Recovery Act - Year One

One year in, the evidence is clear – and growing by the day – that the Recovery Act is working to cushion the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and lay a new foundation for economic growth. Public and private forecasters ranging from the Council of Economic Advisors to Moody’s Economy and IHS Global now say the Recovery Act is responsible for 2 million jobs or even more nationwide. These jobs have also laid the groundwork for a new clean energy economy, revitalized infrastructure and transportation, helped transform health information technology, and helped make America more competitive for generations to come.

And while the President will not be satisfied until he sees strong job growth, job losses one year in were a fraction of what they were before the Recovery Act was signed. Learn about the progress made through the Vice President’s report, through video from mayors representing towns and cities in every part of the country, and through a map highlighting just a tiny sample of the projects underway.

Recovery is Local: America’s Mayors Speak Out for the Recovery Act

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Recovery Snapshots: Learn About Some of the Diverse Recovery Projects Across the Country

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Recovery Map screen shot.

Recovery Act: In Focus

Recovery Act: Previous Milestones


On February 17th, 2009 President Obama signed the Recovery Act into law. The President selected Vice President Joe Biden to oversee the Administration’s implementation of the Recovery Act’s provisions. Frequently, the Vice President reports to the President on the Recovery Act’s progress. Learn more about the Recovery Act’s milestones.

Roadmap to Recovery


What does recovery look like in your community? Share your photos, videos or stories about recovery projects happening in your area and show us how the Recovery Act is impacting your community.

Recovery Stories
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