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Looks like dogwood
Mock orange is a good substitute
for fussy native dogwood.
Battle of the seasons
If oxalis is here, then spring can't be far behind, regardless of snow.
Bush Honeysuckle w/Bee

Gardening 101
How do I prune my crape myrtle? How do I plant a tree? What's wrong with my tomatoes? Get the answers everyone's looking for.
Before you start digging, there are some idiosyncrasies you should know about our climate and soil.

Home and garden
Search thousands of listings by keyword to find a plant lover's paradise
Texas wildflowers
What kind of wildflower year was 2008? Need some help with identification? Just want to relive the spring through photos?
Get your 2010 calendar
HoustonGrows wall calendar: They're $2 each in the Houston Chronicle lobby downtown or by mail. Click inside for details.

Daily Q&A

Seasonal special reports
SPRING VEGETABLES: Complete guide to planning and planting your new veggie garden.
FREEZE PREP: Find out what to do and what not to do before and after the front moves in.
FRUIT TREES: Mark your calendars for the 2010 season of local fruit tree sales scheduled through February.
HELP BIRDS: As the days get colder, birds need us more. How to attract them and keep them.

Split Leaf Philodendrons & Freeze Damage Should she cut them farther down the trunk or even down to the ground? ... Any of you tropical growers have an answer for me?
- mycornerofkaty
Re: Year-round Foliage with exciting color or texture My neighbor has some pretty 'Fringe Flower' ... They have pretty purple bronze leaves and really pretty pink flowers. ...
- dblwhammy
Re: Creeping thyme: Thumbs up or down? My experience with thymes has been that they can't take the amount of rain we get.
- mycornerofkaty
Urban Harvest
Fruit, vegetable and
habitat gardening
Ask Mr. Smarty Plants
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WEB SITE CONTENT: E-mail your questions and comments, complaints and compliments about the HoustonGardening site to producer Laura Weisman at HoustonGrows.

GARDENING ADVICE: Send questions about plants or horticulture to Kathy Huber or post a question in the forums for local gardeners to discuss.

CALENDAR ITEMS: If not submitting events directly to the Garden Calendar (above), please submit your items online to this easy online HoustonGrows events form or e-mail them to HoustonGrows. Disclaimer: We cannot publish events missing required information.

TECH HELP: Are you unsure how to post photos, comment on articles, build a blog or join a forum discussion? Get instructions here.

ADVERTISE: Are you interested in advertising on E-mail Gerald Johnson.

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