're looking for news and information relevant to our community.

It's easy to contribute. Just choose a category below and fill in the blanks. You can even upload your pictures or other files such as word processor documents.

News item
Share news about yourself or a loved one, your child's school or your organization. It's OK to submit both an article and a calendar listing about the same event.
Click here for an example.

Upcoming events
We would love to publicize your event.
Click here for an example.

Picture only
Do you have an interesting or newsworthy picture to share with readers?
Click here for an example.

Suggestion box
How are we doing? Do you have a story idea or suggestion to improve the paper?