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World Humanitarian Day

The success of our collective response to humanitarian crises rests on the selfless commitment and dedication of professional humanitarian aid workers. Increasingly however, aid workers themselves are targets of attack – in 2008 alone a record 260 humanitarian aid workers were killed, kidnapped or seriously injured in violent attacks. We call upon all governments and parties in conflict to give their highest attention to the safety and security of humanitarian personnel. full text

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during a tour of the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute near Nairobi, Kenya August 5, 2009. [State Department photo]

(Secretary Vilsack) […] with agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa accounting for roughly 20 to 30 percent of GDP and employing 60 to 70 percent of the workforce, we must help this area increase its agricultural output. We can provide seed technologies, explain the appropriate use of fertilization, share techniques to manage land effectively, create a strong post-harvest infrastructure – so many things that could help farmers increase their income. I can’t think of a better example of how we can partner with the people of Sub-Saharan Africa and Kenya than the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute, where we are today. full text

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Clinton at podium (AP images)

[…] With most of the world’s remaining arable land spread across the African continent, Africa has a responsibility and an opportunity to maximize agricultural promise and provide food for your own people and the world as well. Building on the G-8 discussions in Italy last month, I am pleased to announce that I will convene a meeting next month on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly to advance the global partnership for agriculture and food security. full text

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Ertharin Cousin Ambassador-Designate to United Nations Agencies in Rome

[…] If confirmed, I will have one overarching goal -- to engage with the international leadership of the UN multilateral organizations, the NGO community, the international business community as well as the other Rome based UN permanent representatives to achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the proportion of those who suffer from hunger and poverty by 2015. full text

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Secretary Clinton

[…] As we seek more agile, effective, and creative partnerships for development, we will focus on country-driven solutions, such as those we are launching with Haiti on recovery and sustainable development, and with African states on global hunger. These initiatives must not be designed to help countries scrape by – they are a tool to help countries stand on their own. full text

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President Barack Obama addresses the Ghanaian Parliament in Accra, Ghana July 11, 2009. Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy

[…] As for America and the West, our commitment must be measured by more than just the dollars we spend. I've pledged substantial increases in our foreign assistance, which is in Africa's interests and America's interests. But the true sign of success is not whether we are a source of perpetual aid that helps people scrape by -- it's whether we are partners in building the capacity for transformational change. full text

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[…] The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today hailed United States leadership in deploying a broad array of food assistance to confront humanitarian crises in Pakistan and other countries facing food shortages. full text

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Displaced people at World Food Program distribution center in Peshawar, Pakistan, May 19, 2009. [AP]

[…] Going far beyond the provision of traditional American food aid, U.S. financial support of WFP’s outstanding logistics capabilities enabled the set up of 25 innovative humanitarian hubs that continue to operate despite security challenges. An infusion of U.S. cash allowed the organization to purchase emergency food rations in local and regional markets, supporting developing economies and small holder farmers…. full text

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[…] even as we’ve improved the practice of farming, we have never been free of famine. Hunger is one of humankind’s oldest problems. Dr. Ejeta was born in Ethiopia, educated in the United States, inspired by India, a partner now to nations in sub-Saharan Africa. His whole life reminds us of the international approach we need to this problem.” full text

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- Sister USUN Missions -
The Secretary in Africa

Clinton Right to Push for Governance, Food Security in Africa, August 12, 2009

Clinton Cites Concern for Women Farmers During Africa Trip, August 7, 2009

Food Assistance to Kenya to Go Beyond Emergency Aid, Clinton Says, August 7, 2009

Farming Is Africa’s Lifeline, Clinton Says, August 5, 2009

Millennium Challenge Corporation, July 30, 2009 (podcast file .mp3)

Food Security (podcast file .mp3)

Food Security (Farming Is Africa’s Lifeline, Clinton Says)

Economic Growth in Africa (a .pdf file)

Africans Must Use Trade to Fight Economic Crisis, Kenyan Says, August 4, 2009

Food Security Is Top Agenda Item on Clinton Africa Trip, August 4, 2009

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