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- 9/11 Victims' Families' Review of 9/11 Commission Report
- The Facts Speak for Themselves Well-sourced listing of facts about 9/11, updated regularly, hosted at
- Complete 9/11 Timeline and Loss of Civil Liberties Since 9/11, Searchable database resources from 'mainstream' sources
- 9-11 Research: An Attempt to Uncover the Truth About September 11th, 2001 (Outstanding, well- organized, solid research)
- Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story of September 11th, 2001
- Nanothermite information Why were military-grade explosive chips found in the towers' dust throughout Lower Manhattan? Peer-reviewed paper, more information and summary.
- Beginners' Guide to 9/11 Truth from Journal of 9/11 Studies
- A Quick Course on the shortest paths to 9/11 truth...
- Justice For 9/11 Complaint and Petition filed with NY Attorney General Elliot Spitzer November, 2004. The complete legal case, as of that date.
- 9/11 Commission -- One Year Later PDF Report of 7/05 Hearings sponsored by Rep. Cynthia McKinney
- Who's asking questions? ...
-Information, disinformation, misinformation... this, this and this will help readers sort wheat from chaff.
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TSA'S Grip on Internal Travel is Tightening


by Wendy McElroy
The Dollar Vigilante

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is tightening its grip on domestic travcel. I don't mean the random, unpredictable security checks at bus, subway and train stations which already exist. I mean a coordinated and systematic police control of internal travel within America. Groundwork is being laid.


The application was tucked away on page 71431 of Volume 77, Number 231 of the Federal Register (November 30). It was surrounded by soporific references to forwarding “the new Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).�

TSAThe application for funding from the TSA constitutes a preliminary step toward systematically expanding TSA's authority from airports to highways and almost every other means of public travel. The expansion would erase one of the last remaining differences between the US and a total police state; namely, the ability to travel internally without being under police surveillance. The total police state you experience at airports wants to spill into roads and bus stops, to subways and trains. Or, rather, the TSA wants to solidify and spread the fledgling and erratic presence it already has.


Ho, Ho, Ho! 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

By Santa Clause

Seasons greeting from your old friend Santa! My, my, Christmas is just two short weeks away, and everyone here at the North Pole can't wait to deliver presents to all you nice boys and girls this year. Yes, Jolly ol' St. Nicholas hopes you're all being as good as can be!

But today, Santa would like to tell you all about something very naughty, something very, very naughty indeed. Dear children, have you not heard? Why, 9/11 was an inside job! Oh, ho, ho, my, yes it was!

I mean, look at the facts, boys and girls! We already know the Bush administration was itching to go to war in Iraq, now, don't we? Yes, indeed we do, my darling ones! The Downing Street memo proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you look at the Presidential Daily Briefing of Aug. 6, 2001, the one headlined "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Ignored! Why, children, they threw that briefing aside like used wrapping paper on Christmas morning, didn't they?

Honorary Italian Supreme Court President Calls for New 9/11 Investigation at ICC

by AE911Truth Staff

Ferdinando Imposimato Points to AE911Truth Evidence

Ferdinando ImposimatoAE911Truth Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of a letter written by Honorary Italian Supreme Court President Ferdinando Imposimato for the Journal of 9/11 Studies. While AE911Truth does not speculate on who was involved in the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers, we applaud Imposimato for speaking out on this important issue, calling attention to the explosive 9/11 evidence, and, most importantly, pursuing justice.

Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a former Senator who served on the Anti–Mafia Commission in three administrations. He is the author or co–author of seven books on international terrorism, state corruption, and related matters, and a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy.

Ferdinando Imposimato has extensive experience investigating high crimes as a former state prosecutor The reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 20, 2005, set forth the following conclusions: The airplanes that struck each of the Twin Towers caused a breach as well as an explosion evidenced by a giant fireball. The remaining jet fuel flowed onto the lower floors, sustaining the fires. The heat from the fires deformed the building structures and both towers collapsed completely from top to bottom. Very little that was of any size remained after these events except steel as well as aluminum fragments and the pulverized dust from the concrete floors.


Review - Censored 2013: Dispatches From the Media Revolution

Huff, Mickey S., and Andy Lee Roth, eds. Censored 2013: Dispatches From the Media Revolution. New York: Seven Stories Press, October 2012. 468 pp. $19.95
Review by Paul W. Rea, PhD

Censored 2013 CoverProject Censored has delivered another timely and essential book. The passion and commitment of editors Prof. Mickey Huff and Dr. Andy Lee Roth definitely show—and not just in their own writing. They’re managed to tease out fine performances from many other writers, including Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Elliot D. Cohen of Truthout, Sara van Gelder of YES! Magazine, Peter Phillips, Adam Bessie and many others.

