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USDA H1N1 Flu Collection Page
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H1N1 Flu image
 H1N1 Flu

USDA continues to prepare for the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza. As an every day, every way department, USDA's missions are very broad. Given that reality, USDA has been working to ensure that all of the services USDA provides to the public, including protecting the U.S. swine herd, will continue in light of the pandemic and possibility of increased absenteeism.

 Updated: USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories Presumptive and Confirmatory 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Test Results for Animal Samples (December 31, 2009)

 USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories Presumptive and Confirmatory 2010 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Test Results for Animal Samples (January 5, 2010)

Be Prepared image
 Be Prepared

Important information for USDA employees about pandemic

 ARS Research Results: 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus

 AUDIO: Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan and USDA Experts Live Media Briefing (September 10, 2009)

 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Scenarios with Key Questions and Answers


News Releases and Statements

December 17, 2009: USDA Study Confirms Pork From Pigs Exposed To H1N1 Virus Is Safe To Eat (pdf)

October 29, 2009: Memo to Interested Parties: USDA provides update on 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza testing fair pig samples (DOC)

October 29, 2009: USTR Kirk and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announce China's Intent to Re-open the Chinese Market to U.S. Pork Products (October 29, 2009)

October 19, 2009: USDA Confirms 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Present in Minnesota Fair Pig Sample (October 19, 2009)

October 16, 2009: USDA Conducting Confirmatory Testing on Possible Detection of 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza in U.S. Swine (October 16, 2009)

September 10, 2009: Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Regarding Animal Health and 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza (September 10, 2009)

May 7, 2009: Vilsack Testifies Regarding 2009-H1N1 Influenza before the Senate Subcommittee

May 6, 2009: Statement by Canada, USDA, and Mexico Regarding International Trade and H1N1

May 5, 2009: Secretary Vilsack and Minister Ritz Re-affirm Support for Pork Industry

May 2, 2009: Updated Statement from Secretary Vilsack on Canada Detection of H1N1 in Alberta Swine Also see: Spanish Version

April 28, 2009: Updated Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Regarding USDA Efforts Regarding H1N1 Flu Outbreak Also see: Spanish Version

April 27, 2009: Update by Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack Regarding USDA Outreach Efforts Regarding H1N1 Flu Also see: Spanish Version

April 26, 2009: Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack Regarding H1N1 Flu Also see: Spanish Version

Swine Flu Info