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Quality bilingual ed in Irving

5:14 PM Fri, Feb 19, 2010 |  
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Re: "Activists criticize search for new superintendent -- Hispanics are among top 6 candidates, trustees say in defending their process," Wednesday news story.
Manuel Benavidez is critical of the Irving ISD's search for a new superintendent. My question is whether he has ever volunteered in a bilingual classroom in the Irving school district? I taught for 25 years in the IISD, along with being a substitute teacher for the past seven years.
Whenever possible, I choose a bilingual class to teach so I can take part in the superior education that the Hispanic students are receiving in this district.
Another way to see these children in action is to volunteer, as I do, at the Destination Imagination Tournament and see the many achievements that Hispanic students have acquired from the district's bilingual programs.
Please join me in volunteering in the Irving ISD. You will be pleased at how well our system serves the Hispanic community.

Diane Ewing, Irving


Diane Ewing, Manuel Benavidez won't be happy unless the Hispanics take over the district and hire only hispanic teachers that are bilingual. I support the bilingual education that is being taught but, it needs to be with only teachers from the U.S.. Dallas likes to hire from Mexico when our teachers need first choice.

The point Diane makes is that she is there and actually sees the classroom situation and the students engaged in learning. Instead of talking and talking she is actually doing!
The very loud media loving "activists" have probably never volunteered in the school district.
That is work! It is so much easier to grab a megaphone and stand on the steps and criticize others. Why roll up your sleeves and be part of the solution when you can spend your time agitating and speaking with the media.

sorry but "quality bilingual ed" is an oxymoron

I think the Hispanic community should be well served, as well as every other community - AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY ARE IN THE COMMUNITY AS LEAGL CITIZENS AND IMMIGRANTS.End birthright citizenship - show your support for HR 1868 and the english unity act HR 997

Ms. Ewing makes an excellent point that Manuel Benavidez is being too critical of the Irving ISD's search for a new superintendent. Mr. Benavidez made demands for a Hispanic superintendent when maybe should be sitting in a classroom to see how well the IISD is serving the Hispanic students before making judgment and acquisitions. Seems Ms. Ewing has served in the IISD for 32 years and has seen and knows first hand how well the Hispanic children are served. She asked simply has Mr. Benavidez ever volunteered in a bilingual classroom in Irving? Maybe he should take her advice before making such statements and demands. The school system should give the best education to every student. Mr. Benavidez is playing the race card when he should want the best for all children. I am guessing Mr. Bond will not side with Mr. Benavidez as in the past and will pass on playing his race card on this issue.

Illegals should not be allowed in any IISD schools.I pay property tax in Irving and feel this money is wasted and stolen by the IISD to teach non-Americans!

It would be nice if the English-only speaking students got a quality bi-lingual education too.

Why don't we have bi-lingual classes for Chinese, German, French, Greek, Russian and other languages. Just having spanish bi-lingual seems kind of discriminatory doesn't it? Where are the diversity police?

Why doesn't the Mexican government teach English in their schools so their students will be more preplared when they voilate federal law and enter the country illegally?

Wish someone who has a lot of money to burn would challenge the courts over educating illegal immigrants...perhaps the current Supreme Court would be more reasonable & responsible to the American Citizens...

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