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Motive for grilling Toyota?

5:39 PM Wed, Feb 24, 2010 |  
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Toyota Motor Corporation President and CEO Akio Toyoda (C) and Toyota Motor North America CEO Yoshimi Inaba (R) conclude testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Capitol Hill February 24, 2010 in Washington DC. The committee is hearing testimony on the recall of millions of Toyota vehicles due to reports of malfunctioning gas pedals. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)Re: "Toyota struggles for answers -- In emotional hearing, U.S. exec says electronics may be faulty," Wednesday news story.

Now that the snow is melting in D.C., Congress can go back to normal activities, such as ignoring the country's real priorities and returning to the practice of self-righteous grandstanding.

This time, the "suits" have Toyota squarely in their sights, subpoena in hand and a level of rage comparable to a woman scorned.

At least, this subject is more valid than steroids in baseball and tainted spinach; although the Chinese lead in children's toys were able to somehow get a pass from congressional wrath.

Would Congress treat Toyota differently if it was populated by members of the United Auto Workers? No one can say.

But I'd bet the rest of my meager retirement nest egg that there would have been a gentlemen's understanding rather than a crucifixion.

Jim Janusz, Richardson


So now we are supposed to hate like Toyota? I thought we were supposed to "Buy American" but that was when people were "patriots" and other trendy things like that. Oh well, I guess that fad has passed.

"Supposed to like Toyota", that's what I meant to say. Sorry, even my typing can't keep up the flip flopping of talking points here.


How many people have to actually die before we get involved? Cover up of a threat to life is not as important as cover up of a sexual dalliancy?

U.S. companies aren't been exempt from public rage. Remember Ford Explorer/Firestone 500? Remember the Ford Pinto, the Chevy "Unsafe at Any Speed" Corvair? Toyota fixed their problem yet didn't alert the public of the danger. In the cases mentioned above, the U.S. automakers didn't even fix the problem until the lawyers started calling. These companies bring this on themselves.

U.S. companies aren't been exempt from public rage. Remember Ford Explorer/Firestone 500? Remember the Ford Pinto, the Chevy "Unsafe at Any Speed" Corvair? Toyota fixed their problem yet didn't alert the public of the danger. In the cases mentioned above, the U.S. automakers didn't even fix the problem until the lawyers started calling. These companies bring this on themselves.

I seriously doubt Toyota wanted to sell vehicles that kill people due to a defect. My gut feeling is the complaints were swept under the rug ny lower to middle level mgt.

For all the clowns that want to jump on a bandwagon, how about throwing your anger at all the traffic signals. Study after study has shwon people are more likely to be killed at an intersection with a traffic signal than one without.

Don't be surprised if Toyota doesn't respond by moving some of the work back to Japan.

Congress should be holding hearings on why 1/3 of our prison population are illegals, and all the crimes they come over here and commit.

Does anyone have the common sense to add 2+2? Toyota is the number one competitor to GM(Gubment Motors)! So, is it any surprise that the full measure of gubment is being thrown at their number one competitor? Does Ford get to have a say or throw accusations and gubment investigations at their largest competitor in GM?

That is why gubment has no business getting involed in business. They violate free market rules not to mention the constitution. Funny, as I'm writing this Obama is on the news saying "I am an ardent supporter of the free market".

I guess that is why his changes in the Health Reform bill included gubment price controls for insurance companies. What better way to eliminate your competition than control their pricing, profit margins and thus, their surviveability.

Can you say "SINGLE PAYER?", c'mon kids it fun!

Ken Duble, your knowledge of car history is flawed. "Unsafe At Any Speed" turned out to be bogus. Furthermore, it killed an auto that had been highly improved (to the point of having rear suspension similar to a Corvette's). Ralph Nader, unfortunately, built a "career" out of his diatribe.

According to my Toyota dealer, the accelerator being recalled was made in the US. This witch hunt will cost American jobs

Ken Duble = Double Posts.


Toyota became number one in this country over the past 40 years because Americans got tired of buying horribly made American cars that only lasted 5 years.

Need I bring to everyone's attention who may have forgotten - the AMC Pacer, Chevy Citation, Cadillac Cimmaron, Chevy Chevette, Cadillac Coup DeVille, Cadillac El Dorado, Ford Pinto, Chrysler TC, Chevy Corvair, Ford Fairmont, etc.

Sad to see everyone blasting away at Toyota. I owned a Toyota years ago; it was the best car I ever owned. They'll fix their problems and return to their benchmark standard.

The "testimony" of the woman who described her "ordeal" in her Toyota, whereby she was traveling at uncontrollable speeds in triple digits, yet was able to attempt to dial up her husband on her cell phone, was easily the most phony piece of conjured-up bravo-siera I have ever listened to in my 73 years. Right down to the fake crying display! Plainly and simply, I thought I would puke!

I'm afraid this lady, and the others who'll climb aboard the bandwagon, sees this is a goldmine in the waiting, and I'm sure the lawyers are frothing at the mouth at the same prospect!


You may not know this but super expensive cars allow you to dial cell phones by voice.

You may not know this but expensive cars also have a key to turn off the engine and a shifter to put in nuetral. The only thing they don't have is a button to make the drivers brain work.

"...expensive cars also have a key to turn off the engine and a shifter to put in neutral. The only thing they don't have is a button to make the drivers brain work."

So do inexpensive cars.

Nick the Greek, Don't forget that wonderful bit about how she put in neutral, but it still kept going. Yeah, so now the transmissions are defective too.

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