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Moms blog: protecting children from Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes, a chronic disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood, continues to plague our family - my mother has it and my husband's father is borderline diabetic. Do I worry about getting diabetes? No, because healthy eating and exercise are a part of my life, and always will be. Do I worry about my children getting diabetes? Honestly, yes.


Health Calendar: Heart, cancer, Parkinsons


Cooper Clinic dietitians share their favorite healthy recipes



Sweet Potato Napoleons revamp a popular casserole
This recipe for Sweet Potato Napoleons deconstructs the classic '30s-era dish, returning the casserole ingredients to savory stardom without the drippy excess. Slices of sweet potato are caramelized in the oven, then the rounds are stacked with miniature marshmallows within and heated again.


How to handle a special diet on a budget

Amy Twomey's daughters Brooklyn, 3, and Mia, 6, help her make a gluten-free chocolate cake.
REX C. CURRY/Special to DMN
Amy Twomey's daughters Brooklyn, 3, and Mia, 6, help her make a gluten-free chocolate cake.

Nutritionists say that whether the problem is celiac disease, lactose intolerance, allergies, diabetes or other issues, there are ways to make flavorful meals without breaking the bank.
Link: I Am a Celiac
Amy Twomey's posts on our Moms Blog
More nutrition news
Recipe database


Health Calendar: Relax, eat better, yoga, kids vision


Lose weight with 'The Restaurant Critic's Diet'
the diet I invented -- The Restaurant Critic's Diet -- is working great: I've lost 9 pounds in 7 weeks. The idea is eat like a restaurant critic, but don't look like one. Not only did I eat big, wonderful, satisfying (and not "dietetic" at all) Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eves dinners, but I also had tasting menus, all-you-can-eat-buffets, foie gras, steaks, pastas, desserts, two road trips that took me to barbecue meccas and down-home diners -- and of course all those review visits.


Health Calendar: Belly fat, new moms, relaxation


Health Calendar: Patient care, diabetes, music and cancer


Health Calendar: Baby care, food allergies, immunity


Where to trim fat and calories at the Thanksgiving feast
Serving a healthy Thanksgiving dinner doesn't have to mean giving up everything. But it does involve making some trade-offs.


How to compensate for Thanksgiving overeating

 Shelly Wilfong (left) and Meridan Zerner, a nutritionist, test a Thanksgiving pumpkin tofu pie recipe at Wilfong's home in Dallas.
Shelly Wilfong (left) and Meridan Zerner, a nutritionist, test a Thanksgiving pumpkin tofu pie recipe at Wilfong's home in Dallas.

An average Thanksgiving meal piles on 2,500 to 3,000 calories and can be overwhelming for anyone trying to maintain healthy habits. But fitness experts say you can stay in control and celebrate in a healthy way.
Moms Blog: Share your ideas for making Thanksgiving healthy


Cookbook author and Food Network star Ellie Krieger promises tasty and healthful food


Citrus sauce and pan searing cut catfish calories


Health alerts: High-definition endoscopes do the job better


Baby food recalled over possible botulism contamination
There's a national baby food recall. Plum Organics is recalling some of its apple and carrot portable pouch baby food because of concerns over possible botulism contamination.


Send us your recipes for a cheap, nutritious lunch entrée
Nutritionists have worked for decades to improve the appearance and flavor of school lunches. Can the kids who eat the food do better?

Dallas schools finding a fresh approach to school lunches
The Bryan Adams High School cafeteria looks a lot like it's looked for 40 years, plus some new paint and bright banners. And the lunch line food looks familiar, too – hot dogs, chips, onion rings, peach cobbler.


Consumers need to know the rules of meat safety

Recent alarming reports about the safety of ground beef have made safety questions about meat more urgent. Half the battle is knowing what to buy and how to prepare it correctly.
Eats Blog: Where to find fresh ground beef


Health Calendar: Assessments, senior fitness, nutrition


Dannon settles lawsuit over health claims, to pay yogurt buyers $35M
The Dannon Co. said Friday it will reimburse consumers for up to $100 of Activia and DanActive yogurt purchases and change its marketing and labeling to settle a class-action lawsuit.


Recipes for low-carb, low-cost Japanese noodles
Cutting back on expenses doesn't have to mean buying unhealthy meals. Shirataki noodles are a low-carb, low-cost way to stay full and frugal.


FDA requires faster food safety reporting
Food makers must alert government officials of potentially contaminated products within 24 hours under a new rule designed to help federal regulators spot food safety issues sooner.


