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At last, it's time to sit down and talk about health care

Peter Beinart: Ramming it through is democratic

Using reconciliation to pass health care, Republicans insist, would be undemocratic. Sorry, that's how our republic works

George Will: Now, filibuster is the enemy
Wash. Post: Reconciliation and truth

John Kass: Delivering health care The Chicago Way

Once the cameras are turned off, Barack Obama will take out the baseball bat and explain how things get done

Bob Moffit: Obama's rhetoric vs. reality
Jonathan Cohn: An idea Obama should steal
Steve Chapman: Embracing a Nixon-era bad idea

Froma Harrop: Americans can speak for themselves

Have you voted on any of the Democratic health care reform plans? Me neither. But Republicans insist that "the American people have spoken"

Victor Davis Hanson: Too little, too late, too cynical

The problem again is that Barack Obama's outreach is too little and comes too late, more than a year after he began his unilateral effort to have the government assume much of the nation's health-care system

Matt Miller: Which side has the gold-medal game plan?
Ezra Klein: A viewer's guide
Chris Cillizza: What to watch
Karl Rove: What the GOP should say
Sebelius and DeParle: A foundation for bipartisan agreement
DMN: Can Dems, GOP make it better?
Mcjoan: Keep your expectations low
E.J. Dionne: What the summit can accomplish
Goldstein and Sarlin: The 10 biggest health care mistakes

AP Photo

The GOP leadership meets with reporters on the eve of the health care summit, as both sides try to gain control of the messaging game


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
Jim Schutze: After all these years, Oak Cliff is cool

Is it even conceivable that one day Davis Street could be the city's leading edge of a post-automobile urban tomorrow?

William McKenzie: What if schools can't meet higher bar?

This is the accountability part of the school reform movement, which the Obama team has signaled that it is moving away from

Patrick Williams: Do primary numbers spell GOP trend?

Turnout is the key to November, and primary voters tend to be motivated voters. In Dallas County, Republicans have the numbers

Tod Robberson: Should southern Dallas consider GOP?

Justin Keener: New taxes, old politics won't fix traffic

Texas' officials can continue to pass the buck, or they can reprioritize existing taxes and demand greater spending transparency

Flynn and Matthews: Stimulating jobs for Houston scientists

About 1,300 scientist jobs have been saved or created in the Houston area, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

And the best of the rest of the world

USA Today: Toyota is a company that lost its way

Toyota, the world's largest automaker, forgot what had lifted it past U.S. car companies and instead repeated their mistakes

Roland Kelts: Was Toyoda's apology lost in translation?
CSM: Toyota hearing offers lesson for everyone else
The Economist: The machine that ran too hot
Nick Loris: The market should decide Toyota's fate
Kenichi Ohmae: Where a car giant went wrong

Massimo Calabresi: Why Washington can't fix itself

Government has tools for oversight, but they often suffer from the same problems as the organizations they're supposed to fix: partisanship, indifference and incompetence

Lisa Miller: Civility won't fix politics, but we still need it
DMN: Answering the civility challenge


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