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Missionary tells Winfrey being jailed was 'hard'

© 2010 The Associated Press

Feb. 19, 2010, 10:17AM


CHICAGO — An American missionary released after facing child kidnapping charges in Haiti says he slept on a concrete floor while in jail and received hot meals.

Jim Allen spoke to Oprah Winfrey on her talk show Friday via satellite from Amarillo, Texas. He told Winfrey that being jailed "was hard" but he thinks his jailers treated him "as well as they could with what they had."

Allen says, after Haiti was hit by a massive earthquake, the missionaries planned to take the children to a temporary orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

The missionaries still face possible charges. Their leader and her former nanny remain in a Port au Prince jail. The missionaries have denied the trafficking charges.

The group was caught Jan. 29 trying to take the children out of Haiti without adoption certificates.


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