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John Morgan is the lead staff reporter for MMAjunkie.com, a content partner site of Yahoo! Sports and the 2008 World MMA Awards winner for best media outlet. A DeSoto native, Morgan has followed mixed martial arts since 1994, covering it professionally since 2007. Morgan covers day-to-day breaking news, fight bookings, fighter features and general business dealings, and he also co-hosts MMAjunkie.com Radio.

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February 13, 2010

Silva, Soares excited for "old-school" fight at UFC 112

11:45 AM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

For at least one day, one of the world's top pound-for-pound fighters was just like every MMA fan in the world: He was wondering who the UFC would pick for him to fight next.

UFC middleweight champ Anderson Silva (25-4 MMA, 10-0 UFC) found out on Thursday, along with pretty much the rest of the MMA world, that title challenger Vitor Belfort had been forced to withdraw from a planned UFC 112 bout on April 10 in Abu Dhabi due to a shoulder injury.

Then on Friday, Silva found out just hours before the UFC made its official announcement that Demian Maia (12-1 MMA, 6-1 UFC) had agreed to fill in. "The Spider" smiled, and his mind was immediately brought back to the early days of the UFC.

"I think it's a very interesting matchup," Silva told The Dallas Morning News through his manager, Ed Soares. "I think it's MMA's best striker against MMA's best grappler. I think it kind of brings back the old-school UFC of standup fighter vs. grappler."

The UFC brass agrees with the assessment, and Friday's official announcement of the fight noted precicesly the same observation.

"Anderson Silva vs. Demian Maia will be a matchup between MMA's best striker and MMA's best grappler," UFC president Dana White stated in the release.

While White is an occasional source of hyperbole, it's hard to argue with him on this point.

Silva owns 15 of his 25 career wins by knockout or TKO, and many of them have come in devastating fashion (as Rich Franklin, Forrest Griffin, James Irvin, Chris Leben and Nate Marquardt can attest). Meanwhile, in addition to his extensive credentials in the grappling world, Maia has put those talents to work in the cage, as well, claiming four "Submission of the Night" bonuses in his seven UFC appearances.

"Anderson was very motivated to fight Vitor," Soares said. "He was taking that camp very seriously, and now he's going to be taking the Demian Maia camp very seriously.

"I think Demian is a professional. He's a great person. He's a very humble guy, and he's a very talented guy. This is the classic, old-school MMA fight where it's the world's best grappler against the world's best striker. It's got that old-school feel."


When Belfort went down, the UFC was left with a difficult decision to make.

Silva, one of the world's best and most recognizable fighters hasn't fought since August. But a recent string of round-robin contests left the middleweight division without a clear-cut contender who was ready to take the fight on eight-weeks' notice.

Chael Sonnen (24-10-1 MMA, 4-3 UFC), riding the strength of three-straight wins in the UFC over quality opponents (Marquardt, Yushin Okami and Dan Miller) and bolstered by a recent barrage of verbal jabs at Silva, appeared the leading candidate. But UFC officials determined the damage Sonnen endured in his UFC 109 win over Marquardt was too great for him to overcome in time for UFC 112, so they turned to the last man to beat Sonnen: Maia, who submitted Sonnen in the first round of a February 2009 contest.

"I think it's a shame that Chael wasn't able to take the fight because I know with all that crap he was talking about Anderson this and Anderson that it would be interesting for him to put all those things he had to say into the octagon," Soares said. "But then again, you've got Demian Maia here who is a guy who submitted Chael stepping up here and taking the fight on less-than-two-months' notice.

"We appreciate Demian stepping up and taking the fight on such short notice, and now you've got two of the best at what they do stepping into the octagon."

However, the knock on Maia is that Marquardt dispatched of him via knockout in just 21 seconds in an August 2009 contest. Soares admits the timing of the loss is unfortunate, but he believes the nature of the one-punch finish actually should hamper Maia's contender status less than Marquardt's own positioning after being dominated for 15 minutes by Sonnen at UFC 109.

"It's a bummer to have a loss two fights ago," Soares said. "But a situation like that, that can happen to anybody. That just goes to show you that if anybody gets hit in the chin with a four-ounce glove, you can go down.

"And it wasn't like he got beat up for three rounds. He literally got caught, and anybody can get caught. I think it was unfortunate, but I don't think it takes away from Demian Maia as a fighter."

And, Soares contends, Maia proved in his own UFC 109 win against Miller - a win the submission ace earned largely on the feet rather than through his actions on the ground - that his standup game had improved dramatically.

"Demian obviously has improved his stand-up game quite a bit," Soares said. "I'm not going to say he's an A-plus striker now, but you definitely can see that his striking game has improved. It might not be in his best interest to stand with Anderson, but I think he can stand with Anderson a lot better than he was able to six months ago.

"He seemed like he knew how to move around the octagon much better, and he looked like he felt a lot more comfortable using his hands. He wasn't just desperate to take his opponent down. I think that's going to be important. I think that's going to present some challenges."

Soares doesn't mean to suggest that "MMA's best grappler" ought to try and turn the bout with Silva into a Muay-Thai fight, but he does believe the refined skillset makes for a more entertaining matchup.

"I'm not saying Maia's striking is going to be as good as Anderson," Soares said. "Right now, in this day and age, I think Anderson is the best standup fighter in the world. I think it's going to be difficult for anyone to say, 'I'm going to stand with Anderson.' But I think that the way Demian's striking has been improving is going to make the fight more interesting because it's not like we're expecting him to just go in and shoot. That's what everyone is thinking, but I don't think he's going to do that.

"I don't think the bell is going to ring and Maia is just going to jump in and shoot. He's going to have to exchange a little bit, and that's going to be interesting."


Save for the 21-second disaster against Marquardt, the Maia bandwagon has been steadily gaining steam for quite some time.

Silva has shown time and time again that he can out-strike even the best of challengers. But those observers eying a potential kink in Silva's nearly impenetrable armor frequently point to a 2007 contest with Travis Lutter in which Silva found himself briefly mounted.

If Lutter, who missed weight for the matchup, could put Silva on the brink of disaster, then maybe jiu-jitsu is the champ's Achilles' heel?

Enter Thales Leites.

Leites earned a title shot with Silva in April 2009. The Nova Unaio fighter was 14-1 at the time, and he counted submission wins over Jose Landi-Jons and Gustavo Machado among his pre-UFC accomplishments.

Theoretically, he could prove a real threat to Silva on the floor. Reality resulted in a 25-minute snoozefest with Leites largely refusing to engage Silva on the feet.

Soares doesn't believe Maia will approach the April 10 fight in the same manner.

"I think a lot of times, people look at the glass as half-empty, and some people look at it as half-full," Soares said. "A fight is a fight, and every fight is different.

"I think Thales Leites was a great fighter. It's hard to say, but I think Demian Maia is a little bit of a different type of fighter. Demian goes in there, and he's the best at what he does on the ground. Anderson is excited to test himself against what the world considers to be the best grappler in MMA."

Soares also believes Maia, despite the loss to Marquardt, may have proven more on his way to the top with victories over a higher quality of foe than Leites ever faced.

"I think it's going to be a great fight," Soares said. "The guy's got a 12-1 record, and he's beaten some great guys. I think he's dangerous, and it's going to be good."


So whether or not Maia can present the type of challenge for Silva that many fans long for remains to be seen. But with the convoluted triumvirate that is the UFC's Maia, Marquardt and Sonnen, the organization was forced to make a move. Now that a contender has been named, Soares believes Silva will once again prove ready to impress.

"Demian and Vitor are both very tough fighters, but they're different types of fighters," Soares said. "I'm sure Anderson is going to make a few adjustments to his training camp on what he's going to do, but for the most part, Anderson goes out there and does the same thing for every fight. Then he just changes certain details depending on who the opponent is."

And Soares believes Maia is the best opponent for Silva right now.

"The UFC is the biggest organization in the world for a reason," Soares said. "They know what's going on behind the scenes, and basically, it makes sense.

"The fight with Vitor Belfort, it was the right time to make that fight happen. That's why they put the fight together. At this point, unfortunately there weren't a lot of options, but I think that Demian Maia was a very good replacement. He's the best at what he does, which is grappling. He's the best. No one can deny that."

As for Silva, who will train in Brazil for the remainder of his camp before traveling to Abu Dhabi about two-to-three weeks before the fight to get used to the time and climate changes, he's excited for this "old-school" fight as the UFC ushers in a new era.

"I just appreciate that Demian Maia stepped up and took this fight," Silva said. "It's going to be a history making UFC, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

"This is going to not only be the first UFC event in Abu Dhabi, but also the first UFC event that's going to be held outdoors, and I'm very happy to be part of that milestone in UFC history."

