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Argyle school board OKs pre-K class

07:26 AM CST on Friday, February 19, 2010

By Britney Tabor / Staff Writer

The Argyle school district will offer a second full-day pre-kindergarten class next fall at Hilltop Elementary.

With the addition of the class, one teacher will be hired to teach the course, and a pre-kindergarten education will be available to at least 30 students, Superintendent Telena Wright said this week.

Argyle started a pre-kindergarten program last fall, and 15 students are enrolled.

“This year’s pre-kindergarten class has been very successful, and we’re pleased with that program,” Wright said. “We feel this will give them a most successful start in kindergarten, having been in pre-K.”

Argyle school board members authorized the additional pre-K course at a Monday meeting. The free class is offered first to eligible 4-year-olds who meet one of the following requirements: an inability to speak or comprehend English, being economically disadvantaged or homeless, having a parent that serves in the U.S. military, or being a ward of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Based on availability, additional spaces will be offered to students not meeting eligibility requirements at a cost of $90 per week. No transfer or open-enrollment students will be accepted, Wright said.

In other recent board action, trustees this week also approved a child care program for district employees. Wright said the program will be offered at Hilltop Elementary to children ranging in age from 6 weeks to 3 years. Employees will pay costs ranging from $5,200 for toddlers to $5,500 for infants annually. The child care program, part of the district’s five-year plan, could enhance employee recruitment and retention, she said.

“It’s a way of making things better for employees so that they have child care for their children while they’re working,” Wright said.

Also at the meeting, trustees extended contracts for several district administrators through June 30, 2012. Board members also gave approval for district chief financial officer Paul Lyles to advertise and seek proposals to construct a metal building at the district football stadium and covered walkways at Argyle High School.

Board members also scheduled a school board election for May 8. Terms for two at-large seats, currently held by Brenda Alexander and Steven Moore, are to be on the ballot.

District secretary Tami Barthel said no one has filed to run yet in either race.

Filing packets to apply for the election are available at the Argyle Independent School District Administrative Office, 600 Eagle Drive, through March 8.

BRITNEY TABOR can be reached at 940-566-6876. Her e-mail address is btabor@dentonrc.com .


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