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Now that it's really 'ObamaCare,' does that change things?

Walter Shapiro: Look at the superior substance

What mostly has been ignored is the surprising news that the Obama proposal represents a significant improvement over the Senate version

Eugene Robinson: Dems must find spines
Robert Reich: Do it with 51 votes
Richard Eskow: The alternative is no legislation

Alan Reynolds: The president's unhealthy proposal

In reality, the proposal would put the federal government in control of health insurance (which is not at all the same as health care)

Antos and Miller: GOP must show where Obama is wrong
Creighton Hill: Targeting insurers is not the answer
Orrin Hatch: Start over

Tunku Varadarajan: Why partisan bickering works

Democrats blame the GOP for their failure (so far) to pass health care. But what if obstruction is doing "the people's business?"

David Brooks: Health care reform sinks into the mire

So we've sunk another level in our tawdry tale. The White House, to its enormous credit, has tried to think about the long term, but it has been dragged ever lower into the mire by Congressional special interests that are parochial in the extreme

Whitehouse.gov: The president's health reform proposal
CBO: Obama proposal too vague to analyze
Igor Volsky: Comparing Obama plan to House, Senate versions
Kate Pickert: Raising the stakes ahead of summit
Politico Arena: Weighing in on the president's plan
Roger Cohen: The Narcissus society
David Corn: Pivot point could be tax on 'Cadillac' plans
WSJ: Showing no interest in compromise
Wash. Post | NY Times | USA Today |
LA Times | Chi. Tribune | Bos. Globe | CSM

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Barack Obama has released his 11-page "president's plan" in advance of this week's summit. Will it help bring health care reform out of the weeds?


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
Dallas Tea Party: Olbermann should look in his own monitor

How many minority faces would you see at a Tea Party event? Why, more than on MSNBC's entire lineup, Mr. Olbermann

William McKenzie: The fallacy of the Tea Party approach

Jacquielynn Floyd: Whatever Joe Stack was, it's not one of us

Leftist, rightist, extremist? Communist, entrepreneur, patriot? Whatever he is, he's not the guy next door, because we-the-people-next-door don't kill anybody when we get mad

Lee Harris: Understanding Joe Stack, anger and ideology

DMN: Balance Texas' budget on this three-legged stool

The list of cuts that rolled out of state agencies aren't nearly enough to balance Texas' budget. We must find savings elsewhere

William Murchison: Rick Perry's not-so-frivolous lawsuit

Actually, a lot of people beyond Rick Perry (and chief gubernatorial foe Kay Bailey Hutchison) worry about EPA's foray into regulation not originally contemplated by Congress in the Clean Air Act

Mike Hashimoto: Adding up the words on the constable mess

Craig Watkins, as he has on so many issues, attempted to overwhelm the politics. Instead, the politics again overwhelmed him

And the best of the rest of the world

Robert C. Pozen: U.S. public debt hits its tipping point

As research shows, once gross public debt exceeds 90 percent of GDP, the adverse effects on the economy come quickly. At the end of 2010, U.S. public debt will be close to the 100 percent mark

Thomas L. Friedman: Welcome to the lean years
Robert J. Barro: One year in, stimulus is a bad deal
Wyden and Gregg: A bipartisan plan for tax fairness
Bruce Bartlett: How not to create jobs

Bruce Ackerman: How to control future John Yoos

The torture memos are the predictable product of an institutional set-up that puts the meaning of national security law at the mercy of politicized offices and legal staffs. Reform that structure

Debra J. Saunders: Yoo case is about politics, not ethics
Marc Thiessen: Obama should rethink his 'torture' options
Michael I. Krauss: How do Muslim nations view terrorists?


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