The issues definitely matter. The significance of the reader-selected Top 25 Censored Stories of 2011-12 is beyond dispute. Number 1 is “Signs of an Emerging Police State�; Number 2 is “Oceans in Peril�; and Number 3 is “Fukushima Disaster Worse Than Anticipated.� Other sections reveal how a “Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions Loaned to Major Banks� and a “Small Network of Corporations Run the Global Economy.� For each general issue, News Clusters add context, breadth and depth.

Rumblings from the Occupy Movements of 2011 reverberate throughout many of the clusters. Readers learn not only about the “Bankster Bailout,� but about how to create an economy for the 99 percent. Lesser-known issues include how Congress has forced the US Post Office to bear unfair financial commitments, apparently in an effort to justify its privatization.


Massive New Surveillance Program Uncovered by Wall Street Journal

by Ryan Gallagher

When a former senior White House official describes a nationwide surveillance effort as “breathtaking,� you know civil liberties activists are preparing for a fight.

The Wall Street Journal reported today that the little-known National Counterterrorism Center, based in an unmarked building in McLean, Va., has been granted sweeping new authority to store and monitor massive datasets about innocent Americans.

After internal wrangling over privacy and civil liberties issues, the Justice Department reportedly signed off on controversial new guidelines earlier this year. The guidelines allow the NCTC, for the first time, to keep data about innocent U.S. citizens for up to five years, using “predictive pattern-matching,� to analyze it for suspicious patterns of behavior. The data the counterterrorism center has access to, according to the Journal, includes “entire government databases—flight records, casino-employee lists, the names of Americans hosting foreign-exchange students and many others.�


Mother of American Torture Victim José Padilla Brings Case Before International Human Rights Tribunal

U.S. Courts Have Denied Recourse
December 11, 2012


NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union and Yale Law School’s Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic today filed a petition against the United States with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IAHCR) for the unlawful detention and torture of José Padilla, a U.S. citizen, whom the United States detained and interrogated for four years.

The petition was filed by Padilla’s mother, Estella Lebron, on her own and on her son’s behalf. Padilla and Lebron had previously filed federal lawsuits – since dismissed – against current and former government officials for their roles in Padilla’s torture and other abuse.

The petition is an international complaint asking the IACHR, which is an independent human rights body of the Organization of American States, to conduct a full investigation into the human rights violations suffered by Padilla; to find that his mistreatment violated the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man; and to recommend that the United States publicly acknowledge the violations and apologize for its unlawful conduct.


Benefit Screening: Operation Terror

Mark your calendars: Thursday, December 6, 7:00 PM Pacific
Screening of OPERATION TERROR: 9/11 Fact and Fiction
Diablo Valley College, In the Forum next to the Library, 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, California 94523
A benefit for No Lies Radio. Sponsored by DVC-SDS.
$10 donation at the door.
(parking lot #3 - See Parking Ticket Meter - $3 Parking)

Operation Terror: The 90 minute Hollywood 9/11 fictional thriller that is banned from the theaters because it bites too close to the truth.

Plus: Bonus short, 'Solving the Mystery of WTC7', a 15 minute factual documentary about the 3rd tower not hit by a plane that collapsed just like a controlled demolition that same day.

Read More for full details.

The 9/11 Toronto Report Now Available

by James Gourley
November 28, 2012
International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001

It is with great excitement that I announce the release of the Final Report of the Toronto Hearings, which is titled The 9/11 Toronto Report. It is now available for purchase on, for a reduced introductory price of $12.76. I encourage you to review the content of the book using Amazon's "Look Inside" feature, and if you like the book, leave a positive five-star review. The book has already received a one-star review from someone who has not read the book, and we need to counteract these kinds of reviews.

The 9/11 Toronto Report is a collection of essays submitted by the witnesses who presented at the International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, which were held in Toronto, Canada over the 10th Anniversary of the attacks. I collected the essays, edited them, and arranged them into the chapters you find in the book. I believe it is the most succinct, comprehensive, and persuasive written treatment of the best evidence against the official story for 9/11 that has been produced to date. Those experts who contributed chapters include David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, Peter Dale Scott, Graeme MacQueen, David Chandler, Richard Gage and many others.