For complete coverage of UFC 112, check out the UFC Rumors section of MMAjunkie.com.

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February 5, 2010

With new mental approach, Guillard eyes fresh start

3:15 AM Fri, Feb 05, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

Melvin Guillard (22-8-2 MMA, 5-4 UFC) would like to introduce himself to you.

That may seem a little silly as he prepares to make his 10th appearance for the UFC, but Guillard insists "The Young Assassin" that will step into the cage with Ronnys Torres (14-1 MMA, 0-0 UFC) for Saturday night's UFC 109 event in Las Vegas is unlike any version of him you've ever seen before.

"Right now, I feel that I'm 0-0," Guillard recently told The Dallas Morning News. "I'm wiping my slate clean. I'm not looking back."

Not all that long ago, looking back would have been just fine for Guillard. After all, the New Orleans native and Houston resident was riding a three-fight win streak into his September 2009 fight with Nate Diaz. And Guillard appeared effective in the early going of that bout - until a mental lapse left him tapping out from a guillotine choke with no one to blame but himself.

"I look at it as a mental mistake," Guillard admitted. "In my planning for that fight, I was never supposed to take Diaz down to the ground. The fight was supposed to stay on the feet, and I was supposed to stay on the feet."

Instead, a brief moment of confusion between the first and second round left Guillard mentally ill-prepared for the next frame.

"After the first ended, I went to my corner," Guillard said. "I had blood all over me, but I didn't even know I had a small cut. I thought I just cut Diaz. The cutman comes in, and he's telling my coaches to move out of the way so he can work on the cut. I was like, 'Cut? What cut?'

"Instead of taking the time to really gain my composure and catch my breath and be able to go back out fresh, I started the second round, and I was still a little winded. I never had a chance to catch my breath back. I kind of danced around a little bit and tried to stay away from him so I could take a couple of deep breaths. In doing that, I just went for a blind shot. That shot was never supposed to happen."

It was, quite simply, a mental error.

It's the type of mistake that has plagued Guillard throughout his career. The potent striker's athleticism and physical talents have never been up for debate. Rather, it has always been Guillard's lack of mental focus.

Enter renowned MMA trainer Greg Jackson.

"I think with Coach Greg, it's the way he comes off in the mental part of the game," Guillard said. "He's a sentimental-type guy. He has that approach like, 'We're going to do this. This is the gameplan.' Just the way that he talks to you and the way he gives you that respect - not only as a fighter, but as a person and a man - it's phenomenal.

"I'm not taking anything from Coach Saul (Soliz). When I was with Coach Saul in Houston, I had a good run. Training was good. I was able to keep afloat in the UFC. But Coach Jackson just takes it to a whole new level."

Guillard prepared for Torres at Jackson's New Mexico training facility, and the lightweight contender plans on making the camp his permanent home. And as time goes on, Guillard believes fans will see the difference.

"When we're preparing for a fight, it's hard to learn something new," Guillard said. "We can only prepare. Once I start going up there and I don't have a fight, then I can start learning and getting better at new stuff."

But for now, Guillard will have to focus solely on Torres. The Brazilian Nova Uniao fighter is a submission wizard, and Guillard admits that is the one part of his game that is obviously lacking.

Torres is just the latest submission specialist that Guillard has faced, and he realizes the importance of defeating that style of opponent.

"I think (UFC matchmaker) Joe Silva has it out for me," Guillard joked. "No, it's not frustrating. That's the one hole in my game, and once I can convincingly start beating these jiu-jitsu guys, then that sets the mark for me as one of the greatest fighters. Even before I win a title, I can be labeled one of the greatest fighters if I can take out some of the guys that are very, very great and good at submission.

"They can keep feeding me whoever - whether it's a striker or a jiu-jitsu guy. The best part of it is, it gives me more of an opportunity to win knockout bonuses because I don't have to stand in front of a guy I think can knock me out. I'm going to stand in front of guys that I know just want to take me down and don't want nothing to do with my standup."

Guillard will certainly carry the more effective striking game into the matchup. And with Torres fighting for the first time in the UFC, Guillard believes he'll be able to impose his will.

"Torres is going to be a tough fight, but everybody knows that when fighters step into the octagon for the first time, they're nervous," Guillard said. "They don't really execute well.

"Working with these guys I'm preparing with, I'm not nervous. I could have gone into this fight without watching any film on this guy. As long as I'm mentally ready to go in and be in good physical condition, I can beat anybody standing in front of me."

Guillard truly believes that if he can raise his mental focus to the level of his physical gifts, no one will be able to stop him. And with Jackson, Guillard now believes he knows how to get there.

"Mentally, as your game gets stronger, you feel invincible," Guillard said. "I've been walking around like I'm on top of the world out there.

"I'm not even going to dwell on the past. I'm just going to wipe my slate clean and just keep progressing from here. I know for a fact that if I stay with Coach Jackson, I'll be a world champion within two years."

"UFC 109: Relentless" airs live on pay-per-view on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 10 p.m. For complete coverage of UFC 109, check out MMAjunkie.com.

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February 3, 2010

Swick confident, relaxed for UFC 109 bout with Thiago

10:10 PM Wed, Feb 03, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

UFC welterweight contender Mike Swick (14-3 MMA, 9-2 UFC) has been here before.

After suffering a disappointing loss in his last appearance, the Houston native knows what it takes to dust himself off, put the past behind, and leave it all in the cage while looking to start another impressive win streak.

And as Swick recently told The Dallas Morning News, his "UFC 109: Relentless" bout with Paulo Thiago (12-1 MMA, 2-1 UFC) this Saturday in Las Vegas is the perfect time to prove his character to the world.

"Losses are really hard to deal with for me because I'm very competitive," Swick said. "It usually brings the best out of me, which is good, and that's what I think it's going to do this time.

"After every loss I've ever had so far in my career, I've come back on a big winning streak. I think that's what is important to my fans - how I pick myself up. Fans don't necessarily look at your win-loss record. I don't get many emails from fans that say they are my fans because, 'Wow, you have a good win-loss record.' It's always because of how I've overcome stuff and how I've dealt with hurdles and negative impacts in my life and how I've kept my head positive and pushed forward. I think that's something you can take inspiration from in any field, whether it's fighting or not."

"I just want to pick myself back up"

Swick hasn't lost often - just two times, in fact, during his near-five-year run in the UFC. The second of those came to British slugger Dan Hardy, who will soon challenge for the UFC's welterweight title, this past November at UFC 105.

Swick refuses to explain away the loss, though he does relish the opportunity to erase the memory.

"It just wasn't my night," Swick said. "But I don't want to make excuses about it; I just want to pick myself up and get back on the winning track.

"I feel you're only as good as your last performance, and that was one of the worst performances of my career. I just want to look ahead right now and get focused on this fight and go out there and show my fans where I stand in the division."

Following the loss to Hardy, Swick had actually planned on taking some time off from training to relax in Brazil. But when his American Kickboxing Academy teammate Josh Koscheck was forced to withdraw from the event due to injury, Swick knew it was a blessing in disguise - even if it meant he's have just five weeks to prepare for the fight.

"I'm always looking to fight, and I knew that even with five weeks, I had enough time to get in shape," Swick said. "I'm very mentally strong, and I can discipline myself and get in shape pretty fast. I didn't have the camp that I usually have, but I think it went well enough to get in shape and go in there and win.

"An opportunity to get back on the winning track was too good to pass up. I hate sitting on a loss. In my mind, you're only as good as your last performance. I don't want to sit on that performance. I want to get back in there and have a better performance."

"I like fights that are challenging"

Thiago, who fights in his spare time when not working as a Brazilian special forces agent, is a tough matchup for any opponent. Swick believes Thiago is certainly the best grappler he's ever fought.

"I definitely think he's the best grappler I've ever faced, and that excites me," Swick said. "I take fights and I like fights that are challenging. I don't want to take fights that I'm like a 5-to-1 favorite or where everyone thinks I'm going to win. I want to fight fights that if I don't go out there and do what I'm supposed to do, I'll lose. That's the fights that I want because that's a challenge to myself.

"When I'm done, I can look back and say, 'You did something. You did good.' You went out there, and you did what you were supposed to do, and you earned the victory.' It's not like, 'You went out there and settled and just didn't let him do anything, and then you won.'"

But despite his grappling prowess, Thiago may be best known for earning a shocking TKO win over Kosheck in February 2009. The Brazilian has sometimes been criticized for landing a "lucky punch," but Swick thinks Thiago is a credible opponent in the standup department.

