2011 NBA All-Star Technology Summit

The 12th annual NBA All-Star Technology Summit will take place in Los Angeles on Friday, February 18th. The Summit provides an opportunity for an invitation-only group of industry leaders to engage in a series of conversations about the changing dynamics of sports, media and technology.

In each of the previous Summits, we've tracked changes in content creation and distribution platforms, business models, and consumer adoption, as well as the broader social and policy implications of this digital age. This year, we gather leading thinkers in the industry to focus on a few of the most disruptive digital business and consumer models in video, ticketing and mobile platforms, and take a closer look at how universal broadband access is developing around the world. This year's Summit will also feature a special one-on-one session with ESPN's Bill Simmons and Malcolm Gladwell, one of Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People" and the author of four number one best sellers, including The Tipping Point.

Guiding the discussions, the panels will be moderated by some of the top names in broadcasting including Wolf Blitzer, John King and Soledad O'Brien.