The Osama bin Laden Myth

By Paul Craig Roberts
November 26, 2012

The interview below with Osama bin Laden was conducted by the Karachi, Pakistan, daily newspaper, Ummat and published on September 28, 2001, 17 days after the alleged, but unsubstantiated, al Qaeda attack of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center twin towers and Pentagon. The interview was sensational. The alleged “mastermind� of 9/11 said that he and al Qaeda had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s World Monitoring Service had the interview translated into English and made public on September 29, 2001.

Osama bin Laden’s sensational denial was not reported by the US print and TV media. It was not investigated by the executive branch. No one in the US Congress called attention to bin Laden’s refusal of responsibility for the greatest humiliation ever inflicted on a superpower.

To check my memory of the lack of coverage, I googled “Osama bin Laden’s interview denying responsibility for 9/11.� Some Internet sites reproduced the interview, but the only mainstream news source that I found was a 1 minute YouTube video from CNN in which the anchor, after quoting an al Jazeera report of bin Laden’s denial, concludes that “we can all weigh that in the scale of credibility and come to our own conclusions.� In other words, bin Laden had already been demonized, and his denial was not credible.

The sensational news was unfit for US citizens and was withheld from them by the american “free press,� a press free to lie for the government but not to tell the truth.

Obviously, if bin Laden had outwitted not only the National Security Agency, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of Washington’s NATO puppet states, Israel’s Mossad, and in addition the National Security Council, NORAD, US air traffic control, and airport security four times on the same morning, it would be the greatest feat in world history, a movement building feat that would have made al Qaeda the most successful anti-imperialist organization in human history, an extraordinary victory over “the great satan� that would have brought millions of new recruits into al Qaeda’s ranks. Yet the alleged “mastermind� denied all responsibility.


Why Louis Freeh Should Be Investigated For 9/11

November 21, 2012
by Kevin Ryan

In the summer of 2001, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent Robert Wright, a counterterrorism expert from the Chicago office, made some startling claims about the Bureau in a written statement outlining the difficulties he had doing his job. Three months before 9/11, he wrote: “The FBI has proven for the past decade it cannot identify and prevent acts of terrorism against the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. Even worse, there is virtually no effort on the part of the FBI’s International Terrorism Unit to neutralize known and suspected terrorists residing within the United States.�[1]

Revelations since 9/11 have confirmed Wright’s claims. FBI management did little or nothing to stop terrorism in the decade before 9/11 and, in some cases, appeared to have supported terrorists. This is more disturbing considering that the power of the FBI over terrorism investigations was supreme. In 1998, the FBI’s strategic plan stated that terrorist activities fell “almost exclusively within the jurisdiction of the FBI� and that “the FBI has no higher priority than to combat terrorism.�[2]

Louis FreehA number of people are suspect in these failures, including the leaders of the FBI’s counterterrorism programs. But at the time of Wright’s written complaint, which was not shared with the public until May 2002, the man most responsible was Louis Freeh, Director of the FBI from 1993 to 2001.

Agent Wright was not FBI leadership’s only detractor, and not the only one to criticize Freeh. The public advocacy law firm Judicial Watch, which prosecutes government abuse and corruption, rejoiced at the news of Freeh’s March 2001 resignation.[3] Judicial Watch pointed to a “legacy of corruption� at the FBI under Freeh, listing the espionage scandal at Los Alamos National Laboratories, as well as “Filegate, Waco, the Ruby Ridge cover-up, the Olympic bombing frame-up of Richard Jewell, [and] falsification of evidence concerning the Oklahoma City bombing.�[4]

Judicial Watch said that Director Freeh believed he was above the law. The group went on to say that Freeh was “a man so corrupt he destroyed the office he led, and a man so cowardly he refuses to face the music for the illegalities he has allegedly committed.�[5] To this was added a claim that the FBI under Freeh was being directed by sinister yet unknown forces. �In case after case throughout the 1990′s, the FBI seems to have tailored its investigative efforts to fit somebody’s pre-arranged script. The question is, who wrote that script — and why?�


American Immorality Is At A Peak

... Has the United States, the hero of the Cold War, become in its behavior and motivations the enemy it overcame? Why does Washington want hegemony over the world? Why does Washington want this hegemony so badly that Washington is willing to murder women, children, aid workers, husbands and fathers, village elders, anyone on Earth including its own American heroes? ...

