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Eyes on the single guy

07:15 AM CST on Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Denton native Jake Pavelka, 31, is the latest leading man on ABC’s reality show The Bachelor. The Ryan High School graduate lives in Lantana and is a pilot for Atlantic Southeast Airlines. The Bachelor airs at 7 p.m. Mondays.



Jake’s task: To face the women he’s eliminated so far.

Highlights: This week’s episode was an evening of recaps and explanations as the rejected bachelorettes had the opportunity to talk about everything including Rozlyn’s inappropriate relationship, Michelle’s emotions and Ali’s choice to leave the show.

First, 29-year-old Elizabeth, who asked Jake not to kiss her, said she wasn’t playing a game with her request — even though that’s what Jake though. She didn’t know it came across that way.

Next he talked to Gia, 26, who was sent home last week. She felt she was one of the most insecure women on the show and she wished she had opened up sooner. “I wish I had more confidence,” she said.

Out of love: Michelle, 26, who seemed to be the most determined to find love, said she doesn’t believe in the dating show’s process. The other women said Michelle was upset every single day.

“I don’t need a therapist, Elizabeth,” Michelle said in response to something Elizabeth said on an earlier episode.

Ali, 25, said leaving to go back to her job was a tough decision. She said she believed that if it was love, Jake would come find her — but he didn’t.

She also took the opportunity to apologize to Vienna, 23, who’s one of the final two women still in the running.

Rozlyn vs. Harrison: One of the show’s most scandalous moments was when a producer was fired because of an inappropriate relationship with 28-year-old Rozlyn, who gave her side.

“Did anything physical happen in the house?” show host Chris Harrison asked.

“Absolutely not,” Rozlyn said. She was adamant nothing happened even though other women saw them together — Jessie, 25, said she saw them kissing on the stairs. Rozlyn admitted to having seen the producer since he was fired, but that it was platonic.

The bachelor’s turn: Finally, Jake faced the women. He told Gia it was hard to let her go but he felt it was the right choice. And he told Ali it wasn’t fair that she had to decide between him and her job, but he thought she’d jump out of the limo instead of leaving.

Next he talked about sending both Ella, 30, and Kathryn, 25, home on the two-on-one date. Kathryn said she didn’t feel she got a chance, but Jake said he identified characteristics in her that didn’t work in his past relationships.

He said Christina, 25, was the woman he wished he’d gotten an opportunity to know better. He said after getting a chance to watch the show, he realized how funny she was.

In anticipation of next week’s season finale, Harrison asked Jake, “Are you happy with your decision?”

And Jake said, “Yes, I’m happy.”

—Rachel Mehlhaff


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