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2010 Summer Internship Program


The Austin American-Statesman (bottom of photo) is located on Town Lake, just south of the central business district and the University of Texas.

Frequently Asked Questions


Click here for more information on college internships.

What's the newspaper like?

The American-Statesman is an award-winning daily in the capital of Texas. We serve a metro area of 1.6 million people. Our circulation is 135,000 daily, 180,000 Sunday. Our journalists have won numerous state and national awards for their work, ranging from photography to community service to feature writing and sports. We have an educated, diverse and demanding readership; we strive to give them websites and a newspaper focusing on news and issues that affect Austin and Central Texas.

What about Austin?

This is a growing high-tech city, home to Dell Computer, the 50,000-student University of Texas and a thriving live music industry. It has the cultural amenities of a college town and unique outdoor attractions. And best of all, it's a great news town.

What about your program?

For the summer of 2010, we're looking for as many as 4 interns to do news, business or sports reporting, feature writing, copy editing, online content, photography, graphics, page design and editorial page writing. We pay $450 a week and provide free housing at St. Edward's University, a private college near the newspaper.

What work do interns do?

The same work as full-time journalists here. Our objective is to help you grow with challenging assignments. In other words, you won't spend the summer writing police briefs, taking mug shots and running errands.

Who can apply?

Undergraduate and graduate students. You don't have to be a journalism major, but college newspaper experience or a previous internship is a plus. We look for a good academic record, a strong desire to be a newspaper journalist, and work samples that show talent and promise. Interns will be required to have a valid drivers licence, proof of insurance and transportation. Our interns have come from all over the country: Syracuse, Florida A&M, Duke, Northwestern, Columbia, Yale, Morehouse, Grambling, Ball State, Georgetown, Michigan State, Temple, Baylor, Emory, Louisiana Tech and Texas A&M universities as well as the universities of Maryland, Missouri, California-Los Angeles, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Kansas, Georgia, Montana and Pennsylvania.

How do I apply?

Send us a resume, a 2-3 page autobiography that tells us about you and your interest in newspaper journalism, and a cover letter. We'd also like to see an appropriate sampling of your work (clips, headline samples, photo slides, copies of graphics or pages you've designed); and the names of at least two references with phone numbers.

When's your deadline?

The deadline is Friday, November 6, 2009. A postmark of November 6 will work. Send your applicaton packet to:

Drew Marcks Asst. Managing Editor Austin American-Statesman 305 S. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78704 E-mail:

I have more questions.

No problem! We have a special team of reporters, copy editors and editors who handle questions regarding internships year-round. E-mail Drew Marcks or send a message to our intern committee at

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