To all those now hailing the re-election of Barack Obama as a triumph of decent, humane, liberal values over the oozing-postule perfidy of the Republicans, a simple question:

Is this child dead enough for you?

This little boy was named Naeemullah. He was in his house — maybe playing, maybe sleeping, maybe having a meal — when an American drone missile was fired into the residential area where he lived and blew up the house next door.

As we all know, these drone missiles are, like the president who wields them, super-smart, a triumph of technology and technocratic expertise. We know, for the president and his aides have repeatedly told us, that these weapons — launched only after careful consultation of the just-war strictures of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas — strike nothing but their intended targets and kill no one but “bad guys.� Indeed, the president’s top aides have testified under oath that not a single innocent person has been among the thousands of Pakistani civilians — that is, civilians of a sovereign nation that is not at war with the United States — who have been killed by the drone missile campaign of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.



November 1, 2012
by Jon Gold


Two New Articles at Journal of 9/11 Studies

October 22, 2012
Journal of 9/11 Studies

Kevin Ryan and Professor Graeme MacQueen are pleased to announce two new, peer reviewed articles that have been published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies.

The first is from German journalist Paul Schreyer and is titled "Anomalies of the air defense on 9/11." This paper identifies six major, simultaneous anomalies that occurred on September 11, 2001 with regard to the national air defenses. Here is an excerpt:

"The official explanation for the detour is that air traffic controllers at Langley had sort of a standard flight plan, sending all jets generally to the east and that this standardized eastern heading somehow replaced the original NORAD scramble order. But this seems to be a dubious claim. Because how could that have happened? The pilots knew the original scramble order. They knew which direction NEADS wanted them to fly. And then they somehow forgot? But, same as with the Otis scramble, there seems only little chance to dig deeper because ‘Giant Killer’, the responsible control facility, deleted all its tapes from the communication on 9/11."

The second article is from licensed structural engineer Ronald H. Brookman and is titled "A Discussion of “Analysis of Structural Response of WTC 7 to Fire and Sequential Failures Leading to Collapse." ...  

Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson set for 9/11 'truther' film September Morn

Film's advance publicity says: 'We the people demand an independent investigation into the tragic events of 9/11'

October 17, 2012
by Rory Carroll

Film's advance publicity says: 'We the people demand an independent investigation into the tragic events of 9/11'

Hollywood is to court controversy with a film that will challenge the official version of the events of 9/11, a previously taboo topic for the industry mainstream. Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson and Ed Asner, who have all supported conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks, have signed up to the movie, which is entitled September Morn.

Styling itself as a drama in the tradition of Twelve Angry Men, the film's advance publicity note hints at a cover-up, saying: "We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911."

Details of the film, which is to be directed by BJ Davis and written by Howard Cohen, are expected to be revealed at an American Film Market conference in Los Angeles next week, reported.


9/11 pre-trial hearings begin for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others

October 15, 2012
by Karen McVeigh, UK Guardian

Five Guantánamo prisoners accused of plotting the September 11 attacks were back before a military tribunal on Monday for pre-trial hearings after months of delay.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – the alleged mastermind of 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in US history – and his four co-defendants sat quietly at the defence tables, watched by military guards. Defendant Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi responded to the judge’s questions about his request for additional legal counsel, according to the Associated Press, before the hearing was adjourned.

The calm start to the proceedings was in sharp contrast to the previous hearing in May, which was marred by protests, outbursts and the defendants’ refusal to answer questions from the judge. It lasted 13 hours.

The hearings, in Camp Justice, the war court compound at the US naval base in Cuba, are expected to focus on secrecy and transparency, but will cover a range of issues from whether the prison camps can force the men to attend their own trials to what they can wear in court, the Miami Herald reported.


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Day of Enlightenment
Featuring Cindy Sheehan and Jon Gold
Saturday, October 20th, 1-4pm
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US.
Details at Accountable Democracy Conference
London, England
Saturday, November 10 — Cynthia McKinney, Lars Schall, Michael Ratner, Dan Glazebrook and many others.
Details at Hosted by

Online petitions:
"Statement for 9/11 Justice" "Revise the US Government Final Report on the Collapse of Building 7"

9/11 memoir...truly, we have
accomplished so much!

What if the president sold the US to a corporation ... and we took it back?!


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