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Disc golf up in the air

Corinth course could be granted reprieve

11:55 PM CST on Tuesday, February 23, 2010

By Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe / Staff Writer

CORINTH — City leaders invited to the table all the factions warring over disc golf on Pacman Hill in a special meeting Tuesday night over the new course’s fate.

Two representatives each from the trails committee, the parks board and the neighboring homeowners’ association along with two leaders of the volunteer-driven effort to build the course came together to present their points of view. For more than two-and-a-half hours, they presented information, along with city staff, to outline the issue.

Parks Director Paul Leslie told the City Council it would cost the city about $5,880 to complete the course — purchasing new baskets, setting them in concrete, adding signage and trash cans — and another $3,800 to maintain it annually. Most of the maintenance would be emptying the trash cans and trimming weeds and grass around the disc golf baskets.

Parks board member John Hoeffler, who lives in a house next to Pacman Hill, said he didn’t have an estimate to restore the area. Instead, he said he received a pledge from Keep Corinth Beautiful for up to $20,000 to plant trees. He recommended that someone knowledgeable walk the course and draw up a plan.

Tuesday’s effort recreated, in part, a process that would have normally taken place, council member John Booher said late in the meeting. Many council members, along with Mayor Paul Ruggiere, said they were upset when they first learned the course was being built without the City Council’s knowledge.

More than a year ago, longtime resident Aaron Quisenberry offered to build the course with volunteer labor and donations. A group went forward with the blessing of the city’s parks department at a time when the board was having trouble making a quorum. After some residents complained — primarily trail users and people living next to Pacman Hill — the parks board appointed new members and convened a meeting. They recommended that the city close the course and restore the area.

Residents in homes next to the park complained to the city about drainage problems, saying the clearing of trees and brush exacerbated standing water problems in their yards. The City Council directed the city staff to address that issue separately from the disc golf course since it appeared that some of the problems were coming from the multiuse trail in the area as well.

Ultimately, the homeowners association and the parks board told the council that they still did not endorse disc golf at that location and hoped the city could find another location for disc golf. Members of the trails committee said they, too, would like to see the course elsewhere, but thought they could make it work, if they had to.

Quisenberry and fellow disc golf volunteer Mike Doran said they had signatures of more than 100 Corinth residents who thought the course was a good idea.

Several council members were bolstered by the offer from Keep Corinth Beautiful to help restore trees on the hill. But they said they needed more assurance that the two uses could coexist safely.

Council member Bruce Hanson reminded the council that pulling the plug on this location in hopes of finding a better one wouldn’t be likely to make any of the current concerns — impact on nature, tree preservation, effects on trail users — go away.

“I predict we’ll have much of the same discussion about an alternate location,” Hanson said.

PEGGY HEINKEL-WOLFE can be reached at 940-566-6881. Her e-mail address is pheinkel-wolfe@dentonrc.com.

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