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(for immediate release – Friday, May 1, 2009)
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Summary of Action Plans for American Samoa at this Stage of Outbreak
April 30, 2009


►Declaring Public Health Emergency for the Territory of American Samoa – Proclamation of state of public health emergency signed May 1, 2009

►Border Control
●Travel Advisory to Airlines and Shipping Agents

A travel advisory will be issued to all airlines and shipping agents serving Pago Pago (American Samoa) International Airport and other ports of entry, requiring that all passengers need to fill in separate health forms before entering our borders. Questionnaires will specifically determine whether passengers have visited other countries or states, aside from Hawaii and Samoa, in the last 7 days. Other questions will also determine whether passengers have symptoms or not. In addition to these declaration forms, written information on swine flu and how to prevent the spread will be available for distribution.

Airlines and/or shipping vessels may be fined, if they do not comply with this advisory notice.

We also highly recommend restricting non essential government travel and the deferral of travel plans of the public as well.

●Border Surveillance
The following border public health measures will be implemented:

Border workers / employees will be trained by public health officials to recognize potential passengers who might show signs and symptoms. They will also look out for declaration forms if passengers have been anywhere else besides Hawaii and the Independent State of Samoa, which they will then be directed to specific entry line for further questioning, such as more details on signs and symptoms, contact information and offer health information for the flu, or referral for further influenza screening.  Workers will also receive gloves and N95 masks for protections but will be advised when to utilize these supplies.

After further questioning, there will two distinguished groups:

1) Asymptomatic passenger; 2) Symptomatic passenger with flu-like symptoms.  Asymptomatic patients will be briefed on preventative measures and will be followed up by health officials. Symtomatic individuals will be further checked at the Tafuna Family Health Center and released after appropriate investigative procedures are completed. There will be close contact and monitoring of the patient.

Airlines and shipping companies will be asked to provide passenger manifests, when needed, in relation to contacting individuals who were in close proximity with the suspected passenger during travel time.

►Public Awareness and Preventive Measures
Aggressive public health preventative measures as outlined in the SNAPPIP (frequent hand washing, sneeze and cough etiquette, non-sharing of utensils, etc.) will be posted in the local newspapers, radios and TV and cable channel.

Frequently asked questions about the H1N1 influenza will also be posted on, newspapers and will be available at any health sites.

Health posters will be distributed to health care clinics, hospital, port areas, ASG departments, businesses and other applicable areas for notice.

A health education video will be created and made available for airlines, TV, cable and baggage area at the airport.

Department of Health (DOH) offers public awareness to organizations, businesses or government departments, agencies and offices that may need health educators to present learning sessions. Please refer to hotline phone numbers.

Due to lack of resources and manpower, DOH will also request for volunteers to help in our efforts. Call hotline for more information.

Influenza Hotline - General Public: 633-7475

Preparedness Response Stakeholders – 699-4981

►Medical Interventions

The Unified Health Command (UHC) has been activated (Friday 05/01/09) and will continue functioning for the duration of the outbreak. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has also been activated and is based at the EMS building in Faga’alu.

Case definitions and patient care have been relinquished and ready to be implemented by LBJ and DOH physicians and clinicians. Level of care will be dependent upon the progress of the outbreak.

Daily disease surveillance will be conducted and updates reported during morning UFC.  Updates will also be communicated with the Office of the Governor, American Samoa Department of Homeland Security and appropriate preparedness stakeholders.



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