Amy Bishop on the cover of the R&D Report


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Amy Bishop, accused of killing three colleagues at UAH, appears on the cover of the January 2009 cover of the Huntsville R&D Report.

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about 2 hours ago

temp67 Scribbled:

She was also on the cover of Toyota's Electronic Throttle Control Monthly last summer.

3 days ago

This document has made it onto the Rising list!

1 day ago

riemannadi Scribbled:

She is the ugliest, fugliest, feminist ***** I have ever seen! Yuck. I would rather **** a toad than touch this imbecile. She got into Harvard because of her gender. Graduated with a negative remark on her dissertaion. Had an ugly research record -- though not nearly as ugly as herself. I support smoking this ugly, femist ***** in a gas chamber.

4 days ago

cmcristina Scribbled:

zramjg4040 Do you know her/ Have you been in her shoes with the nasty snakes and scorpions in the academia?

5 days ago

zramjg4040 Scribbled:

Wow she actually smiled at one time in her life.

6 days ago