"That was no more of a lucky shot than any shot that lands," Swick said. "That's the way striking is. You throw shots until they land. The best strikers in the world throw punches that don't land. You can't just say every punch that lands is lucky. But the thing about it is with him, he has a very unorthodox style.

"If you look at some of the best strikers in our sport today - like Anderson Silva, Dan Henderson, Wanderlei Silva, Chuck Liddell - a lot of these guys are very unorthodox strikers. That's what works. That's what gets in. That's what tough to prepare for. I take him as a very dangerous striker. He obviously has a lot of power."

Nevertheless, Swick - who owns seven career wins by knockout or TKO - said he will be looking to keep the fight standing.

"He put Koscheck down, and Thiago Alves didn't even do that," Swick said. "He also knocked down Jacob Volkmann, and he's had a few more knockdowns. He's got a lot of power in his hands, and he's very loopy and very long. He's got long arms.

"I'm taking his standup serious. I'm not just assuming I'm going to walk right through him on the feet. I definitely respect his standup, but then again, I feel that's where I'm the best fighter, and that's where I'm going to try and keep it."

"My job is to win fights"

Prior to the fight with Hardy, Swick's most recent loss was to top middleweight contender Yushin Okami. Following that result, Swick reeled-off four-straight wins.

The 30-year-old Texan said he's as relaxed as can be for this shot at redemption, and regardless of the result on Saturday night, he promises a vintage performance.

"I'm not super-focused on where I'm going yet," Swick said. "I just need to get back on the winning track. That's what is important to me. At this point in my career, I'm so appreciative to be living my dream. I'm fighting in the UFC, I've been here for five years, and I'm living my dream.

"I'm having a good time, and I think that's what you're going to see. One thing that is very different from my last few fights is that there's a lot of things I'm doing as far as rest and keeping my stress level down. I'm going to be in a lot better spirits, and I'm going to be a lot happier and a lot more pumped up for this fight. I think that's what you're going to see when you see me walk out on Saturday night.

"At the end of the day, I'm living my dream, and I'm ready to go out there, and I'm going to have a good time. I'm going to go do my job, and my job is to win fights in the UFC."

"UFC 109: Relentless" airs live on pay-per-view on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 10 p.m. For complete coverage of UFC 109, check out MMAjunkie.com.

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January 27, 2010

Don Frye added to Shark Fight broadcast team

4:00 PM Wed, Jan 27, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

MMA pioneer Don Frye was today announced as a part of the Shark Fight broadcast team. Official word from the promotion:

Shark Fight Promotions Signs MMA Legend Don Frye to a Ten Fight Color Commentating

Deal - Fights to Air on ESPN 1440 Radio

In 2009 popular Texas fight promoter Shark Fight Promotions and ESPN 1440 radio secured their place in MMA history by airing the first live MMA broadcast in the U.S. Shark Fight Promotions announced today that they have joined forces with ESPN 1440 once again, this time to sign the legendary Don Frye to a ten fight commentating deal. Frye, one of the founding fathers of MMA, is not only a highly decorated champion; he is also a well established actor, writer, and radio personality. Frye will partner with ESPN 1440 Host Warren McCarty to call the action, as it happens, during the live radio broadcasts.

According to Warren McCarty, founder and host of My Passion is Football on ESPN 1440, "Don Frye is quite possibly the most unique individual I've ever met in the world of MMA. This man has accomplished so much in a sport that defines the ultimate test of a man's skill, determination, and toughness. Don Frye's in- depth knowledge of the fight game is unsurpassed. His deep intimidating voice is well recognized, his strong opinions are well respected, and fans relate to his comical outlook on life. That being said, I have no doubt that Don will quickly become known as one of the most entertaining and insightful color commentators in the business. It's an honor to have him as my broadcast partner."

Don Frye will make his Shark Fight commentating debut with ESPN 1440 host Warren McCarty on February 5th, 2010, during Shark Fight 8 at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas. "Don Frye is undoubtedly a legend in the great sport of MMA" states Medley, President of Shark Fight Promotions.
"He immediately became a fan favorite in the Shark Fight arena, both as a fighter and an entertainer. Don immediately came to mind when we discussed bringing on a celebrity color commentator. We are extremely excited to have him on the team. I have no doubt that Don will be instrumental in taking Shark Fight MMA broadcasts to the next level. You never know what he's going to say, but it's always entertaining."

Shark Fights reputation undoubtedly played a big part in securing Don Frye to the ten fight color commentating deal. The highly respected fight organization has quickly become a leader in the industry, attracting well sought after fighters both in and out of the cage, from A-list contenders such as Don "The Predator" Frye, Trevor Prangley and Josh "The Dentist" Neer, to celebrity commentators such as HDnet's Bas Rutten and Ron Kruck. In the words of Bas Rutten, legendary mixed martial arts fighter and host of HDnet's Inside MMA, "Shark Fights is quickly becoming a mainstay in MMA - it's a must see show."

In 2009 Shark Fight Promotions exceeded the expectations of many by breaking the attendance record for an outdoor MMA event in Texas, and by making MMA history by airing the first live MMA radio broadcast in the U.S. The fight promotion's contributions to the sport have not gone un-noticed, as they have been publicly recognized by well established media outlets within the MMA industry. Shark Fights not only earned the title of "Best Pro Promotion of 2009" by Texas Fight News Magazine and "Best Pro Promotion of 2009 in the Southwest Region" by ULTMMA.Com (Uniting Locals Through Mixed Martial Arts), they surpassed all others and claimed the title of "Best Pro Promotion of the Year", also awarded by ULTMMA.com.

Sports fans in Texas, Eastern New Mexico, Southeastern Colorado, Southwestern Kansas, and Northern Oklahoma can tune in via the radio at ESPN 1440 AM. MMA fans across the nation can tune in online at www.ESPN1440.com. For more information on Shark Fight Promotions and to view the full fight card for Shark Fight 8 - Super Brawl, please log on to www.Sharkfights.com.

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January 19, 2010

WEC 46's Campuzano has few plans for $10K bonus

11:40 PM Tue, Jan 19, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

Fighting in the evening's very first bout at "WEC 46: Varner vs. Henderson" earlier this month, WEC bantamweight and Mt. Pleasant native Will Campuzano (7-1 MMA, 1-1 WEC) had to wait several hours to find out his rousing unanimous-decision win over Coty "Ox" Wheeler had been named the evening's "Fight of the Night."

But after making just $6,000 for the fight, it was certainly worth the wait to learn he was being given another $10,000 for the award.

But despite the influx of cash, Campuzano recently told The Dallas Morning News that he only has one small plan for the cash.

"I'm taking my girl out to dinner," Campuzano said. "That's all I got for right now."

It's a response that should perhaps be expected. The even-keeled brawler showed almost no emotion in the cage on fight night, even as the action-packed bout unfolded.

"That's typical of the way I fight," Campuzano said. "One promoter I used to fight for said I always look bored in there.

"I'm too relaxed some times and I can't get going."

Campuzano definitely got going, and his barrage of striking attacks, punctuated with several well-placed flying knees, brought the Sacramento, Calif., crowd to life.

However, Campuzano said he wasn't sure he had done enough to please fans or WEC brass.

"It was fun," Campuzano said. "I made a couple of mistakes. A couple of times my hands were kind of down, and he hit me with a couple of overhands. But overall, I think I did good.

"I was trying to figure out how to finish him the whole time. I landed a lot of big shots, but the guy was still right there in front of me. I was trying to put together something big, and I did, but the guy lived up to his nickname. He's strong like an ox. At that point in time, I didn't think I did all that well because I couldn't finish the guy. But in the end, it all worked out good. I got the recognition from my employers."

Campuzano said he was sore for several days, but he doesn't appear to have any long-term injuries. As such, he's hoping for a brief rest to nurse some pre-fight wounds and then follow up his first WEC win with another as quickly as possible.

"I'm used to fighting like every other month," Campuzano said. "I picked up a lot of injuries in my training camp, though, so I kind of need a little rest. I'd like to fight in April."

And though he called out Damacio Page - the man that handed him his first loss - directly after the fight, Campuzano said he'll wait patiently to find out what the WEC has intended for him.

"It was my first loss," Campuzano said. "It just burns when I think about it, I guess. But Damacio's a contender right now. I'm far away from his status. I'll just let it take its time, but I'll get that fight down the road."

Campuzano's "Fight of the Night" with Wheeler can be viewed for free on Versus.com.