Caffeine has health benefits, but don't overdo it
Sarah Pullman has what she calls a longstanding, cyclical relationship with caffeine.


Americans eating way too much sugar, heart association says
Americans are swallowing 22 teaspoons of sugar each day, and it's time to cut way back, the American Heart Association says. Most of that added sugar comes from soft drinks and candy – a whopping 355 calories and the equivalent of guzzling two cans of soda and eating a chocolate bar.


Health Calendar: Childhood cancer, sports safety, urinary tract infections, kids' nutrition


Cancer group sues, says hot dogs need warnings

Hot dogs may be as American as baseball and apple pie, but a national cancer-awareness group says they're hazardous to your health and should carry warning labels.


Stricter labeling urged for bottled water
Consumers know less about the water they pay dearly for in bottles than what they can drink almost for free from the tap because the two are regulated differently, congressional investigators and nonprofit researchers say in new reports.


7 common nutrition mistakes dieters make
Can't afford your own personal trainer? Here's some advice from trainer Jose Ruiz:


Health Calendar: Blood drive, over-60 exercise, better eating


Dr. Nancy Snyderman on diet myths, real food
Dr. Nancy Snyderman is the chief medical editor for NBC News . Starting Monday, she'll have her own show, Dr. Nancy , covering health, medicine and social policy, daily at noon on MSNBC. We spoke with her about her most recent book, Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat: And the 101 Truths That Will Save Your Waistline – and Maybe Even Your Life (Crown, $25).

Doggie bags can help stretch your food dollar
Amy and John Forbus of Carrollton celebrate their anniversary every year with the same ritual. They go to Pappas Bros. Steakhouse and each orders a steak. When the steaks arrive, they cut them in half right away. They enjoy one half for dinner, and the other half goes straight to the doggie bag. The leftovers turn up in breakfast (steak and eggs) or lunch (steak sandwiches) the next day.


Health Calendar: Support for cancer patients


Get advice for cooking for cancer patients
Cancer patients who lose more than 5 percent of their pre-cancer body weight are less likely to survive than those who can hang onto the pounds. Yet nutrition too often is an afterthought until someone's already having trouble. A new move is on to change that, from hospitals that hire fancy gourmet chefs to cancer dietitians-on-call.


Health Calendar: Belly fat, lupus, skin cancer checks


Legislature blog: Senate says no more trans fat in Texas restaurants
The measure that passed the Senate on a 24-6 vote and was sent to the House would require larger restaurant chains - those with 15 or more locations - to get rid of the trans fat by Sept. 1, 2010. Smaller restraurant chains and stand-alones would be given an extra year to comply.


'Hungry Girl' author offers her best healthy recipes
Lisa Lillien is a hungry girl with a mission.


Health Calendar: Nutrition for life; walk for arthritis


How to kick a soda habit
Soda is loaded with more calories, sugar and chemicals than many people realize. Here are nutritionists' tips for cutting it out – or at least down:


Health Calendar: Heartburn help; diet and cancer


Studies of 'good fat' could help with weight loss
Fight fat with fat? The newest obesity theory suggests we may one day be able to do just that.


Health Calendar: immunity; paddle away


Kroger recalls mayonnaise for possible salmonella

Store branded mayonnaise recalled due to possible contamination risk.


Pistachios named in salmonella scare
In another food scare sure to rattle consumers who watched the national salmonella outbreak in peanuts unfold, federal food officials are now warning people not to eat any food containing pistachios, which could carry contamination from the same bacteria.

Health Calendar: Forum on memory, stroller strides


'Health' magazine rates fast-food chains
Eating on the go and on a budget does not have to be a diet disaster. Health magazine surveyed the nation's 100 biggest grab-and-go chains and, with help from a panel of experts, found 10 that are surprisingly good for you. The chains were scored on such factors as the use of healthy fats and preparations, healthy sodium counts in entrees, availability of nutrition information and the use of organic produce. For the full story, visit www.health.com.


Engine 2 Diet: Austin firefighter's plant-based eating plan

Austin fireman and author Rip Esselstyn wrote
Wellness Central
Rip Esselstyn, a firefighter and former professional triathlete, has been eating "plant-strong" for years.

Firefighter Rip Esselstyn challenges readers to try his plant-based diet for four weeks to turn their bodies into "a nutrient paradise."
Link: Engine 2 Diet
Blog: Fitness

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