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Health department studies impact of natural gas facilities on Dish residents

3:09 PM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |  | 
Elizabeth Souder/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The Texas Department of State Health Services collected blood and urine samples from residents in the Dish area to test whether natural gas activity is affecting their health.

DSHS spokeswoman Allison Lowery said the department collected the samples from 28 randomly-selected adults last month.

"We're going to be looking at those samples to try to determine if there are elevated levels of vocs -- volatile organic compounds -- and that would include benzene," she said.

Dish, which hosts natural gas compression stations and other natural gas production equipment, is the town that conducted its an air quality study last year. That study prompted the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to study air quality across the Barnett Shale natural gas field, finding elevated levels of benzene in some places.

Lowery said the mayor of Dish, Calvin Tillman, had asked the DSHS to conduct the health study.

The department sent the blood and urine samples to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for analysis. Results are due in the next week or so, she said. She said the department will notify the study participants of the results and issue a report to the community.


how did that work?
someone comes to your door and demands samples?
any one refuse?

come on

Piuyt, in fact, yes. DSHS chose residents at random from a computer database, then went to their homes and asked them to participate. Obviously, if someone refused, or wasn't home, the DSHS people moved on to the next person on the list.

So it sounds like Dish did it's own study with some alarming conclusions. Now, I guess DSHS has to do one in response in order to dispute any negative conclusions with their "all is well" conclusion so that things can continue on business as usual....that is unless the gas companies forgot to send in their campaign contributions. Call me a cynic, but since when does any government agency side with the common man over big business. I will be shocked if anything comes from this.

Local residents want the state to sample the air.

The state wants to sample local residents instead.

Go Figure.

Watch "Gasland" and be afraid, be very afraid, of Dick Cheney and his friends.


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