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Using Windows Vista

Get the most out of Windows Vista

Take a quick look at what you can do with Windows Vista. You'll also find links to deeper information and video demos showing how it all works.

Keep up with your life
Keep up with your life

Blend your daily life and your online world with faster, simpler connections.

Watch a video:

Edit and share photos
Edit and share photos

Quickly create your next digital masterpiece and send it to friends and family.

Watch a video:

DVR & entertainment
DVR & entertainment

You have everything you need—games, TV, videos, and more—right on your PC.

Watch a video:

Download a free, step-by-step guide:

Protect what matters
Protect what matters

Worry less about online threats and protecting your files and personal information. Automatically.

Watch a video:

Download a free, step-by-step guide:

PC basics: Start with the essentials

More free, step-by-step guides:

Using Windows Vista

Using Windows Vista
PDF (2.86 MB) | E-mail

Using parental controls

Using parental controls
PDF (1.32 MB) | E-mail

Add new hardware and devices

Add new hardware and devices
PDF (1.05 MB) | E-mail

Using remote assistance

Using remote assistance
PDF (1.57 MB) | E-mail

Networking 101

Networking 101
PDF (1.42 MB) | E-mail

Security 101

Security 101
PDF (1.81 MB) | E-mail

Printing 101

Printing 101
PDF (1.31 MB) | E-mail

Introducing Windows 7.
Introducing Windows 7.

See what you can do and what makes it so special.

Learn more