Thursday, February 25th, 2010
President Barack Obama hopes a bipartisan meeting will restart Congressional action on health care reform.

President Barack Obama hopes a bipartisan meeting will restart Congressional action on health care reform.

Fact-checking Obama's bipartisan health care reform meeting

We'll be watching the president's health care summit on Thursday with our Truth-O-Meter handy.


A scorecard separating fact from fiction

"Since 1981, reconciliation has been used 21 times. Most of it's been used by Republicans."

"Congresswoman Bachmann actually said we should be 'weaned' off our Social Security and Medicare. She wants to privatize Social Security and replace Medicare with some kind of voucher system." 

"One of the most recent polls said 75 percent of the American people have said either don't do anything or start over (on health care reform)."

"We were promised (the stimulus) would provide 'green jobs' for Americans, but 80% of the $2 billion they spent on alternative energy went to purchase wind turbines built in China!"

"We have solved the problem. ... Scientists are now saying leave the nuclear waste where it is."

The stimulus includes "$219,000 to study the sex lives of female college freshmen."

"$100,000 in stimulus funds (were) used for a Martini Bar and Brazilian Steakhouse."

The stimulus includes "$7 million to build a bridge in Thedford, Nebraska, to help 168 residents avoid a 30-second wait at a local train crossing. Not one full-time job will be created."

In the stimulus, "$15 million dollars went to 'build a bigger, better airport' for the town of Ouzinkie, Alaska, population 165."

The stimulus bill "didn’t create one new job."

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The difference between Stalled and Promise Broken

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PolitiFact is a project of the St. Petersburg Times to help you find the truth in American politics. Reporters and editors from the Times fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups and rate them on our Truth-O-Meter. We’re also tracking more than 500 of Barack Obama’s campaign promises and are rating their progress on our new Obameter. >> More

St. Petersburg Times

“I want you to hold our government accountable. I want you to hold me accountable.” — Barack Obama

“Okay, we will.” — PolitiFact

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