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Brock Lesnar to reveal future plans on ESPN

12:30 PM Tue, Jan 19, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

UFC heavyweight champion and former WWE superstar Brock Lesnar has been sidelined with a variety of illnesses following his UFC 100 win over Frank Mir in July 2009. A notoriously private individual, Lesnar has remained remarkably quiet throughout the ordeal. That will change on Wednesday, when Lesnar reveals his future plans during an appearance on ESPN.

From MMAjunkie.com:

The Ultimate Fighting Championship will no longer host a planned press conference for the fighter, but UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar instead will appear on Wednesday's edition of ESPN's "SportsCenter" to give an update on his health status.

A UFC spokesperson today confirmed the media appearance with MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com), which is slated to begin at 11 a.m. ET.

Lesnar has been out of action since July due to an illness.

The ailment, initially diagnosed as mononucleosis and then diverticulitis, forced Lesnar out of a scheduled November UFC 106 headliner with Shane Carwin.

In recent months UFC president Dana White said the condition could be career-ending. He expected to get an update on Lesnar last week, but he later stated the update would be given at a UFC-hosted press conference this week.

Instead, Lesnar is scheduled to appear on "SportsCenter," where he's expected to give an update on his health status and a timetable for a possible return. Both White and Lesnar's camp have been tight-lipped about the illness in recent months. However, Lesnar's trainer, Greg Nelson, told MMAjunkie.com earlier this month that Lesnar "will fight again," though a timetable wasn't known.

With Lesnar unlikely to return anytime soon even if given a clean bill of health, the UFC will award an interim title to the winner of March's UFC 111 fight between contenders Frank Mir and Carwin. White said Lesnar could be stripped of the title outright if his illness keeps him out of the cage for an extended period of time.

Of course, UFC officials and heavyweight fighters alike are anxious for the former WWE star, who's already proven to be a top UFC pay-per-view draw, to return. The division is arguably its deepest in years; in addition to Mir and Carwin, fellow contenders Cain Velasquez and Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera meet next month at UFC 110, and Junior Dos Santos is a win or two away from a title shot.

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January 14, 2010

Bob Shamrock dies at 68

8:40 PM Thu, Jan 14, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

Bob Shamrock, adopted father of MMA pioneers Frank and Ken Sharock died today at the age if 68.

Ken, who already had three mixed martial arts contests under his belt prior to appearing at the very first Ultimate Fighting Championship event, was a major influence in the life and career of Houston native and current Dallas resident Guy Mezger in their time together in the Lion's Den training academy.

Mezger would go on to establish his own branch of the academy, Lion's Den Dallas.

The official release from the Lion's Den:

Bob Shamrock, the father of legendary MMA fighters Ken Shamrock and younger brother Frank Shamrock passed away today, Thursday, Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. at the home of his eldest son Ken - surrounded by friends and family. Ken Shamrock and his wife Tonya brought Bob to their home on Saturday after a long term battle with different health complications due to Diabetes - Bob was 68 years old. Bob is best known for opening up his home in Susanville, CA to literally hundreds of defiant and hardcore kids. Ken Shamrock (then Ken Wayne Nance) was 13 years old when he arrived at the Shamrock Boys Home in Susanville, CA - Ken at the time was in trouble with the law for strong armed robbery among other things. "I just watched Ken's eyes when he first arrived, because this was my home. It wasn't some business place where I came on from 8 til 5 - it was my home, and the house was really big, we ate well, we had a swimming pool, and all those kinds of things. It was a lot different than the other group homes he had been in."

Bob promoted sports in the community - "We'd have the football team and their cheerleaders out at the ranch when the season was over, and the same with the wrestling, baseball and basketball teams. We tried to get them all interested in outside activities, and the biggest one was sports. That's what we did with Ken because he came to me as a fighter. We got him involved in football and wrestling and if the kids made the team for their class, we'd get them a gym membership in town. We did lots of activities to try and keep the kids busy and to provide outlets. That's the problem with a lot of kids these days: They don't have the outlets to get their energy out and their aggression down."

One of Ken's fondest memories of growing up at the Shamrock Home was the way his dad had the kids settle their disputes. If the kids got mad with each other, Bob would let them put on gloves and box in the backyard to sort things out. The only rule imposed for these matches was that Bob had to be there at the time.

"Ken winded up being the house champion in boxing and wrestling. He had a way about him that just drew me to him: his own way of looking at things that was upright and honest. It wasn't always kosher or exactly right, but that's the way he thought and basically it was fair. Sometimes you had to show him there was another side to the story, but he always tried to do the right thing. By no means was he perfect, but we'd sit down and I could reason with him."

When Ken turned 18 in February, 1982, Bob legally adopted him and Ken changed his last name to Shamrock. Later, Ken's younger brother Frank also changed his surname to Shamrock out of respect for the man who had done so much to help him.

"It is an incredible feeling, knowing that two boys I have done so much for, have gone on to be world champions in Mixed Martial Arts." Bob Shamrock

Just yesterday I sat across from Ken and listened as he began to look back and think about his dad, "My dad had an unbelievable light with these kids - I've never seen anybody able to take a defiant kid into their home, and handle them like my father could - willing to get into a fight with them if he had to because of disrespect and then turn around and hug them and let them know, the minute you give me respect - I'll give you respect. Everyone that came in contact with my dad - you could tell he made a difference in their life. I've never seen anyone have that much success with kids. I'll miss him and I'm forever thankful.

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January 9, 2010

Ryan Ford vs. Anselmo Martinez heads Shark Fight 8

4:30 PM Sat, Jan 09, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

From Shark Fights:

Ryan Ford to Face Anselmo Martinez at Shark Fight 8
for the Interim Welterweight Title

Kyle Bracey to face local fan favorite Eric Davilla in the co-main event

Lubbock, TX. - January 8, 2010 -Popular mixed martial arts fight promotion company, Shark Fight Promotions, announced today that one of Canada's prime fighters, Ryan "The Real Deal" Ford, will face off with Shark Fight Veteran Anselmo Martinez at Shark Fight 8 in the main event. The winner will claim the promotions interim welterweight title, and will later step into the cage with Shark Fights current champion, TJ Waldburger, for a shot at the official title. Shark Fight 8 - Super Brawl will take place on February 5th 2010, at Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas.

According to Brent Medley, President of Shark Fight Promotions, "Shark Fight executives agreed to create the interim welterweight title, after learning that there were several scheduling conflicts over the coming months that would keep TJ from defending his title."

Medley went on to say, "We were very strategic when selecting an opponent for Anselmo, as we wanted it be an extremely compelling match up. I believe that we achieved our goal by signing Ryan Ford. Both fighters are incredibly skilled and both are hungry for the title. The entire Shark Fight 8 card is stacked with exciting match ups, including a co-main event featuring Kyle Bracey and Erick Davilla. I couldn't think of a better way for Shark Fights to kick off 2010!"

Anselmo Martinez (5-1), a Shark Fight veteran with a history of winning by knock out, typically finishes his opponent in the first round. Martinez recently defeated Lorenzo Borgomeo at Shark Fight 7, clinching his fourth straight win in the Shark Fight arena. Martinez, who was contemplating retirement late last year, decided to stay in the game and challenge himself by going for the gold.

His opponent, Ryan "The Real Deal" Ford (11-2), will be Martinez's toughest opponent to date. Ford, often compared to Georges St. Pierre due to his remarkable athleticism, has an explosive fighting style and impressive mixed martial arts record. Ford was also the top ranked running back to come out of the University of Canada. On January 5th, Ford will fight in the United States for the first time in his career. His goal - to become the Shark Fight welterweight champion.

This is an MMA event that you won't want to miss! Doors to the Fair Park Coliseum open at 6:00 PM. Fights will begin at 7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased at the Shark Fight retail store located in Westgate Mall or online at www.sharkfights.com.

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Dallas' Campuzano better prepared for WEC 46 return

1:10 PM Sat, Jan 09, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - If you don't remember the WEC debut of Will Campuzano (6-1 MMA, 0-1 WEC), that's alright with him.

As the Dallas resident recently told The Dallas Morning News, it was hardly his best performance.

But while Campuzano was defeated in that bout after accepting the appearance on just 11-days' notice, he guarantees the result will be different this time around.

"I didn't have enough time, last time, to get ready," Campuzano said. "It was short notice, and your timing is not going to be there. But I feel good for this fight.

"I was able to get everything done for this fight - my Muay Thai, my boxing, my wrestling and my jiu-jitsu. I think it's going to come together really well."

Campuzano was submitted by top WEC contender Damacio Page in their October 2009 bout. Campuzano and Page went toe-to-toe in one of the most thrilling 62 second contests in recent memory, but the result was the Texan's first loss as a professional.

