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Tiger can't dictate his comeback

9:43 AM Fri, Feb 19, 2010 |  
Michael Landauer/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  Suggest a blog topic

I love that the Golf Writers Association of America is boycotting the Tiger Woods show that is coming up in just a few minutes. I am willing to root for Tiger again. So that's not my issue. But I like that this group is sending him a message that he doesn't get to dictate how his return to the spotlight will go.

The basid issue here is hubris. Tiger thought he could do anything he wanted, and judging from the way this press conference is being handled, that major character trait of his seems completely unchanged. Do I expect him to always be cocky and arrogant, aloof and robotic? Sure. But he can't expect his fans and the press to simply play by his rules anymore. His actions ended the portion of his life where he was given a free pass. The loss of his marriage and a strained relationship with his children for life is his biggest punishment, but this is part of the package, too.


Wow. Listening to this guy on TV right now. Didn't realize he was the Dalai Tiger. I guess Obama just should have met with him yesterday, instead of that guy from Tibet.

BTW, exactly what is the THERAPY for sex addiction?

What's with this camera angle? Side rear shot? I like to watch my acts of contrition with eye contact. Nice staging though, you have Mom in front and lots of feel good talk, with some religion thrown in for good measure.

Just a little too scripted from my perspective. Tiger's handlers have a little more work to do.

How HIGH the Moral Majority...As if Tiger gives two cents about any of you. The Golf sportswriters seem to miss the point of their existence. To write about Golf, and the people involved.

Tiger doesn't need YOU, YOU need Tiger. Otherwise, what else is there to write about???

What is even more funny is those who think THEY know, or will have ANY SAY in when or how Tiger returns to golf. Again, he doesn't care. He plays the game for HIM, not YOU.

And, there are MILLIONS of people who DO and WILL support him, even as you sit on your Ivory throne, with your superior attitude...lololol. Go play solitare, if you don't want to watch...

The Jimmy Swaggert defense. He is sorry. Sorry he was caught.

What do you mean he should not to dictate his comeback? Are you serious? It is weired to here from the hearsay hungry media. What is wrong with you guys because he is not willing to show you his bedroom? It is insanity on the media side. Have you ever seen yourself through the mirror and are you gonna tell us you have no flaws? Is he caught his picture taken smoking crack? or is he accused of rape? or for that matter was he accused and convicted of a collaborating an inhumane dog fight? Come on, I have never seen anyone giving to a charity than TW especially in CA. This is being crazy and insane. Do you allow me to get in to your bed room if I insist to come in? For that matter, who knows what everybody is doing right now. Get life.

Let's wait and see, but I really hate the whole American Kabuki aspect of these things.

What a waste of space.

Guess there's no place to discuss the LEFT WING nutjob that flew into the Austin IRS building yesterday......

Or to discuss the announcement that the Dem's are about to agree on a health care bill to ram through using reconciliation tricks, even though Obama wants a "bipartisan summit" to resolve things.

Nothing to see here folks, TDMN wants to shine the light on Tiger.

Michael Landauer, Tiger has already dictated his comeback if you think that the "Golf Writers Association of America" is boycotting the Tiger Woods show your sadly mistaken, all they did was lose out on a oppertunity to get back into bed (sorry about the pun)with him, a man of his talents will be back on top, there is no question about it and those who are not with him are agains't him. It matters not what they think. What matters is what general public believes, Trust me all the millions watching could care less about the stand of the Golf Writers Association of America. In time these writers will be covering him as per usual. With or without his consent. This action in itself will show a lack of integrity making Tiger look like the good guy.

At least the golf on TV will be worth watching again.

"Posted by dtraeger @ 10:24 AM Fri, Feb 19, 2010

What's with this camera angle? Side rear shot? I like to watch my acts of contrition with eye contact."


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