Friday, February 19th, 2010
Sen. Scott Brown has said the economic stimulus "didn't create one new job."  That prompts us to set the meter on fire.

Sen. Scott Brown has said the economic stimulus "didn't create one new job." That prompts us to set the meter on fire.

A stimulus report card

One year after the passage of the economic stimulus, we assess how many jobs have been created and how much money has gotten into the economy.


A scorecard separating fact from fiction

The stimulus bill "didn’t create one new job."

"So far, the Recovery Act is responsible for the jobs of about 2 million Americans who would otherwise be unemployed. ... [And] the Recovery Act is on track to save or create another 1.5 million jobs in 2010."

"In the three months before the act took effect, America lost 750,000 jobs a month. In the last three months, we've lost about 35,000 jobs a month."

"There have been three people tried and convicted by the last administration in military courts. Two are walking the street right now."

Among the money spent on health care in the United States, "46 cents on every dollar spent is through Medicare and Medicaid."

President Barack Obama's "initial response when we heard about the Christmas underwear bomber" was to say that "this was the act of an isolated extremist."

The Bush administration prosecuted 190 suspected terrorists in federal courts.

Despite touting the economic stimulus as a great triumph, "The very same report, however, notes that unemployment will average 10 percent for the rest of the year."

Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

On the new dollar coins, "'In God We Trust' is gone!"

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