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Dr. J. Singmaster
February 17th, 2010
3:12 pm
"Clean Coal" is a farce surprisingly getting support from some scientists, who don't know ashes from a hole in the ground. No one in the coal power industry wants to recognize the ash mess illustrated by the the event in Kingston TN in late 2008. It has been stated to cost close to a billion $ to clean up and with more than 40 other ash site being cited by NRDC a few months based on Google mappings. The coal-power companies should be forced to CLEAN up those COAL messes instead of wasting money, MUCH OF WHICH WILL BE OUR TAX MONEY, on trying to get "Clean Coal" with plants that will have other messes as well.
Fortunately, HYDROGEN is now on ifs horse ready to ride to rescue us from the coal power, foreign oil and nuclear power. A very efficient catalyst using sun light energy to split water to get hydrogen was reported with a short statement in New Scientist late last week in its Online Environment sec.. Dr. J. Singmaster

Copenhagen Documents

75 ThumbnailThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has made available all of the important documents related to the climate summit in Copenhagen — including a final draft of the accord.

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