Despite the long odds Campuzano faced, he doesn't regret the decision to fight on the big stage at less-than-full strength.

"It is what it is," Campuzano said. "I'm just glad I'm here now. I took a chance, and things happen.

"Mentally, I felt good. Once we started exchanging, I felt really strong. Damacio, he's a game guy. I like his style. He comes in aggressive. He comes in to fight. I like that kind of fight, but my grappling just wasn't there."

Campuzano had suffered through several canceled contests prior to the Page fight, and his financial situation hadn't allowed for consistent training. Campuzano admitted his timing suffered due to the inactivity - especially in the grappling department.

"Really, I wasn't training much before the fight," Campuzano said. "I had a whole bunch of local shows cancel on me, and I was forced to do other things. I was working. I wasn't training as much. I couldn't afford to go to the gym.

"I knew [my grappling] wasn't going to be there, but I thought, 'You know, he did say he wanted to knock me out, me being skinny and stuff.' I was hoping he'd stand with me a lot longer. That was really my only chance because of that little time I had to prepare."

Now Campuzano meets submission ace Coty Wheeler (10-2 MMA, 1-2 WEC) on the preliminary card of Sunday's "WEC 46: Varner vs. Henderson" event.

Campuzano said he returned immediately to the gym after the loss to Page, and he insists he's ready for the challenges Wheeler will present.

"I'm a really good grappler," Campuzano said. "I did look like a white belt in my last fight, but I really am good. I train with a lot of black belts, and I would consider myself a purple belt. I don't train in gi, but I am good.

"[Wheeler] is not a really strong grappler. Yeah, he hunts for leg locks and stuff like that, but it's nothing I haven't seen or aren't ready for. ... 'Ox' is good, but I think I have, overall, more technique than he does."

With eight of his 10 career wins coming by submission, Wheeler's grappling prowess is well-documented. And while Campuzano is generally considered a striker, he insists that the extra prep time has left him capable of handling Wheeler's attack.

"I went straight to the gym because I was training myself to get my grappling back," Campuzano said. "It took a couple weeks. I didn't feel good until just a few weeks ago - like I was back to where I was before. It was just three months (off from training), but you lose your timing.

"Grappling is all about timing - jiu-jitsu, at least. Movement, pivoting, control, equilibrium. It takes a long time. It's something I have to work on because I'm a striker. The grappling goes faster than anything else, for me at least."

Campuzano will need to perform well on Sunday night should he have his sights set on remaining with the promotion. Consecutive losses in the WEC could easily signal his release from the organization and a return to the local-show circuit.

It's a reality Campuzano accepts.

"I'm pressured," Campuzano said. "It's definitely a fight I don't want to lose. They'll cut you.

"Being at the beginning of the fight card, I definitely don't want to lose. I am pressured, but it gets me motivated."

So while a disappointed Campuzano was forced to walk away from his WEC debut with his first-ever professional loss, the Texan knows he was fighting at far less than his full potential. Now he's looking forward to proving that to Wheeler and the WEC.

"My main focus for the last fight was just conditioning and boxing," Campuzano said. "That's the only things I could get done. ... But this time I got a full training camp, so I should be good.

"It doesn't take me long to figure a guy out in his striking. I think if Damacio would have stayed standing with me, I would have figured him out. I think I'll have an easier time with 'Ox' just because he's not a power striker. ... When I do hit, he's going to realize he's in there with a real striker."

For complete coverage of "WEC 46: Varner vs. Henderson," check out the MMA Events section of MMAjunkie.com.

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January 8, 2010

Austin's Shalorus content to strike at WEC 46

9:30 PM Fri, Jan 08, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - If you were responsible for the gameplanning WEC lightweight Kamal Shalorus (5-0-1 MMA, 1-0 WEC), a wrestling attack would probably be the first strategy you'd implement.

As a 15-year practitioner of the art and a former Olympian, wrestling is undoubtedly one of Shalorus' best attributes.

But as the Iranian-born Austin resident recently told The Dallas Morning News, his goal is to put on a show for the fans, and that means throwing his hands.

"This is fighting," Shalorus said. "There has to be some excitement. The crowd likes knockouts, so I'll punch.

"I like to punch. I know I'm a wrestler, but I like to punch."

Fans of Texas-based promotions King of Kombat and Supreme Warrior Championship already knew that about Shalorus. But the world caught a glimpse of "The Prince of Persia's" abilities this past November in his World Extreme Cagefighting debut against Will Kerr.

Well, most of the world caught a glimpse.

"My family, they still live in a very small village in the north of Iran," Shalorus said. "Even if I explained to them that I'm fighting, they're not going to understand. When I say, 'I'm fighting mixed martial arts,' they think it's wrestling. They say, 'Great. Wrestling.'

"I tried to explain to them, but I don't really push real hard. I just tell them, 'Sure. Wrestling.'"

Kerr probably wished he was just wrestling after Shalorus battered him extensively in the 86 seconds the two were in the cage together. A crushing right hook landed flush for Shalorus, and it was obvious to all in attendance that the world-class wrestler had successfully made the transition to mixed martial arts.

Because of a lengthy WEC 44 preliminary card that evening, Shalorus' bout was featured on the evening's Versus broadcast. Shalorus credited his extensive international wrestling history for helping to remain calm in the face of such a massive opportunity.

"I wasn't nervous," Shalorus said. "I've done so many wrestling matches that I was used to the crowd. I was just excited.

"The WEC is one of the biggest promotions in the world, so I was excited to fight for them. It was a big opportunity."

The impressive performance earned Shalorus a quick return to action, and he'll meet undefeated lightweight Dave Jansen (14-0 MMA, 1-0 WEC) on the main card of Sunday's "WEC 46: Varner vs. Henderson" event in Sacramento, Calif. "The Fugitive" brings an impressive submission game to the cage, and he also showed the ability to take a punch in a unanimous-decision win over Rich Crunkilton at WEC 43 this past October.

"Dave Jansen is a tough fight, and he's the biggest challenge so far in my MMA career," Shalorus said. "But I'm ready for this fight 100 percent. I'm going to do my job. I had good training. I train with the best team. All my trainers have put together a good gameplan."

And with that Olympic wrestling background, will grappling be the plan?

"I'm going to strike with this guy, too," Shalorus said. "At the same time, I'll wrestle. If he wants to wrestle, I'll wrestle. If he wants to strike, I'll strike with him. Anywhere he wants to go, I'll be fine.

"I have to prove myself. My first fight, I won. Now I want to win my second fight. The people want to see what I can do. It's a little dangerous to strike, but I can use my wrestling if I get in trouble."

Shalorus and Jansen will fight in front of an anticipated crowd of 10,000 screaming fans in Sacramento's ARCO Arena. While the pressure of the moment could easily wilt a lesser man, Shalorus' humble beginnings and wrestling experience - even if he refuses to use it - will have him ready to soak in the moment.

"The bigger the crowd, the more energy it gives me," Shalorus said. "This is the American dream. The WEC has given me this great opportunity, and I can't thank them enough."

For complete coverage of "WEC 46: Varner vs. Henderson," check out the MMA Events section of MMAjunkie.com.

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Ortiz, Buffer, Harris featured on "Inside MMA"

3:00 PM Fri, Jan 08, 2010 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

From HDNet:

Tonight on HDNet's "Inside MMA," some of the biggest names in the sport join Kenny Rice and Bas Rutten in the studio, when Tito Ortiz, UFC ring announcer Bruce Buffer and WEC general manager Reed Harris join the panel - Friday, Jan. 8 at 8 p.m.

Ortiz speaks about his return to the UFC, as well as his coaching role on "The Ultimate Fighter 11" against his nemesis, Chuck Liddell. This panel will also recap the recent UFC 108 and Dynamite!! events.

Also, Ron Kruck speaks with Randy Couture who reveals some huge news on the Brock Lesnar situation. To see a clip of the interview, please click on the link below:

"Inside MMA" airs every Friday night on HDNet at 8 p.m.

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December 18, 2009

Shields, Stann, Edgar featured on "Inside MMA"

2:35 PM Fri, Dec 18, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

UFC fighters Brian Stann and Frankie Edgar and Strikeforce middleweight champion Jake Shields join "Inside MMA" hosts Bas Rutten and Kenny Rice on tonight's edition of the weekly MMA news program.

