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Diabetes drug Avandia hurts heart, reports conclude
Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month, according to confidential government reports that recommend the drug be removed from the market.


Texas Energy blog: Health department studies impact of natural gas facilities on Dish residents
The Texas Department of State Health Services collected blood and urine samples from residents in the Dish area to test whether natural gas activity is affecting their health.


Texas challenges EPA ruling on greenhouse gas threat
The state accused the federal government in a lawsuit Tuesday of using "tainted data" to declare that heat-trapping gases are a threat to the public, warning that Texas' economy could suffer as a result.

Health Calendar: Heart, cancer, Parkinsons


Researchers find genetic link to stuttering
LOS ANGELES – Government researchers have discovered the first genes linked to stuttering – a complex of three mutated genes that may be responsible for one in every 11 stuttering cases.

Decades-long study links childhood obesity, early death
A rare study that tracked thousands of children through adulthood found that the heaviest youngsters were more than twice as likely as the thinnest to die before age 55 of illness or a self-inflicted injury.


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