Budget Information

NASA's FY 2010 Budget and 2006 Strategic Plan
FY 2010 Budget Request -- Posted May 7, 2009
›  Summary (200 Kb PDF)
› FY 2010 Budget Estimate (9.12 MB PDF)

FY 2010 Budget Estimate by Section
› Introduction (948 Kb PDF)
› Science: Overview (916 Kb PDF)
  • Earth Science (1.61 MB PDF)
  • Planetary Science (1.20 MB PDF)
  • Astrophysics (1.12 MB PDF)
  • Heliophysics (1.99 MB PDF)
    › Aeronautics (616 Kb PDF)
    › Exploration Systems (1.33 MB PDF)
    › Space Operations (660 Kb PDF)
    ›  Education (572 Kb PDF)
    › Cross Agency Support (936 Kb PDF)
    › Inspector General and Reference Materials (1.32 MB PDF)

    May 7, 2009 Briefings
    › Press Release: NASA Announces FY 2010 Budget
    ›  Presentation Charts (330 Kb PDF)
    › OSTP Letter (188 Kb PDF)
    ›  NASA Response to OSTP Letter (47 Kb PDF)

    Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Briefing Transcripts:
    ›  Agency Briefing (52 Kb PDF)
    ›  Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (36 Kb PDF)
    ›  Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (56 Kb PDF)
    ›  Science Mission Directorate (36 Kb PDF)
    ›  Space Operations Mission Directorate (48 Kb PDF)
    ›  Human Space Flight Review (44 Kb PDF)

    FY 2010 NASA Budget Highlights -- Posted February 26, 2009
    › Budget Statement from Acting Administrator Christopher Scolese
    › President's NASA Budget Highlights (88 Kb PDF)
    › Office of Management and Budget FY 2010 Overview

    2006 Strategic Plan
    ›  Full Resolution (1.5 Mb) | ›  Low Resolution (670 Kb)

    Performance Plans
    › FY 2010 Performance Plan (772 Kb PDF)

    Previous Years' Budgets
    › FY 2009 | › FY 2008 | ›  FY 2007 | ›  FY 2006 | ›  FY 2005 | ›  FY 2004 | ›  FY 2003 and Earlier