From Dallas-based HDNet:

HDNet's "Inside MMA" features a trio of fighters on winning streaks this Friday, December 18 at 9:00 p.m. ET. This episode has it all! Jake Shields talks to Bas and Kenny about the impact of Dan Henderson's signing with Strikeforce and an upcoming potential title bout between the two. Frankie Edgar tells the world whether or not he is ready to try to take the UFC lightweight title away from BJ Penn, while Brian Stann discusses his military service and his future in the light heavyweight division. Also, reporter Ron Kruck heads to Las Vegas to share an exclusive feature on the growth of gambling in the MMA world, and how to interpret what the odds mean when you bet on a fighter. Don't miss this week's Inside MMA!
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WEC 45's Njokuani channels childhood struggles

2:30 PM Fri, Dec 18, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

LAS VEGAS - WEC lightweight contender Anthony Njokuani (11-2) has a message for the bullies that picked on him as a Nigerian immigrant growing up in suburban Dallas: Thank you.

"Growing up during that time wasn't really easy," Njokuani said. "My mom had my sister in nightgowns. It wasn't cool. I was wearing like dress shirts and slacks. When you're wearing a dress shirt and slacks in school? I don't think so.

"It was hard. The kids during that time were really cruel. That actually, what they put me through, has made me a stronger person. I'm happy that happened."

Njokuani, who faces Chris Horodecki (13-1) at Saturday's "WEC 45: Cerrone vs. Ratcliff" event, turned to fighting almost by need rather than choice. The cultural differences he faced on a daily basis as a child led him to scrutiny among his peers.

"My dad, he came [to the U.S.] for a better life for all of us," Njokuani said. "He actually moved out here first. All this stuff was going on in Nigeria, so he wanted us to get away from all that. He came here in like 1982 or 1983. He was going to school. He got a job. He made some money, and he got us plane tickets and all that to fly out here.

"Being a kid from Nigeria, looking the way I did back then, it wasn't nice. I was fighting like almost every single day, and it actually made me into an angry, angry child when I was younger."

Njokuani's family settled first in Denton, then eventually in Garland where he attended North Garland High School. Despite the efforts his parents were making to secure a better life for their children, Njokuani had a strained relationship with them, at best.

Njokuani's father passed away in 2003 before that bond had been repaired.

"It shook me up for awhile," Njokuani said. "What really hurt the most was that I didn't even get a chance to have a great connection with him. I was always really angry toward him, angry at my mom. We never had a great relationship. We were always fighting all the time."

Things began to change when Njokuani visited his homeland for the first time since he was 3 years old.

"I went back to Nigeria to bury [my father]," Njokuani said. "In Nigeria, if you're born there, you have to be buried out there in order to have respect to that family member's family.

"It was (difficult), but when we got off the plane, actually it was the best thing because we finally got to see where we were from. We had never been there until that time. It's sad to say that's what brought us over there, but it was a very beautiful place. I loved it."

That trip, and the difficulty of losing his father, set in motion a change in Njokuani's view on life.

"[My father's death] actually helped because it made me realize a lot of stuff," Njokuani said. "It made me realize that I needed to change a lot of things that I was doing to my family.

"It really sucks that I don't have a chance to build a great bond anymore, but it also made me change myself and become a better person toward my family and my mom. Now I take care of my mom, and I help her out. I'm there for her now, and we have a great relationship."

After rebuilding a relationship with his mom, Njokuani then had to convince her that the scrapping he had done in self-defense as a child was now turning into a full-fledged career.

"Coming from a Nigerian family, they really want you to be more productive," Njokuani said. "One sister is about to be a lawyer. Another sister is about to be a doctor, and another sister is about to be an English teacher. Then you've got the two boys that are fighters.

"They didn't like it first, but they love it now."

They'll love it even more should Njokuani earn a win on Saturday night. A victory for the up-and-coming striker could easily position him as one of the lead title challengers in the WEC's quickly filling lightweight division.

And while Njokuani is pleasant, jovial and upbeat in the hours before his contest, the powerful striker said he keeps close the turmoil of his childhood when he steps into the cage.

"I'm glad I did change my ways and became the person that I am now," Njokuani said. "But I still keep all of it to help me in the gym.

"Right now you're seeing Anthony, but when I step in the ring, you're seeing 'The Assassin.' I still keep all that with me to help me out in the cage."

"WEC 45: Cerrone vs. Ratcliff" airs Saturday night at 9 p.m. on Versus. For complete coverage of the event, stay tuned to the WEC 45 section of MMAjunkie.com.

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December 11, 2009

Glazer, Trigg and Nelson preview Penn vs. Sanchez

10:00 AM Fri, Dec 11, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

Tonight's edition of HDNet's "Inside MMA" features FoxSports.com writer and MMA enthusiast Jay Glazer, UFC welterweight contender Frank Trigg and "The Ultimate Fighter 10" winner Roy Nelson.

In addition to catching up on all the latest news in MMA with show hosts Kenny Rice and Bas Rutten, the trio previews Saturday's UFC 107 main event between UFC lightweight champion B.J. Penn and challenger Diego Sanchez.

A preview clip of the episode is included below.

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UFC Fan Expo returns to Las Vegas in May

1:00 AM Fri, Dec 11, 2009 |
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After a successful first-ever UFC Fan Expo held in conjunction with this past July's UFC 100 event, the UFC and Reed Exhibitions have teamed up to bring another expo to Las Vegas - specifically the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

While the official announcement did not mention a UFC event, logic dictates that the UFC will soon announce its traditional Memorial Day weekend event to coincide with the expo. That event is expected to be UFC 114 and take place at Mandalay Bay Events Center on May 29.

From the UFC:

(LAS VEGAS, NV) - This past July, the first-ever UFC Fan Expo took the sports world by storm, as fans celebrated the past, present, and future of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. So by popular demand, the UFC, in partnership with Reed Exhibitions, has announced that the second UFC Fan Expo will take place May 28-29, 2010, back in Las Vegas, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

The jam-packed two-day event, occurring during Memorial Day Weekend 2010, will provide fans with the opportunity to experience a number of special events, fighter appearances, autograph signings, and training & development sessions with elite fighters and industry leaders.

Over 200 leading companies are expected to exhibit, covering 200,000 gross square feet of space, and will feature apparel, electronic gaming, food & beverages, fight gear, fitness equipment and supplies, nutritional supplements, lifestyle products, and much more.

"I was blown away by the response to the first UFC Fan Expo. We have the greatest fans in the world," said UFC President Dana White. "Our next Fan Expo is going to be another incredible event, we are taking it to the next level, and offering even more exciting ways to experience UFC."

"We're excited to be coming back to Vegas and next year's event is going to be bigger and better than the first time around," said Ed Gallo, Event Director for UFC Fan Expo.

The inaugural UFC Fan Expo took place in July 2009 during the historic UFC 100 weekend, providing over 15 hours of keynote addresses, special events, and training & development sessions. It was also the site for the first Grappling Tournament ever held in conjunction with a UFC event. With so much in store for the second UFC Fan Expo, organizers expect the event to really be taken to the next level.

For more information on UFC Fan Expo and to purchase tickets, visit www.ufcfanexpo.com. To subscribe to the official UFC Fan Expo newsletter visit www.ufcfanexpo.com/newsletter. For companies interested in reserving space at this premier event, contact Ed Gallo, Event Director at (203) 840-5546 or email egallo [at] ufcfanexpo.com.

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December 10, 2009

Lashley to Strikeforce, debut set for Jan. 30

11:30 PM Thu, Dec 10, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

Former collegiate wrestling champion and WWE star Bobby Lashley (4-0) has signed on with the quickly expanding Strikeforce organization.

Lashley has long been tagged as a potential star in MMA, and the success of fellow WWE-import Brock Lesnar in the UFC's ranks certainly hasn't hurt his potential drawing power.

While Lashley has earned positive results in his previous four trips to the cage on the regional circuit, the 33-year-old's performances have sometimes drawn mixed reviews. Nevertheless, Lashley does have "name" recognition, and his physique makes him an impressive specimen to any casual observer.

From Strikeforce:

NEW YORK (December 10, 2009)-Former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) heavyweight champion and undefeated mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Bobby Lashley has signed a multi-year agreement with STRIKEFORCE and will make his debut for the world championship MMA promotion at BankAtlantic Center in Sunrise, Florida on Saturday, January 30.

The 6 foot 3 inch, 250 pound Lashley, also a former collegiate wrestling star for Missouri Valley College and member of The United States Army, will face an opponent that has not yet been determined during the live, SHOWTIME® telecast of STRIKEFORCE: Miami, the historic, first-ever STRIKEFORCE event in the state of Florida.

