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(for immediate release – Monday, December 28, 2009)
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Gov. Togiola welcomes Samoa Bowl VII teams; Hawaii and Australia


(UTULEI) – Governor Togiola Tulafono today issued an official welcome to all the participants of Samoa Bowl VII week in American Samoa.

Governor Togiola and First Lady Mary Ann Tulafono will host an official dinner in honor of all Samoa Bowl participants tomorrow, Tuesday, December 29, 2009, at Governor H. Rex Lee Auditorium (Fale Laumei) in Utulei.


“It is with great honor and pleasure to welcome all the players, coaches, and support crew of from Hawai’i and Australia.

It truly is a wonderful feeling that you have travelled from afar to be a part of our 7th Samoa Bowl. Looking back now, we can all proudly say that Samoa Bowl has really grown and we have now gone international.

Thank you to Hawai’i coach and co-founder of Samoa Bowl, Mr. Siuaki Livai for keeping the fire burning from the north that ensures the participation of the Aloha State.

I wish to welcome for the first time to American Samoa, the Australia All Stars. Thank you for being part of this gathering of Pacific young people. Thank you for traveling from down under to meet and compete with your Pacific brothers.

I would also like to offer a special welcome to the Hawai’i Volleyball All Stars. Thank you. Your annual participation has contributed to the growth of Samoa Bowl.

And I am happy to extend a big welcome to our local teams – the American Samoa All Stars, the American Youth Football Samoa teams, and the American Samoa Volleyball All Stars. Malo lava! Let’s be great hosts and be great competitors at the same time.

It is the hope of American Samoa that all of you as participants will be inspired by the quality of the competition which you will experience this week.

I believe the unique experience that you gain here will last for a lifetime as Samoans, as Polynesians, as people of the Pacific.

Enjoy the games and welcome to American Samoa.”






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