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User Profile Image kennethjlines
Member since : Oct-23-2009 (Verified)
1 Ideas, 4 Comments, 15 Votes

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Ideas Posted

Net Neutrality is what allows freedom of expression on the net. Regulation will restrict the voice of the people. We have seen amazing amounts of political change, and I personally have learned much by the "anyone can join the discussion" concept of the internet (such as this "join the discussion" box I am currently typing into). Seeing some be left out of having their ideas heard because they could not afford to post content, or seeing them regulated int silence would be a shame.

Leave the internet open for all.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 313 Ideas

Comments Posted

kennethjlines 4 months ago
I'm confused if you are a troll now, or serious.

I'm a libertarian economist. No one loves a free market more than I.

I'm telling you this is not freedom, nor a free market...

And in these cases, regulation is the correct answer. That's why the military isn't privatized. There are times that regulation made sense, even the founding fathers saw and understood this.

Information, and flow of goods are two of those areas, hence why no tariffs/duties between states were allowed. Similarly, free flow of ideas should be regulated, but not allowed to be privatized.
kennethjlines 4 months ago
What I'm saying is that without regulation, you are effectively allowing companies to regulate the masses into silence. The big telecoms have stated they will control the content, and judge who can see what on multiple occasions (at least internally).

It isn't a question of regulation vs. no regulation. It is a question of Oligopoly regulation (Ma Bell) vs. Government regulation.

Much like the banks are abusing their power now, the telephone companies did back in the day. Leaving it free to be consumed by the oligopoly will make allow them to abuse their power again.

Leveling the playing field is the only way to protect the little guy.

But don't delude yourself that this is free market vs. regulation... telecom start ups don't stand a chance against the big boys; and there is collusion between them on this issue.

Oligopoly != free market
kennethjlines 4 months ago
Actually it can. Sweden has done so, along with a host of other countries. I have a friend at AT&T who works deep on the backbone and he says it is not only possible; it is easy. It would rely on AT&T not having as much political in-fighting and using their systems well, instead of it being pet projects of bad management.

Really, it can be done, it is being done everywhere else.

Corporate greed is what is behind the concept that "they can't". Remember when "Ma Bell" had gold plated drinking fountains? Let's not let the "Free" market hand them that again.
kennethjlines 4 months ago
Governments should not regulate morality. Unless you like police beating you for going to church. The Soviet Union was the ultimate in regulation of morality... is that really what you want?

Maybe the Mormon's should decide your morality? Or the Jehova's Witnesses. What if we elect atheists and they control the morality?

I would rather that the government kept it a free and open marketplace for ideas, than a Christian defined morality was enforced for the time, and another group could define it later.