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Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs

Regional map of Western Hemisphere Affairs.

The Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs is headed by Assistant Secretary of State Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., who is responsible for managing and promoting U.S. interests in the region by supporting democracy, trade, and sustainable economic development, and fostering cooperation on issues such as drug trafficking and crime, poverty reduction, and environmental protection.

Mission: We are working with our partners in the Americas to generate broad-based growth through freer trade and sound economic policies; to invest in the well-being of people from all walks of life; and to make democracy serve every citizen more effectively and justly.

Objectives: We are strengthening an Inter-American community formed by:

  • Economic partners that are democratic, stable, and prosperous;
  • Friendly neighbors that help secure our region against terrorism and illegal drugs;
  • Nations that work together in the world to advance shared political and economic values.

Date: 07/15/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton's Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations. © State Dept Image New Era of Engagement
Secretary Clinton: "Whether in Latin America or Lebanon, Iran or Liberia, those who are inspired by democracy, who understand that democracy is about more than just elections – that it must also protect minority rights and press freedom, develop strong, competent and independent judiciaries, legislatures and executive agencies, and commit for democracy to deliver results – these are the people who will find that Americans are their friends, not adversaries." -Full Text

Date: 07/16/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton hosts Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa and Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon for a trilateral meeting at the State Department. © State Dept Image North American Trilateral
Secretary Clinton:
"The partnership between our nations and our entire North American region has such enormous potential to enhance safety and opportunity for our citizens as well as health and prosperity. And we are focused upon our shared assets and values, particularly our dynamic economies and our creative hardworking citizens, to make North America the most prosperous, safest, and competitive region in the world." -Full Text

Date: 05/31/2009 Description: Over 40 women participated in a roundtable discussion with moderators Secretary Clinton and Salvadoran Foreign Minister Argueta on May 31 at the Foreign Ministry in San Salvador. The forum provided an opportunity to discuss women's essential role in recovering from the economic crisis and methods to combat the scourge of poverty and insecurity in the region.  © Photo by Salomon Vasquez, U.S. Embassy San Salvador
 Travel in the Region
Secretary Clinton traveled to El Salvador and Honduras where she moderated a roundtable discussion to discuss women's essential role in recovering from the economic crisis and methods to combat the scourge of poverty and insecurity in the region.

Date: 05/13/2009 Description: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at the 39th Washington Conference of the Council of the Americas held at the State Department. © State Dept Photo by Michael Gross
 Pathways to Prosperity
Secretary Clinton gave remarks at the 39th Washington Conference of the Council of Americas.
-Pathways to Prosperity website
-Deputy Secretary Steinberg's Remarks
-Assistant Secretary Shannon's Remarks

Date: 04/17/2009 Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Description: Secretary Clinton conducts a digital town hall meeting in advance of the Summit of the Americas. © AP Photo from video Summit of the Americas
Secretary Clinton conducted a digital Town Hall, in the Dominican Republic on the eve of the Summit of the Americas.
-Secretary's Trip Page
-Photo Galleries: Haiti | Dominican Republic

U.S. Support for the Merida Initiative in Mexico
Deputy Spokesman Wood (Aug. 6):
"[W]e're working to try to deliver aid as quickly as possible to Mexico. The Merida Initiative is a very important policy objective for the United States. And what goes on on our southern border is very important. There are some challenges that the Mexican Government is having to deal with, and we're having to deal with those challenges as well." Full Text

Democratic Order in Honduras
Assistant Secretary Crowley (August 3):
  " I think we should take this a step at a time. President Arias, other countries in the region, including the United States – we continue to work every day to encourage the two sides to accept the proposal that has been laid out by President Arias. There were meetings last week in the OAS concerning this issue. We believe this mediation process continues." Full Text

Travel Alert
The Department of State alerts American citizens to the current unstable political and security situation in Honduras, and recommends that American citizens defer all non-essential travel to Honduras until further notice. -Full Text

Narcotics Rewards Program
Date: 07/10/2009 Location: Tijuana, Mexico Description: A Mexican flag flies over army soldiers standing guard with drugs, guns, and equipment seized during an arrest. © AP ImageIn close coordination with the Department of Justice and others in the law enforcement community, the State Department announced the designation of 10 new Mexico-based targets of its Narcotics Rewards Program. Rewards of up to $5 million each are offered for information leading to their arrests. -Media Note

Full Diplomatic Representation for U.S.-Venezuela 
The U.S. and Venezuela have agreed to rescind the declarations of persona non grata issued in September 2008 and return the U.S. Ambassador and Venezuelan Ambassador to their respective posts in Caracas and Washington. -Press Statement

Visit for country specific travel information and travel announcements. -Hurricane Season Travel Alert

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
Learn more about the final phase of this initiative, which went into effect June 1, 2009. -Briefing -More