In his last MMA start on June 27, 2009, the 33-year-old pulverized and scored a first round (3:17) TKO on 6 foot 5 inch, 350 plus pound goliath Bob "The Beast" Sapp with a barrage of punches in Biloxi, Mississippi. The win brought Lashley's overall MMA record to 4-0.

"I'm looking forward to fighting for STRIKEFORCE and challenging myself by taking on some of the top heavyweights in MMA," said Lashley, a native of Junction City, Kansas and resident of Denver, Colorado.

After getting his feet wet with several matches in both the WWE Raw and SmackDown! shows in 2005 and 2006, Lashley captured the WWE United States Championship by defeating rival competitor "JBL." During this stint with the league and another in 2007, Lashley wrestled several top superstars, including The Big Show and John Cena.

Lashley made his MMA debut on December 13, 2008, earning a 41 second TKO over Joshua Franklin after Franklin sustained a cut that would not allow him to continue their fight.

Earlier this year, Lashley joined Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling. In his first appearance with the league on July 30, he helped tag team matchup partner Mick Foley defeat superstars Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash.

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Buentello: "This is going to be Windows 7"

4:10 PM Thu, Dec 10, 2009 |
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For aspiring mixed martial artists, making it to the UFC is the ultimate goal.

But for four-time UFC veteran and Amarillo native Paul Buentello (27-10 MMA, 3-1 UFC), the goal was to make it back.

"It's funny, some of the fans, even high-school buddies that I went to school with, they find out that I'm in the UFC, and they go, 'Oh, man, you're still fighting? We thought you had quit,'" Buentello told The Dallas Morning News. "Come on. I'm still here."

After a near-four-year absence from the organization, Buentello returns to the UFC to face Stefan Struve (18-3 MMA, 2-1 UFC) on the pay-per-view-opening bout of Saturday's "UFC 107: Penn vs. Sanchez" event in Memphis, Tenn.

Buentello fought six times outside of the UFC folowing his 2006 departure, but now that he's back, "The Headhunter" said he hasn't missed a beat.

"I feel pretty much the same," Buentello said. "With the hospitality and the way the UFC runs their show, I totally feel like I just fit right back in. It feels like a good shoe."

While Buentello said the UFC feels the same to him, the 35-year-old promises he won't look the same to UFC fans.

"This is going to be Windows 7," Buentello said. "The fact is, I took more consideration in my training. I hired a personal trainer in San Jose as well as in Austin, Texas, where I live. I don't miss a beat in staying in shape.

"You're going to see a fitter, more alive Paul Buentello in this next show. That's how I feel. My conditioning is way beyond where it was in the past. It's a completely different pace."

Buentello didn't do too bad in his first UFC run, and the hard-hitting Texan earned stoppage wins over Gilbert Aldana, Kevin Jordan and Justin Eilers. But after runs with Strikeforce and Affliction, Buentello said he's prepared to display a more-aggressive attack.

"I'm definitely more aggressive," Buentello said. "Especially for this fight, it's going to be a more aggressive style."

In Struve, Buentello faces a 6-foot-11 Dutchman who can attack on the feet or on the ground. But with just one fight on U.S. soil, Struve remains a bit of a mystery to most.

"I know one main thing: He's tall," Buentello said. "He likes to throw his knees, and he likes to throw his elbows. That's all I really know. He likes to stand, but he's won most of his fights by submission.

"His length is everything."

Buentello had been scheduled to face fast-rising star Todd Duffee, who burst onto the UFC scene with a with a swift, seven-second knockout of Tim Hague at UFC 102. An injury forced Duffee out, but Buentello said he doesn't feel the change in opponent affected his approach to the fight.

"It didn't mess up the gameplan, but it does heighten the senses of what I've got to get done to keep on point with the gameplan," Buentello said. "That's the crazy part. If I veer off, his reach, his length, and his takedowns are going to mess everything up."

Buentello is a 12-year veteran of the sport, and his career record contains the names of MMA legends and notables such as Dan Severn, Evan Tanner, Andrei Arlovski, Ricco Rodriguez, Alistair Overeem, Gary Goodridge, David "Tank" Abbott, Gan McGee, Eilers and Mike Kyle, among others.

But now that Buentello has found his way back to the sport's biggest stage, he's not worried about what additional names make it to that list. Instead, he wants to enjoy the moment as he embarks on what he hopes is a long second-run in the UFC.

"My whole idea is to enjoy the moment," Buentello said. "There's no reason to rush anything. I've got plenty of time - and the UFC puts on plenty of fights - to get done what I need to get done.

"I just want to fight. That's the main thing."

"UFC 107: Penn vs. Sanchez" airs Saturday at 9 p.m. on pay per view. For complete coverage of the event, check out MMAjunkie.com.

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Bellator signs undefeated prospect Jacob McClintock

11:00 AM Thu, Dec 10, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

As Bellator Fighting Championships begins the preparation for the second and third seasons in company history, the organization is stockpiling a mixture of established and up-and-coming talent.

Today the organization announced welterweight Jacob "Tick-Tock" McClintock, who trains out of the famed Arizona Combat Sports academy, as its newest competitor.

From Bellator:

CHICAGO (December 10, 2009) -- Bellator Fighting Championships announced today the exclusive signing of undefeated mixed martial artist Jacob "Tick-Tock" McClintock, who will compete in Bellator's welterweight (170 lb.) division.

McClintock, 21, of the heralded Arizona Combat Sports gym in Tempe, Ariz., has a professional record of 6-0 and has been identified by several top MMA publications as one of the sport's future stars.

Sherdog.com called him "the next big thing to come out of Arizona Combat Sports," which has produced such elite MMA talents as Jamie Varner, Ryan Bader and Joe Riggs. BloodyElbow.com, meanwhile, said that McClintock "definitely has the makings to become a future champion in any of the larger organizations."

McClintock is one of several new fighters to sign with Bellator since the promotion's announcement in October of its historic new TV distribution alliance with FOX Sports Net, NBC and Telemundo. Bellator Season 2 begins April 8, 2010 and will run for 12 weeks. Bellator Season 3 will follow, beginning Aug. 12, 2010, and will also run for 12 successive weeks.

"Jacob's ability, coupled with his exciting and aggressive style, falls right in line with what we are looking for at Bellator," said Bellator founder and CEO Bjorn Rebney. "Last season, Joe Soto and Lyman Good went from anonymity to become world champions. Jacob has the tools to do the same. With his addition, welterweight is shaping up to be a great division for our Season 2 tournament."

McClintock got his start in combat sports at the age of 13, when he began training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He now holds the rank of second-degree brown belt.

He made his professional MMA debut in 2007 while still only a teenager. Each of his six fights have been stopped before the end of Round 1, either by TKO or submission. That impressive record helped spawn his nickname, "Tick-Tock," which was coined by an Arizona Combat Sports teammate who concluded that, with McClintock, "it's only a matter of time" before he wins his bout.

"Signing with Bellator is truly a dream come true for me," McClintock said. "MMA is definitely something that I was put on this earth to do, so I just want to take advantage of this opportunity as much as I can. I like to fight for the crowds, so I'm definitely going to go in there and put it all on the line."

He said that his new association with Bellator is an opportunity to create "a stable career in MMA" that will allow him to provide for his girlfriend and newborn daughter, Madison.

McClintock's signing comes on the heels of Wednesday's announcement that former U.S. Olympic wrestler Ben Askren had inked a multi-fight contract with Bellator. Like McClintock, Askren is part of a deep 170 lbs. division that also includes the promotion's welterweight champion, Lyman Good.

Each of Bellator's 24 events during Seasons 2 and 3 will be distributed live in primetime on Thursday nights on FOX Sports Net. The top moments from each week's live events will then be condensed into an action-packed 30-minute highlight show, broadcast every Saturday night, late night, on NBC. A one-hour highlight show will air in Spanish on Telemundo every Saturday night from midnight to 1 a.m. Each of the three broadcasts will be aired in high definition.

Bellator burst onto the MMA scene in April 2009 with its groundbreaking single-elimination tournament format and quickly established itself as one of the sport's most exciting promotions, crowning champions in four weight divisions.

For more information, please visit Bellator.com.

About Bellator Fighting Championships
Bellator Fighting Championships is a Mixed Martial Arts promotional company with offices in Los Angeles and Chicago. Bellator's founder/CEO, Bjorn Rebney, is an experienced fighting sports and entertainment professional with a deep commitment to the purity and integrity of the sport of MMA and its athletes. Bellator Fighting Championships' executive team is comprised of top industry professionals in the areas of live event production, television production, fighter relations, venue procurement, sponsorship creation/development, international licensing, marketing, advertising, publicity and commission relations.

