End of the World Movie Pitch


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After 2012's huge box office opening weekend, conversations like these are happening all over Hollywood. Studio executives are listening to pitches on the end of the world, just like 2012 but diff...

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12 / 18 / 2009

Chantale Martin Author Scribbled:

Like it a lot, lots of humor, and now, with the climate change, and huge solar storm that are supposed to occur on 2011 and 2012, we never know. I like end of the world scenario myself one of my book talks about it, and I also like movies of that kind too. So I saw 2012 movie. Good work. Chantale.

11 / 28 / 2009
Brian W Porter

Brian W Porter Replied:

There is one preacher I occasionally listen to who claims the world will end on April 11, 2011.

11 / 28 / 2009

MarketBOB Replied:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. All the best with your writing. Craig

11 / 29 / 2009

coophome Scribbled:

Please ever dont mention such ideas.as what is required today is an united effort, in reversing what we are into today, the build of Educare & ethical values in to our system of day to day transactions.it arises from business community looking of increase of 20% business every year , has lead this to much worse uncontrollable situation.which is but in our hands today please ever mention with

11 / 24 / 2009

coophome Scribbled:

What matters now is to change the use process of energy, and find suitable alternatives & in using renewable energy. It is the coal and other fuels which threaten , the man made activity, but we have many solutions.mainly educare values to come into practice by you business & technology community.unless a transformation,is built in core activity ion serving humanity, than business, man has t

11 / 24 / 2009

JedDiamondPhD Scribbled:

The end of the world triggers old fears and fantasies. But this may not be so fanciful. As we continue to create climate chaos and which is causing food to become more and more expensive, we are very likely to be bringing to an end what we know as industrial civilization. Something new is emerging. I write about that in a number of articles on Scribd. I'm sure this will continue to occupy the

11 / 16 / 2009

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11 / 16 / 2009

bobbe-lee-5643 Scribbled:

Wow, sounds like a good movie to me! RT www.online-privacy.at.tc

11 / 16 / 2009

MarketBOB Replied:

Thanks. Of course, once the deal is made the compromises begin for budgets and stars and all that. It would probably end up as High School Musical 2012: The Last Grad

11 / 16 / 2009