A scorecard separating fact from fiction

"My opponent... lost 43,000 jobs in Houston since he took over; we are losing jobs."

"As Houston's mayor, I helped our area lead the nation in job growth."

During “the recent global warming summit in Copenhagen, Nancy Pelosi and others stayed at a five-star hotel on a trip costing nearly $10,000 per person.”

Says state Sen. Steve Ogden was the “driving force behind business income tax hurting small business, crafted the Robin Hood school finance scheme making property taxes skyrocket, wrote a budget that will result in a $14 billion deficit and voted against” gun freedoms.

Says the Texas Education Agency follows up to make sure undocumented immigrants paying in-state tuition at Texas colleges are applying for permanent residency.

"We have killed lots of innocent people in the state of Texas."

"We have billions in surplus."

"When we go to vote, they ask for driver's license and verify that you are a voter and a citizen in the state of Texas."

“Taxpayers even footed the bill for Perry’s trip to a bachelor party in Las Vegas.”

Says Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison “took 154 private flights all funded by taxpayers” though “commercial flights were readily available at a fraction of the cost.”

How to contact us

We want to hear your suggestions and comments. Email the Texas Truth-O-Meter with feedback and with claims you'd like to see checked. If you send us a comment, we'll assume you don't mind us publishing it unless you tell us otherwise.

PolitiFact Texas is a partnership of the Austin American-Statesman and PolitiFact.com, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site of the St. Petersburg Times, to help you find the truth in politics.

Every day, reporters and researchers from the American-Statesman examine statements by Texas elected officials and candidates and anyone else who speaks up on matters of public importance. We research their statements and then rate the accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter – True, Mostly True, Half True, Barely True and False. The most ridiculous falsehoods get our lowest rating, Pants on Fire.

More about the Texas Truth-O-Meter
