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Reforms to CGIAR 'won't deliver'

The head of one of the CGIAR's network of international agricultural research centres says that planned reforms are unlikely to deliver their promised impact


Affordable cholera vaccine closer to reality

An affordable cholera vaccine candidate that meets WHO standards has shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials.

9 October 2009 | EN

Mozambique's ex-science minister heads to UNESCO

Lidia Brito, a passionate advocate for science-based development, has accepted a top UNESCO post.

9 October 2009 | EN


Is the sun setting on jatropha's biofuel promise?

Jatropha will not be saving the world anytime soon, say researchers, but it could work in local biofuel projects in developing countries.

1 October 2009 | EN
Source: Nature


Good, and bad, news on the 'science gap'

New figures on research spending show that the gap between rich and poor countries is closing — but not fast enough.

9 October 2009 | EN


Long-term effects of undernutrition must not be ignored

Understanding the long-term consequences of undernutrition in early life is essential for health policy, says Cesar G. Victora.

8 October 2009 | EN
Source: The Lancet

CGIAR reforms make research decision-making distant

CGIAR reforms take research decisions too far away, says Hartmann, director-general of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

6 October 2009 | EN

Pacific warning systems are failing

5 October 2009 | EN
Source: The Guardian

Topic Gateways

Agriculture & Environment

Producing enough food for a rapidly growing population, and taking care of our planet are two of the world's biggest challenges.

Climate Change & Energy

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing the world today. Long-term development planning must now include measures to deal with it.


Healthcare poses a complex challenge for developing countries, interweaving problems of science, health and development.


New technologies have the potential to accelerate a country's development, but a global technology gap remains.

Science &
Innovation Policy

Developing countries are increasingly recognising the importance of science in developing their economies, and the challenges that entails.


Scientific information is crucial for a variety of stakeholders, but communicating science poses a challenge for all.

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