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Early ballots pile up
Early voting continues in Denton County for the March 2 primary election, and elections officials say numbers are on pace for a large increase over the last gubernatorial election. As of Monday, 8,081 early voting ballots had been cast in Denton County. That includes 7,283 Republicans and 798 Democrats.

 Best of Denton 2010 ballot


Seats filled more often
Of the 101 people elected to serve on 17 area city councils, nine missed more than a quarter of the regular and special-call meetings in 2009. Eleven cities saw at least three council members missing at least 10 percent — two or more — of the meetings in 2009, according to a Denton Record-Chronicle analysis.


Perry makes stop in Denton

DRC/Candace Carlisle
Gov. Rick Perry chats during a brief campaign stop at Jupiter House in downtown Denton on Friday.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry made a short stop in Denton Friday morning, during the “crush and rush” of campaigning leading up to the primary election on March 2, with early voting already under way. Perry, a Republican seeking his third four-year term as governor, greeted more than 100 Denton County residents — most of whom were invited by Perry’s campaign through e-mail — at the Jupiter House coffee shop on the Square.

Insurance agent enters race for council seat
Denton insurance agent James King filed on Friday to run for the Denton City Council seat being vacated by Joe Mulroy.


Dick Morris to speak at Lincoln-Reagan Dinner
Author, conservative commentator and political strategist Dick Morris is the scheduled keynote speaker at the Denton County Republican Party’s upcoming Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on Feb. 27 at the DFW Hyatt Regency hotel in Dallas.

Phillips to address county GOP Party
Denton County Elections Administrator Frank Phillips will address the monthly meeting of the Denton County Republican Party at 7 p.m. today.


Democrats choose church for their polling site
Denton County Democratic Party officials found an alternate polling site for the March 2 primary, after an issue over the use of a Denton fire station cropped up.


List of Candidates


Who's On The Ballot


Parties expect healthy turnout

Early voting begins Tuesday as voters in Denton County cast their ballots in several races including the gubernatorial race statewide and district attorney, probate court, county court and justice of the peace locally. Both Republican and Democratic party officials are expecting high turnouts for the election.

 Best of Denton 2010 ballot


Gallardo challenges DePiazza for Precinct 2 position
Billing himself as the “people’s judge,” Carlos Gallardo hopes to unseat incumbent Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace James R. DePiazza in the March 2 Republican primary.

Incumbent Hand faces two challengers in Precinct 4
On a recent trip to a school in his district, Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace J.W. Hand said a principal thanked him for his service, saying he could name five students who would have not graduated had it not been for Hand’s work. Hand says remarks like that are fueling his bid for re-election in the March 2 Republican primary election. Standing in his way are challengers Dave Jahn and Scott Smith.


More challengers enter council races
Denton Mayor Mark Burroughs will face an old foe in his race for a second term this spring.


Parties clash on rights to use site
Denton County Democratic and Republican party leaders are butting heads over the use of a city building as a polling site for the March 2 primary. Democrats claim they are being unfairly excluded from using Denton Fire Station No. 4 at 2110 E. Sherman Drive, while GOP officials claim to have exclusive use of the facility.


Candidates tout experience, heritage in DA race
Leadership is a key issue in the Republican race for Denton County district attorney: Incumbent Paul Johnson believes he has provided it for the office, while his opponent, Brent Bowen, thinks he can fill a leadership void. Both men believe their backgrounds make them good leaders. Johnson points to his history as a self-made man, and Bowen proudly says he is a fourth-generation lawyer.


Mayor pursues second term
Denton Mayor Mark Burroughs announced he will seek a second term this spring, saying he wants more time to accomplish his goals for the city. “I have just started a number of things that I would like to make sure move forward,” Burroughs told the Denton Record-Chronicle.


Several honored at annual GOP dinner
The Denton County Republican Party honored several individuals from around the county recently at its annual Volunteer Dinner, according to information released by party officials.

Crownover earns honor
The Texas Association of Business has honored state Rep. Myra Crownover, R-Denton, as a “Champion of Free Enterprise,” the highest honor a legislator can receive from the association.


Officer seeks to unseat Holland

Proud of the work he has done as justice of the peace, Joe Holland hopes voters will let him take a step toward retaining his Precinct 1 seat in the March 2 Republican primary election. Opposing Holland on the ballot is first-time political candidate and former police officer Jim Bryan, who says he has the experience to succeed on the bench. The winner of the primary election will move on to face unopposed Democrat candidate William K. Barnett in the November general election.

GOP forums scheduled
Denton County Republican candidates in contested primary races have been invited to speak at several forums throughout the county, according to Dianne Edmondson, Denton County Republican Party chairwoman.


Two rise to face Collier
Two men are seeking to unseat Jake Collier from the 158th District Court bench in the March 2 Republican primary election. Lawyers David Moraine and Steve Burgess each hope to emerge as the Republican candidate heading into an uncontested November general election.


Lawyers vie for probate bench
Three Republicans are vying for a seat on the statutory probate court judge bench and the opportunity to start a new era, as sitting Judge Don Windle retires.


Republican candidates cite their experience
Rain-soaked Republican candidates, supporters and curious voters packed the Denton County Commissioners Courtroom for a candidate forum Thursday night.


Candidate forum
Candidates in contested Denton County Republican primary races are set to speak at a public forum at 6:30 p.m. today in the Courthouse on the Square.


Four file for seat on court

As Judge Darlene Whitten steps down from the County Court at Law No. 1 bench, a quartet of candidates have filed to run for the vacant seat. One has run for office before and the other three are newcomers to the political scene, but Republicans Kimberly McCary, Chance Oliver, George Mitcham and Christine “Chris” Ventura all say they have what it takes to be a county court judge.

2010 Political Chat Blog


Forum touches on race, fairness
Candidates from the Precinct 1 justice of the peace and county district attorney races faced questions about race, fair treatment of employees, and the community at a candidate forum sponsored by the NAACP on Monday.

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