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Latest User Reviews


Valentine's Day

8 from Peru

There were two twists that I had no idea would happen so it made the ending a lot better. More >

The Wolfman

0 from Joe J.

Wolfman was a good movie. Yeah, if good means really bad and 10 hours long. Wolfman was so bad, it managed to make Flatliners look like Gosford Park. More >


Prison Wives

10 from Bill M.

This programs shows the real struggles that Prison Wives face on a regular basis. More >


Eyelid Movies by Phantogram

9 from Micah C.

There's a little bit of everything here--but it's not schizophrenia, it's a gorgeous genre-mashing groove. More >


Aliens vs. Predator

9 from Mathew D.

AVP is a great game that really stays true to it's franchise. While the graphics aren't the greatest, the single player is merely mediocre, the game has a wonderful multiplayer experience. More >

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