Senate RealMedia Video Archives - 2009
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Archived audio and video recordings of Senate Chamber proceedings and Senate Committee hearings are broadcast on the internet in RealMedia format. You will need RealPlayer to access these files. RealPlayer "Basic" is a free download available from RealNetwork's web site. Follow the instructions included with the download.

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Please note that the Texas Senate does not record committee meetings to videotape. The only available videos are the digital files found on this web page. Official audio tapes and transcripts are available from the Senate Staff Services office at (512) 463-0430.

NOTICE: These audio and video recordings are produced by the Texas Senate. Chapter 306, Government Code, prohibits the use of audio or visual materials produced by the Texas Legislature in any political advertising. Violators may be subject to a civil penalty up to $5,000 for each violation.

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 Date Title
Sep 30Environmental Flows Advisory Group
Sep 03Senate Committee on Administration
 Audio only.
Aug 20Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security
 Road Meeting: Arlington (audio only).
Jul 02Senate Session
 The Texas Senate of the 81st Legislature, First Called Session adjourns sine die.
Jul 02Senate Committee on Finance
 (Due to technical difficulties, only the audio is available.)
Jul 01Press Conference: Senator Rodney Ellis
 Regarding a proposed constitutional amendment relating to posthumous pardons. Joined by Rep. Ruth Jones McClendon, Rep. Mark Veasey, and Ruby and Cory Session.
Jul 01Senate Committee on Administration
 Audio only.
Jul 01Senate Committee on Finance
Jul 01Senate Session (Part II)
Jul 01Senate Session (Part I)
 Opening Day of the 81st Legislature, First Called Session
Jun 29Press Conference: Senator Eliot Shapleigh
 Regarding the upcoming special legislative session and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Joined by Rep. Garnet Coleman.
Jun 01Press Conference: Senator Leticia Van de Putte
 regarding the end of the 81st Regular Legislative Session. Joined by Sen. Mario Gallegos, Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, and Sen. Judith Zaffirini.
Jun 01Senate Session
 The Texas Senate of the 81st Legislature adjourns sine die.
May 31Senate Session (Part II)
May 31Senate Session (Part I)
May 31Press Conference: Senator John Carona
 Regarding the conference committee report for HB 300.
May 30Senate Session (Part III)
May 30Senate Session (Part II)
 A joint session with the House of Representatives, honoring those Texans of the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in defense of the Nation.
May 30Senate Session (Part I)
May 29Senate Session
May 29Press Conference: Senator Rodney Ellis
 Regarding the recent exoneration of Jerry Lee Evans. Joined by Sen. Royce West, Dallas DA Craig Watkins, and others.
May 28Senate Session
May 27Senate Session (Part II)
May 27Senate Session (Part I)
 Local and uncontested calendar.
May 26Senate Session (Part II)
May 26Senate Session (Part I)
 Local and uncontested calendar.
May 26Senate Finance Conference Committee on SB 1
May 26Senate Committee on State Affairs
 Audio only.
May 26Senate Committee on Higher Education
 Audio only.
May 25Senate Session
May 25Senate Committee on State Affairs
 Audio only.
May 25Senate Committee on Administration
 Audio only.
May 25Senate Committee on Finance
May 23Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade
 Audio only.
May 23Senate Committee on Higher Education
 Audio only.
May 23Senate Committee on Economic Development
 Audio only.
May 23Senate Committee on Jurisprudence
 Audio only.
May 23Senate Session
May 23Senate Committee on Administration
 Audio only.
May 23Senate Committee on State Affairs
May 23Senate Committee on Natural Resources
May 23Senate Committee on Finance (Part II)
May 23Senate Committee on Finance (Part I)
May 22Senate Committee on Natural Resources
May 22Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade
 Audio only,
May 22Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Affairs
 Audio only,
May 22Senate Session
May 22Senate Committee on Jurisprudence
May 22Senate Committee on State Affairs
May 22Senate Committee on Economic Development

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