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Recent Health Information Technology Announcements

Where Your Money Is Going

Where your Recovery funds are going: (Numbers are in billions) Improving & Preserving Health Care, 87.3; Health IT, 25.8; Children & Community Services, 13.3; Scientific Research & Facilities, 10.0; Community Health, 2.8; Comparitive Effectiveness 1.1; Prevention & Wellness, 1.0; Accountibility & IT Security, 0.1.

The above funding levels for Improving and Preserving Health Care, Health IT, and Children and Community Services are estimates as of February 1, 2010. These estimates are being further refined and the chart will be updated when new estimates are available.

Funding Where You Live


Find a State Recovery, Health, or Human Services Web site.


Recovery Grantee Reporting Assistance

New!: OMB Guidance on Data Quality, Non-reporting Recipients, and Jobs

Need help with quarterly recipient reporting?

Be sure to review Recovery Board Changes to Improve Recovery Data

Where to Go For Assistance

Most of Recovery Act funding will go to States, Territories, and Tribes, who will in turn distribute funds through grants, contracts, subsidies, loan programs, etc. Be sure to check your State Web site for information. Additionally, check the list of State Recovery sites for a link to your state.

Grants announced at the Federal level are announced on

To learn if you are eligible to receive government benefits, visit Government loans are available at

Federal contracting opportunities are listed at FedBizOps.

What You Can Do

You can be involved in this effort by:

Tell Us Your Story/Feedback

Have Recovery Act funds had an impact on your life? If so, please tell us your story. Also, feel free to provide feedback about this site.