• Annual physical

    2/23/10: There will be miles of newsprint spilled on the 40-yard dash. The superlatives will leap with every vertical inch. There will be five-star reviews about the three-cone drill.

  • Wyche weighs in on Tebow

    2/22/10: Among Tim Tebow’s kitchen cabinet charged with overhauling his mechanics in time for his St. Patrick's Day NFL workout are former Bengals head coach Sam Wyche and former long-time NFL offensive coordinator Zeke Bratkowski, the father of...

  • Lewis looks to go 'from good to great'

    2/19/10: Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis is looking to take his AFC North champions from good to great in 2010 and he knows that starts with scoring more points and that scoring more points starts with going downfield more in the passing game.

Q (2/15/10): Everywhere you look or read now, people around the league are saying the biggest need for the Bengals is wideout. I think the biggest needs are safety and a pass rushing DT. The Bengals pick at a good spot where there should be Taylor Mays and or the Thomas kid from Texas. Please tell me that if one or both of them is available that we will grab one.
--Kenny M., Bluefield, WVA
A: Can’t agree with you on this one. The Bengals franchise quarterback just turned 30 years old without a playoff victory and he’s withering on the vine without weapons. All this “Carson Is Done” talk is absolutely ridiculous. They’ve got a top five quarterback when it comes to his arm, his physical tools, experience and his track record, but they’ve got to get him some help. Read More


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Featured Post from the Boards

Posted by jj22, 2/25/10
"I'm happy to see Bengals football ealier than ususal. I've just got to trust that Marvin will make sure our starters go into the season 'rested' (or as rested as possible), and not worn down physically before we get to the gate. I don't want to peak earlier again this year and fall off at the end of it."