U.S. Department of Transportation

Home > Recovery > Reports
Last updated: 2/4/2010

TIGERARRA - DOT Plans and Reports

Major Communications:


  • DOT Management Response to OIG ARRA Advisory on Airport Improvement Program Grants: PDF PDF format
  • DOT Management Response to OIG ARRA Advisory on Airport Improvement Program Grants - Detailed Supplemental Information on Six ARRA AIP Projects: PDF PDF format
  • DOT Management Response to OIG ARRA Advisory on the Sampling of Improper Payments in Major DOT Grants Programs: PDF PDF format
  • DOT Management Response to OIG ARRA Advisory on Suspension and Debarment: HTML | PDF PDF format
  • Agency Recovery Plan: HTML | PDF PDF format
  • Section 1201 Job Reporting:
    April 2009 - PDF PDF format
    July 2009 - PDF PDF format
  • State and other ARRA Funding Certifications

Press Releases:

Major Communications:

On-Demand Recovery-related Videos:

Federal Register Notices:

Formula Block Grant Allocation Reports: (in Excel format)

Weekly Updates: (in Excel format)
