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Elizabeth Harris and her daughter Lydia Harris, 3, were among the faithful who took part in Ash Wednesday services at St. David's Episcopal Church in downtown Austin.


Lenten season of sacrifice begins amid awareness of tough times

Additional sacrifice during a time of recession might seem difficult to ask for, but Austin religious leaders said Wednesday that the Lenten season of self-denial and reflection this year might actually draw more interest than in years past.

We want your faith stories

Do you have a story about your personal spiritual journey you would like to share? We are interested in hearing from you. Twice a month we publish essays from readers in "Your Words," a feature on the Faith & Beliefs page. If you¹d like your story to be considered, e-mail it to Faith Editor Dave Harmon at Essays must be 700 words or fewer. If you have a photo to share, send it in a JPEG format at 8 inches, 200 dpi. Please include your name, address and daytime telephone number.

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