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Do you have a tip about the Austin plane crash?

11:23 AM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |  | 
Brooks Egerton/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

AustinPlaneCrash.jpgNot a rant -- a tip.

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What we have so far: A small plane crashed this morning into the Echelon office complex in northwest Austin. Austin TV station KVUE says the building that was hit is at 9430 Research Blvd.

The IRS has offices there, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

And the FBI has a field office elsewhere in the complex, at 9420 Research Blvd.

CNN, citing an unnamed official, says: "The pilot of the plane had set his house on fire beforehand, stole the plane and crashed it intentionally."

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St. Edward's University has evening classes there that take up the 1st and 2nd floor. I attend classes there currently. Professional training classes are there throughout the day. FBI and IRS offices are the adjacent building.

IRS? Does this mean we get to delay our Federal tax returns?

Now wait just a minute. We sure it wasn't a missile? Because no way using 2nd grade physics can a small plane cause that much damage. Where's the flight recorder (waddaya mean the plane didn't have one?). How'd they discover the pilot's name, nationality, shoe size, CC numbers so soon?

We need the iced tea party to tell us what really happened. This is clearly a conspiracy as it's IMPOSSIBLE for a plane to fly into a building by accident.

I'm sure someone with a PhD in Anthropology will tell us that a thermite reaction was used in the building.

Or someone with a PhD in English to tell us that airplane fuel does not burn; hence the fire we saw in the videos was caused by explosive devices set up by an army of unseen workers 13 seconds before the fake plane struck the building.

Clearly a conspiracy? There hasn't even been an official ruling yet. There may be more to this, but it can't be a cover-up yet!

As to his name, perhaps he actually had identification on him. No one has been listed as dead yet. It can't be that serious of damage. This is tragic and sad, but it will take a little more evidence before I can conclude this was an attack either foreign or domestic.

In the end, it may be one - but I can't leap to any conclusion yet, conspiratorial or otherwise. Dial back on the paranoia.

Dial back on the paranoia? Alex Jones who is based in Austin was talking about the "crash" 2 hours before it happened. How did he know it was going to take place? He has informants in all phases and levels of local, state, national government.

This clearly shows that approximately 150,000 government employees are in on the conspiracy.

You can't refute that; no way. It's a fact.

Time for the wing nuts.

Cool, it's even on the main page web site of the tabloid NY Post. Of course, they're predicting 200,000 dead in Austin.

See, this is why the Republic of Texas should have served warrants on the IRS and made them get out of Texas.


“It felt like a bomb blew off,” said Peggy Walker, an IRS revenue officer who was sitting at her desk in the building when the plane crashed. “The ceiling caved in and windows blew in. We got up and ran.”

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/plane_hits_building_in_austin_tx_RtOlnluhjKozyjw2m2D3IL#ixzz0fv8gHIb6


Here's a link that supposedly provides his suicide note:


Well I can see how this could happen !! Wake up people the IRS can absolutly push people to the edge of no return it is like dealing with no other . I have been trying to settle 941 payroll taxes with them for 5 years after a builder filed bankruptcy on me. This all occured after a year of chemo which was its own hell. These were all things that happened to me. I had little or no control. I expect you will see more and more of this happening in the future as people just come to the breaking point. Until you've been in my position you will never be able to understand.I hope everyone turns out ok in this unfortunate act. I wish harm to no one

Isn't there some way we can link this to Islamic extremist or socialism please....

Well I can see how this could happen !! Wake up people the IRS can absolutly push people to the edge of no return it is like dealing with no other . I have been trying to settle 941 payroll taxes with them for 5 years after a builder filed bankruptcy on me. This all occured after a year of chemo which was its own hell. These were all things that happened to me. I had little or no control. I expect you will see more and more of this happening in the future as people just come to the breaking point. Until you've been in my position you will never be able to understand.I hope everyone turns out ok in this unfortunate act. I wish harm to no one

Does this delay our tax refund?

Isn't there some way we can link this to Islamic extremist or socialism please....

Don't worry, the wing nuts are on it as we speak. However, they'll say the gubmint is blaming it on Islamics, while it was the gubmint that orchestrated and executed the act.

You can read on some nut case sites, already, the comments (see pictures in NY Post article) discussing the impossibility of a small plane causing as much damage as the pictures show.

I heard from someone it was a ginger or a "firey red head" no pun intended. Someone should do something about THEM.

Gasoline just went up 13 cents per gallon in Fort Worth. Lovely.

I put up a copy of the guy's web site here, in case anyone wants to see it:


It's time we had some vigorous, open Congressional hearings into IRS abuses. This rogue agency needs some oversight and some controls put on it.

The tax code is a twisted mess - so much so that even IRS staff don't understand it and can't tell you how to follow it.

Holy cow. utoob videos about it already. man the wing nuts are fast. Very fast.

Tip: Check out a guy named Stack.

Jerry Stackhouse?

Is law enforcement doing surveillance on these Tea Partiers? There is ample evidence that their leaders (notably Dick Armey) are becoming more belligerent and inciting their followers. According to records Stack made a campaign contribution to eccentric libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Can the victims of this kind of terrorism bring suit against Dick Armey, Glenn Beck and the other Tea Partiers who incite this kind of violence?

Candidate for Governor Medina has issued an official statement: "Today we have witnessed an incredibly dastardly and contemptible abuse of power by Rick Perry. He has abused his position and his friendship with former Texas state governor and President of the United States George W. Bush in orchestrating a false attack in order to draw attention away from his slipping poll position."

I would just like to know if my cousin is ok.

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