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December 9, 2009

News' Morgan a finalist at World MMA Awards

6:30 PM Wed, Dec 09, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

The Dallas Morning News' John Morgan has been selected as a finalist in the Fighters Only 2009 World MMA Awards in the "Best Journalist" category, one of 19 categories in which fan voting determines the winner. The awards will be presented in Las Vegas on Dec. 30.

From Fighters Only:

Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 9, 2009 - Fighters Only Magazine, the world's leading Mixed Martial Arts and lifestyle publication, presents its World Mixed Martial Awards Show at The Joint by Rogue inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Wednesday, December 30 at 7:30 p.m. Comedian John Heffron, NBC's Season Two winner of "Last Comic Standing," will host the extravagant, star-studded ceremony. Red carpet arrivals begin at 5:00 p.m. featuring a collective who's who from the sport and celebrity fans. Nominees from all categories will be in attendance. Scheduled presenters include Randy Couture, Frank Mir, and Dana White, the TapouT crew, last year's "Ring Girl of the Year" Arianny Celeste and many more. This year's event will stream live on www.Versus.com and be nationally broadcast on the Versus Network January 6, 2010 at 9 p.m. EST and PST.

This groundbreaking event was created with the purpose of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of the people involved in making MMA what it is today as voted on by the sport's loyal fan base from around the world. Voting concluded on December 5, 2009 in eighteen categories, including "Fighter of the Year," "Knockout of the Year," "Promotion of the Year" and the popular "Ring Girl of the Year." A panel of industry experts votes for the nineteenth category, "Lifetime Achievement," to honor an individual for their outstanding contribution to the sport.

"We received an overwhelming number of votes from the fans this year," said Rob Hewitt, President and CEO, Fighters Only. "We're thrilled to honor MMA's best and bring this historic event to The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The Awards Show is another first from Fighters Only in our ongoing quest to help expand the sport of MMA. It will be a night like no other, much like similar events within the Music and Film industries."

Fighters Only was the world's first monthly Mixed Martial Arts and lifestyle magazine, launching in the UK in 2005. By 2008, the publication was on sale in 13 countries worldwide. A dedicated U.S. edition was launched in February 2009 featuring content specifically generated for the largest market in the world. A Canadian edition was simultaneously launched with a German edition in April 2009, and a South African edition launched at the end of November.

Tickets start at $125 and are on sale now at The Joint Box Office, 702-693-5000, or Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com. VIP tables and skyboxes are available by calling 702-577-2801. For more information about Fighters Only World MMA Awards, please visit www.worldmmaawards.com.

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December 7, 2009

Card set for "WEC 45: Cerrone vs. Ratcliff"

2:00 PM Mon, Dec 07, 2009 |
John Morgan/Contributor   E-mail   News tips

From World Extreme Cagefighing:

Las Vegas - World Extreme Cagefighting® proudly confirms the remaining bouts of a loaded fight card headed to the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV on Dec. 19. In addition to Donald Cerrone vs. Ed Ratcliff, Anthony Njokuani vs. Chris Horodecki, and Joseph Benavidez vs. Rani Yahya, WEC is pleased to announce seven other quality bouts.

"This is the perfect way to close out 2009," WEC General Manager Reed Harris said. "We have stacked this card with some outstanding battles featuring our top contenders. This is truly our holiday gift to fans."

Cerrone vs. Ratcliff will be televised nationally live on VERSUS beginning at 10:00 p.m. ET/7:00 p.m. PT. All of the network's live WEC events are presented in HD and Spanish language SAP where available. For more information and how to find VERSUS in your local viewing area, visit http://www.versus.com/findversus.

Expect fireworks when free-swinging bantamweights Scott Jorgensen (fighting out of Boise, ID) and Takeya Mizugaki (fighting out of Tokyo, Japan) collide on Dec. 19.

Fresh off a submission victory over Noah Thomas in October, Jorgensen (7-3) believes he is closing in on a match with 135-pound champion Brian Bowles. A winner of three out of his last four fights, the Boise-based fighter is prepared for an all-out slugfest with Mizugaki at The Palms.

With impressive performances in each of his first two fights in the WEC, Japanese star Mizugaki (12-3-2) has proved to be one of the toughest bantamweights in the world. His five-round fight with Miguel Angel Torres in April, coupled with his decision victory over Jeff Curran in August, has many wondering if the clinch-savvy Mizugaki will soon be wearing the WEC championship. Before Mizugaki can garner a world title shot, he must diffuse Jorgensen in a potential "Fight of the Year."

At just 26 years old, few fighters boast the level of experience offered by the heavy-handed Bart Palaszewski (fighting out of Chicago, IL). With 45 fights in his seven-year career, "Bartimus" believes his MMA seasoning will fuel him past fiery lightweight prospect Anthony Pettis (fighting out of Milwaukee, WI).

Unbeaten at 7-0 in his young career, the 22-year-old Pettis scored an impressive submission victory over Mike Campbell is his WEC debut in June. Training out of the same camp that has produced UFC veterans Pat Barry, Ben Rothwell, and Eric Schafer, Pettis thinks he has all of the tools necessary to best Palaszewski (32-13) and climb one step closer to the 155-pound elite.

WEC newcomer Zach Micklewright (fighting out of Davenport, IA) has built a solid reputation as a gritty lightweight fighter willing to trade leather. Micklewright (8-1), who is a training partner of rising featherweight star L.C. Davis, hopes to show WEC fans his exciting standup game when he takes on tested veteran Muhsin Corbbrey (fighting out of Savannah, GA) in Las Vegas.

Nicknamed "The Technician," Corbbrey (13-4-1) is a versatile athlete with strong jiu jitsu and striking. The 31-year-old believes his complete arsenal will help him spoil Micklewright's debut on Dec. 19.

An intriguing bantamweight bout pits John Hosman (fighting out of Evanston, IL) against WEC rookie Chad George (fighting out of Los Angeles, Calif.). Holding a record of 17-5-1, the 29-year-old Hosman is a solid wrestler with good submissions. A longtime training partner of UFC star Clay Guida, Hosman looks to pick up his first win in the WEC when he locks horns with the hard-hitting George at The Palms.

Considering that nine of his 10 wins have come by way of stoppage, George (10-4) believes he can become an immediate contender in the stacked bantamweight division. What's more, the fighter nicknamed "Savage" hopes to do so by knocking off the rugged Hosman on Dec. 19.

Two hard-hitting featherweight newcomers meet when Tyler Toner (fighting out of Denver, CO) wages war with Brandon Visher (fighting out of Maui, Hawaii) at The Pearl at the Palms. One look at each fighter's stats leads many to believe that this could steal "Fight of the Night" honors.

In nine pro victories, Toner (9-1) has scored an impressive five knockouts and two submissions. He'll look to take the next step in his MMA career against his Hawaiian-born opponent.

Nicknamed "The Viper," Visher is unbeaten at 13-0 in his five-year career and owns finishes in 10 of those bouts. An aggressive striker with a slick ground game, the highly-touted Maui resident promises an explosive contest when he debuts next month.

A winner of his last seven fights, England's Brad "One Punch" Pickett (now fighting out of Coconut Creek, FL) makes his highly-anticipated WEC debut when he takes on Kyle Dietz (fighting out of Davenport, IA) in an exciting bantamweight bout.

A close friend and teammate of former featherweight champion Mike Brown, Pickett (17-4) enters the WEC with heavy momentum. With submissions wins in three out of his last four fights, the outspoken Brit wants to make an immediate mark by besting Dietz.

A 23-year-old protégé of UFC vet Spencer Fisher, Dietz (13-1) is hungry for his first victory inside the Octagon™. He hopes to use his vicious Muay Thai and slick grappling to overpower Pickett at The Palms.

A battle of the Badger State pits Milwaukee residents Jameel Massouh (fighting out of Milwaukee, WI) and Erik Koch (fighting out of Milwaukee, WI) against one another in featherweight action.

A top star in the Pancrase organization, Massouh (21-6) has fought some of the top competition in the world, including Leonard Garcia and Raphael Assuncao. The 25-year-old looks to jump into the mix at 145-pounds with a win over the unbeaten Koch.

Boasting an unblemished record of 8-0, the 21-year-old Koch is a tremendous grappler who has only been to a decision once in his career. The Duke Roufus-trained fighter believes he has the potential to one day wear WEC gold and hopes to pave his way to the title with a win over Massouh on Dec. 19.

For more information on WEC: Cerrone vs. Ratcliff, visit www.wec.tv. Follow WEC on twitter at http://twitter.com/weconversus.

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