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  1. Today On the Spot - Borderlands

    We bring you demos of Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, and more!

  2. Red Steel 2 Hands-On Preview

    We get our slashing and shooting on in our latest look at Ubisoft's Wii-only action game.

  3. Heavy Rain Review

    This deeply moving adventure adapts to your every action and is not to be missed.

  4. Borderlands: General Knoxx DLC First Look

    We get an exclusive first look at the new content for 2K's funky first-person shooter.

  5. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    We play through an extended chunk of DICE's upcoming shooter to see if it's still got that great character, which made the first game special.

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  • Bioshock 2 Game Guide

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    Would you kindly check our full walkthrough to Bioshock 2, including Achievement and Trophy lists?

  • GameSpot @ X10

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    Microsoft's in San Francisco to show off their latest games, and we're bringing all the info straight to you!


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